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Welcome! 2009 CFCC Annual Planning Retreat June 19, 2009 BB&T Auditorium, McKeithan Center Cooperation gets teams pulling together. Staying focused on.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome! 2009 CFCC Annual Planning Retreat June 19, 2009 BB&T Auditorium, McKeithan Center Cooperation gets teams pulling together. Staying focused on."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome! 2009 CFCC Annual Planning Retreat June 19, 2009 BB&T Auditorium, McKeithan Center Cooperation gets teams pulling together. Staying focused on the organization’s mission ensures they pull in the right direction. ~ Eric Harvey

2 Housekeeping Turn off cell phones…please Location of restrooms Help yourself to the candy…it’s for you. Pads/pens …leave unused pads Break at 9:50—10:10…food available Door prizes at end (must be present to win)

3 AGENDA Welcome Dr. McKeithan-Budget Update Presentations Break Presentations Dr. McKeithan- Summative Remarks Door Prizes Adjournment…Happy Weekend!

4 Dr. McKeithan Budget Update & Guidance for 2009-2010

5 Institutional Effectiveness 2009 CFCC Annual Planning Retreat June 19, 2009 BB&T Auditorium, McKeithan Center Kim Lawing, Vice President

6 Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Administration Planning Accreditation Compliance Research Public Information Printing Services Other Duties as Assigned

7 Institutional Effectiveness 2009-2010 Planning Priorities

8 Public Information Office 2009-2010 IE Planning Priorities--PIO

9 Purpose Statement of Public Information Office Promote CFCC services and programs to citizens of New Hanover and Pender counties and to help maintain a positive image of the college to the public.

10 Commonly Used Marketing Tools Used by Public Information Office Paid Advertising News MediaNews Media College Publications College web sites/emailCollege web sites/email Social MediaSocial Media Public EventsPublic Events Trade SponsorshipsTrade Sponsorships

11 2009-2010 Planning Priorities Use student survey results to plan effective paid advertising campaign Target audience specific populations with ads Research consulting firms that specialize in paid ad campaigns to maximize resources PAID ADVERTISING

12 2009-2010 Planning Priorities Develop annual calendar of publications with Printing Services Update & implement graphics standards college-wide to improve CFCC graphical identity Help develop new virtual tour on web site COLLEGE PUBLICATIONS AND WEB SITE

13 2009-2010 PIO Planning Priorities Increase positive college-related news coverage Use job-related news outlets publications to promote specific college programs Develop electronic archive of broadcast-news clips NEWS MEDIA

14 2009-2010 Planning Priorities Promote new Cosmetology/Wilmington Early College High School building Promote Tobacco-Free Campus policy Produce New Recruiting Video with TV studio and admissions staff Keep legislature informed of CFCC’s funding needs – especially Marine Technology Keep public informed about progress of bond-related construction projects through web sites, radio/tv appearances, public meetings, etc. SPECIAL PROJECTS

15 The best way to market CFCC is to …

16 Keep doing a great job!

17 2009-2010 IE Planning Priorities RESEARCH & DATA COORDINATION Continue to coordinate CFCC reporting to ensure that reports are submitted accurately and timely. Continue with goal to automate surveys, reducing the need for paper, to the extent possible. Attempt a higher return rate on private schools data to meet Performance Measure C: Performance of College Transfer Students.

18 2009-2010 IE Planning Priorities RESEARCH & DATA COORDINATION Develop historical data sets for use by faculty, staff and administrators. Continue work begun with System Office in May 09, to examine the data queries for IPEDS (federal) reports. Continue to support data needs for institutional effectiveness processes

19 Printing Services Effectiveness and Resources-Focus on streamlining production and administrative procedures in Print Shop to maximize supplies and human resources Communication-Collaborate with IT Services to post monthly billing reports online to improve communication Professional Development & Resource ConservationInvestigate low/no cost professional development opportunities in graphic design

20 Institutional Effectiveness Admin., Planning & Accreditation Compliance Monitor and update CFCC on changes to regional accreditation requirements by SACS Ensure CFCC complies with SACS reporting requirements Lead efforts to begin preparations for Fifth-Year Interim Report, including QEP Impact Report— SACS-COC, Inc. requirement – Serve as SACS Evaluator for 5 th Year Interim Report Monitor and update CFCC on changes to NCCCS Performance Measures and CFCC results

21 Institutional Effectiveness Admin., Planning & Accreditation Compliance Continue training w/SPOL for planning, assessing and use of results for continuous improvement Update Long Range Plan and Facilities Master Plan to account for new campus in Surf City, expansion needs at Burgaw Center due to PECHS usage and $164M Bond projects. Assist with development of a “How To Pass a Bond” presentation. speaking of the bond…

22 Thanks to the bond, Frank Carter won’t have to move here…

23 Institutional Effectiveness, Planning & Accreditation Compliance Continue to serve on Cape Fear Future Project with Chamber of Commerce Continue to monitor H1N1 Flu Pandemic event and work with Pandemic Flu Advisory Group to plan & implement CFCC’s response Speaking of the Swine Flu…

24 Don’t let this happen….

25 No H1N1 Virus (Swine Flu)


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