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Linking Projects to Priorities Building Better Opportunities Neil King - Director – CERT Ltd.

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Presentation on theme: "Linking Projects to Priorities Building Better Opportunities Neil King - Director – CERT Ltd."— Presentation transcript:

1 Linking Projects to Priorities Building Better Opportunities Neil King - Director – CERT Ltd.

2 Domestics and basics Fire! Toilets Drinks Phones Sponsors Grovelling Apologies

3 Outline ESF / Building Better Opportunities Definitions of Outputs and Outcomes The role of the LEP European Priorities National Priorities Regional Priorities Local Policies Your plans and projects

4 “Please note that all of the information in this presentation is still under consultation and development.” …….Big Lottery

5 Background 2014-2020 European Programmes The Humber LEP is in the final negotiating stage with government for a new 6 year programme There are now “Opt-Ins” which are designed to make the most of the E.U. Funding – Big Lottery is one of these


7 Opportunities? £7.1m Plus match funding (Up to £7.1m more) Pre-matched funding (Big Lottery) Social inclusion targets Recognition of the third sector as potential suppliers


9 THE ESIF APPLCATION FORM But it’s for your own good!

10 You know what you do but…….. …….do you know what it does?

11 You need to understand your aims and objectives and outputs and outcomes

12 Examples of Aims Aims are the particular changes that a project or an organisation is trying to achieve. To increase participation in practical environmental activities. To improve take-up of welfare benefits entitlements in the over 60s. To reduce truancy and school exclusions.

13 Objectives Objectives are the methods or activities by which an organisation plans to achieve its aims. For example: To help our clients to read, we will: Provide one-to-one literacy support Work with prisons to identify people with reading difficulties Lobby schools, government and other bodies to move literacy up the policy agenda.

14 Outputs are…… …the products, services or facilities that result from an organisation's or project's activities. Outputs can include: services you offer products you sell or give away (for example, booklets) and facilities you provide. They are what you 'put out' as a result of your activity. They are actions

15 Outcomes …. are the changes, benefits, learning or other effects that happen as a result of what the project or organisation offers or provides (outputs)

16 For example People who attend reading courses: Are more confident at reading Read better Read outside our classes well enough to have independent lives Have improved self-confidence all round.

17 Recap Funders will ask about Aims- the changes you are trying to achieve. Objectives - the activities by which an organisation plans to achieve its aims Outputs - services you offer Outcomes – what happens as a result of what the project offers

18 Which brings us round to………….. Linking Projects and Priorities

19 Big Lottery perspective

20 European Structural and Investment Fund

21 Who’s Who in European Funding?

22 Europe 2020 The 5 targets for the EU in 2020 1. Employment  75% of the 20-64 year-olds to be employed 2. R&D  3% of the EU's GDP to be invested in R&D 3. Climate change and energy sustainability  greenhouse gas emissions 20% (or even 30%, if the conditions are right) lower than 1990  20% of energy from renewables  20% increase in energy efficiency

23 Europe 2020 4. Education  Reducing the rates of early school leaving below 10%  at least 40% of 30-34–year-olds completing third level education 5. Fighting poverty and social exclusion  at least 20 million fewer people in or at risk of poverty and social exclusion

24 ESF – National Policies “there is a risk that the most disadvantaged will be left behind and find it increasingly difficult to compete effectively for work. ESF therefore needs to be used to ensure that these disadvantaged groups are provided with the right level of support, tailored to the needs of individuals and businesses in local labour markets.”

25 ESF – Headlines Increase labour market participation Promote social inclusion Develop the skills of the potential and existing workforce Tackle barriers and achieve real benefits for individuals, enterprises and local communities.

26 Main Activities additional and innovative approaches to pre- employment training additional support for long-term unemployed people, including those who have left the Work Programme, and including new approaches to work experience and training; improving the employability and transferable skills of unemployed, inactive and disadvantaged people;

27 Main Activities – in more detail training workless people and those facing redundancy who need to upgrade their skills or learn new skills (including basic skills and English for speakers of other languages); responding flexibly to employer demand in local labour markets where LEPs and their partners identify specific needs; as part of wider packages of support, using self- employment as a route out of worklessness; support activities to encourage the unemployed to start and grow businesses (including social enterprises).

28 E.S.F. - recap Demands a clear strategy Wants a fit with policies locally, regionally, nationally and European Requires clear Outputs – that you will be measured by Wants quantifiable Outcomes

29 The Humber LEP Regional and Local Plans

30 The evolution of LEPs Voluntary partnerships Partnerships with plans and limited capacity Partnerships with plans, limited capacity, some influence and some resources Partnerships with bigger plans, still limited capacity, but more influence and resources 2010/112015/16 A Plan for the Humber Proposal to Government Hull & Humber City Deal £ European Structural & Investmen t Funds Strategy £££ Strategic Economic Plan ‘Lifting the Lid’ - Skills Commission report Sector Plans Humber Spatial Plan Employme nt & Skills Strategy Investment Plan £££ Growth Deal

31 Overarching strategy Strategic Economic Plan sets the direction Detail and actions in subsidiary plans These are the “headline statistics” Strategic Economic Plan Investment Plan EU Structural & Investment Funds Strategy Hull & Humber City Deal Employment & Skills Strategy Sector development plans Humber Spatial Plan

32 Vision for 2020 Thriving renewables sector Job creation Strengthening of other key sectors Access to finance and business support Economy System better aligned with current and future needs of our economy Workforce more skilled Skills City of Culture legacy Progress on infrastructure and housing Resources for flooding and coastal erosion Enterprise Zones and strategic sites thriving Place Strategic Economic Plan

33 Strategic Economic Plan structure Sectors Energy Ports and logistics Chemicals Engineering and manufacturing Creative and digital Food Visitor economy Themes Infrastructure Business support & innovation Housing and place Skills and employment Flood risk and environment Strategic Economic Plan

34 “Strategic enablers” pages 62 - 90 The strategies that will start to tackle issues Where are we now? Where we want to go Case studies How will the strategic priorities be achieved? Key Activities

35 Ignore the things you are unlikely to influence (e.g. flood plans) You are looking to underpin and add value to the bigger strategies We need to promote the “third sector approach” Can you engage with people the overall strategy misses?

36 ESIF Strategy Our ambition is to maximise the potential offered by the Energy Estuary, leading the Humber to become a renowned national and international centre for renewable energy and an area whose economy is more resilient and competitive. We will continue to develop our strengths in other key sectors, supporting our businesses to grow and helping our residents to access the opportunities they need to lead prosperous and rewarding lives.

37 Humber ESIF Strategy 5 Programme Areas Strategic Programme Summary ERDF or ESF Allocation Match Funding (including opt-ins) The SME Growth and Innovation Programme A comprehensive package of support to build the growth capabilities of SMEs, to foster a more entrepreneurial culture, stimulate innovation and build the market in low carbon goods and services. £27.67m ERDF £18.45m Financial instrument, UKTI, MAS, private, public The Skills Programme A programme to support the skills development of Humber residents at all levels, from access to employment and the sustainable integration of young people, to technical and higher levels skills and leadership and management. £28.34m ESF £18.88m SFA, public, private, Civil Society

38 38 The Sustainable Communiti es and Social Innovation Programme A programme to support active inclusion through the use of local initiatives, to address persistent pockets of poverty and to tackle barriers to work, allowing all adults to play an active role in the labour market. £7.11m ESF £4.74m Financial instrument, Big Lottery, public, Civil Society The Climate Change and Environ- mental Protection Programme A programme to stimulate economic development through further investment in flood and coastal risk management, alongside energy efficiency improvements to social homes in the areas of greatest need. £20.13m ERDF £16.75m Public The Infrastruct ure Programme A programme to support improvements to the transport infrastructure to facilitate economic growth, to protect the environment while continuing to support the economy, and to support businesses to achieve resource efficiency improvements. £4.42m ERDF £2.95m Public, private

39 Humber ESIF Strategy Page 5 The Sustainable Communities and Social Innovation Programme Overview We will support active inclusion through the use of local initiatives, addressing persistent pockets of poverty and tackling barriers to work to allow all adults to play an active role in the labour market. Rationale Too many individuals and families in the Humber continue to face disadvantage. Action is needed to ensure that every individual and family is socially included and can access support to help them out of poverty.

40 Humber ESIF Strategy Page 15 Priority groups include the unemployed (and those at risk of becoming unemployed) The over 50s Those in isolated rural communities Those with poor IT skills Workless individuals looking to start their own business. “The Humber ESIF aims to help individuals and families facing multiple disadvantage to access the support and tools they need to improve their lives and to work towards positive economic outcomes. “

41 Page 19 +20 Gives a full range of unemployment information Historical detail Breakdowns by sector and full and part time Links to other sources of information

42 Page 26 onwards Skills and education Looking to the future: employment and sectors Where vacancies will occur The likely number of vacancies The skills gaps

43 SWOT highlights (page 32) Strengths - The Humber has a well established and very active third sector. Weaknesses - There are entrenched social inclusion issues, especially in certain locations, and these are being compounded by troubled families, generational worklessness and a lack of employability skills. Above average unemployment persists (particularly amongst young people) and long-term sickness, especially in Hull, North East Lincolnshire and the coastal towns of Bridlington and Withernsea. Opportunities - We can build upon the strong foundations developed by the third sector in the Humber to better promote and achieve social inclusion and social innovation.

44 THE SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES AND SOCIAL INNOVATION PROGRAMME Page 68 Deprivation stats by local authority area Overcoming Barriers to Employment guidance Supporting the transition to Universal Credit guidance Proposed Activities – what they want to see! Beneficiaries – who you should be targeting Outputs and Results – the number of people needing help & broken down by issue Output definitions

45 CROSS-CUTTING THEMES AND SOCIAL INNOVATION Page 81 Equality and Anti-discrimination Promote equality of opportunity, outcomes and process, and to combat discrimination against disadvantaged and minority groups; Champion the diversity in the population and the workforce and the vibrancy this brings to local economic development; Tackle organisational and social barriers to economic and labour market participation faced by disadvantaged groups; Encourage engagement and participation from local communities to ensure representation and leadership from all sections of society; Promote innovation in providing positive inclusion models for economic and employment participation by disadvantaged communities.

46 CROSS-CUTTING THEMES AND SOCIAL INNOVATION Social innovation There are persistent social needs in the Humber area and the public expenditure context has necessitated new approaches to meeting these needs; Local partners have a good track record in social innovation; Most of the sources of external and area-based initiative funding have now ceased which means that the scope to use Structural Funds is welcomed.

47 And that’s it!


49 Neil King - CERT Ltd. 01469 572313 Ext 18

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