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National Tempus Office in Palestine TEMPUS PROGRAM PREPARED BY National Tempus Office – Palestine 2009.

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1 National Tempus Office in Palestine TEMPUS PROGRAM PREPARED BY National Tempus Office – Palestine 2009

2 1.1 Overall objective - To contribute to an area of cooperation in the field of higher education involving the European Union and partner countries in the surrounding geographic area. - The program will help promote voluntary convergence with EU developments in the field of higher education deriving from the Lisbon agenda and the Bologna process.Lisbon agenda Bologna process National Tempus Office in Palestine 1.OBJECTIVES:

3 1.2 Specific objectives 1- To promote the reform and modernization of higher education in the partner countries. 2- To enhance the quality and relevance of higher education in the partner countries. National Tempus Office in Palestine 1.OBJECTIVES:

4 1.2 Specific objectives 3- To build up the capacity of higher education institutions in the partner countries and the EU, in particular their capacity for international cooperation and for a permanent modernization process, and to assist them in opening themselves up to society at large, the world of work and the wider world in order to: 1.OBJECTIVES: National Tempus Office in Palestine

5 1.2 Specific objectives - to overcome the fragmentation of higher education between countries and between institutions in the same country. - to enhance inter-disciplinarity and trans-disciplinarity. - to enhance the employability of university graduates. - to make the European Higher Education Area more visible and attractive in the world. National Tempus Office in Palestine 1.OBJECTIVES:

6 1.2 Specific objectives 4- To foster the reciprocal development of human resources. 5- To enhance mutual understanding between peoples and cultures of the EU and of the partner countries. National Tempus Office in Palestine 1.OBJECTIVES:

7 National Tempus Office in Palestine Tempus finances two types of actions

8 National Tempus Office in Palestine

9 2.1 Joint Projects : -Based on multilateral partnerships between higher education institutions in the EU and the partner countries. -They can develop, modernize and disseminate new curricula, teaching methods or materials. - Boost a quality assurance culture. -Modernize the management and governance of higher education institutions. National Tempus Office in Palestine

10 2.1 Joint projects : -They can also involve non-academic partners to strengthen the links with society. - Aim at transferring knowledge between EU higher education institutions and institutions in the partner countries and between partner country institutions to modernize university curricula and governance. National Tempus Office in Palestine

11 2.1 Joint projects : GRANT SIZE = € 500 000 to € 1 500 500 PROJECT DURATION = up to 36 months National Tempus Office in Palestine

12 Joint projects National projects Target to benefit one partner country and will focus on the National Priorities set for that partner country. National Priorities National Tempus Office in Palestine Multi-country projects Aim to benefit more than one partner country. They will focus on addressing the Regional Priorities or the National Priorities which are common to all partner countries. Regional Priorities or the National At least three higher education institutions from a partner country and at least three higher education institutions from the EU, each from a different EU Member State. At least two higher education institutions, from each of the participating partner countries and at least three higher education institutions, each from a different EU Member State.

13 National Tempus Office in Palestine 3.1 Curricular Reform To adapt, modernize and restructure existing curricula; to develop, test, establish/accredit new curricula and to disseminate the results. Curricular reform shall focus on content, structure, teaching methods and the use of new teaching materials with regard to the European modernization agenda for higher education (Lisbon strategy, Bologna process). To develop and establish study programs with a double or multiple degree or a joint degreemultiple degree or a joint degree

14 National Tempus Office in Palestine 3.1 Curricular Reform To establish recognition arrangements between higher education institutions in the EU and in the partner countries. Newly developed courses must be structured according to the three cycle system and using the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) and degree recognition.European Credit Transfer System (ECTS)

15 National Tempus Office in Palestine 3.1 Curricular Reform Curriculum reform projects should include teacher training and address related issues such as quality assurance and employability of graduates through links to the labour market. The teaching of new or updated courses has to start during the life time of the project with an adequate number of students and retrained teachers, and has to take place during at least one third of the project duration. Training during curriculum reform can also include administrative personnel such as library staff, laboratory staff and IT staff.

16 The Disciplines of the Palestinian National priorities are: Engineering disciplines, Medical and Health disciplines, Applied Sciences disciplines National Tempus Office in Palestine 3.1 Curricular Reform Modernization of curricula in academic disciplines identified as priorities by the Partner Countries, using the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS), the three cycle system and the recognition of degrees. The Disciplines of the Regional priorities where Palestine is located are: Law and good governance (including human rights), health, education, energy, environment (including climate change) transport, information society, business and entrepreneurship, tourism

17 National Tempus Office in Palestine 3.2 Governance Reform To modernize the capacity, management and governance of higher education institutions and/or of their related organizations (for example university students‘ organizations); To promote a quality assurance culture with a view to developing criteria and methodologies which are comparable between higher education institutions; quality assurance projects should not focus on an academic discipline;

18 National Tempus Office in Palestine 3.2 Governance Reform University management and services for students. Introduction of quality assurance. Institutional and financial autonomy and accountability Equal and transparent access to higher education Development of international relations NATIONAL PRIORITIES

19 National Tempus Office in Palestine 3.2 Governance Reform University management and services for students. Introduction of quality assurance. Institutional and financial autonomy and accountability Equal and transparent access to higher education. Development of international relations. REGIONAL PRIORITIES Where Palestine is located

20 National Tempus Office in Palestine 3.3 Higher Education and Society To strengthen the role of higher education institutions in society at large; to draw on their academic knowledge and their experience as education specialists to enhance their contribution to the development of lifelong learning. To address the "knowledge triangle" of education, research and innovation at university level. To encourage links between higher education institutions and the labour market, including the promotion of entrepreneurship and the creation or support of business start-ups.

21 National Tempus Office in Palestine 3.3 Higher Education and Society Training of non-university teachers Development of partnerships with enterprises Knowledge triangle education-research-innovation Training courses for public services (ministries, regional/local authorities) Development of lifelong learning in society at large Qualifications frameworks NATIONAL PRIORITIES

22 National Tempus Office in Palestine 3.3 Higher Education and Society Training of non-university teachers Development of partnerships with enterprises Knowledge triangle education-research-innovation Training courses for public services (ministries, regional/local authorities) Development of lifelong learning in society at large Qualifications frameworks REGIONAL PRIORITIES Where Palestine is located

23 2.2 Structural Measures: Implemented at national level for the development and reform of national higher education structures and systems in PC (Ministries must be “associated partners” – can only receive travel costs & per diems). to enhance their quality and relevance, and increase their convergence with EU developments. That is, the project objectives can target for example national laws, organization, coordination, accreditation, evaluation, policy etc… National Tempus Office in Palestine

24 2.2 Structural Measures: Structural Measures must seek to contribute to the following: The development and reform of the national higher education structures and systems in partner countries This includes the establishment of representative bodies, organizations or associations National Tempus Office in Palestine

25 2.2 Structural Measures: Structural Measures must seek to contribute to the following: to enhance the quality, relevance of higher education structures and systems in partner countries, and to increase their convergence with EU developments. This may include the establishment of bodies, mechanisms or agencies for quality assurance; teacher, program or institution assessment; accreditation, policy, etc… National Tempus Office in Palestine

26 2.2 Structural Measures: Structural Measures must seek to contribute to the following: to provide support to networks of higher education institutions or to national or ministerial working groups on higher education reform. This may include studies and other stock-taking exercises, commissions on developing roadmaps for reforms, preparing draft text for new regulations, staff development programs, etc… National Tempus Office in Palestine

27 2.2 Structural Measures: Proposals for Structural Measures which mainly aim at an impact at institutional level without demonstrating that the project will have a national wide impact will not be selected. National Tempus Office in Palestine

28 Structural Measures National projects Target to benefit one partner country and will focus on the national priorities set for that partner country. National Tempus Office in Palestine Multi-country projects Aim to benefit more than one partner country. They will focus on addressing the regional priorities which are common to all partner countries At least three higher education institutions from a partner country and at least three higher education institutions from the EU, each from a different EU Member State. At least two higher education institutions, from each of the participating partner countries and at least three higher education institutions, each from a different EU Member State.

29 National Tempus Office in Palestine 4.1 Governance Reform National certification and qualification systems; student admission, student services and participation. Licensing and accreditation. Develop national standards for quality assurance taking into account the quality references and guidelines developed at the ministerial conference in Bergen in May 2005 (Bologna process); Legal issues concerning the autonomy, accountability and financing of the higher education system.

30 National Tempus Office in Palestine 4.1 Governance Reform University management and services for students. Introduction of quality assurance. Institutional and financial autonomy and accountability Equal and transparent access to higher education Development of international relations NATIONAL PRIORITIES

31 National Tempus Office in Palestine 4.1 Governance Reform University management and services for students. Introduction of quality assurance. Institutional and financial autonomy and accountability Equal and transparent access to higher education. Development of international relations. REGIONAL PRIORITIES Where Palestine is located

32 National Tempus Office in Palestine 4.3 Higher Education and Society The links between the general higher education system and the advanced vocational education and training system with the world of work. National actions to develop and support the knowledge triangle of education, research and innovation. Capacity-building in the public administration for the development of reform policies and legislation in higher education.

33 National Tempus Office in Palestine 4.3 Higher Education and Society Training of non-university teachers Development of partnerships with enterprises Knowledge triangle education-research-innovation Training courses for public services (ministries, regional/local authorities) Development of lifelong learning in society at large Qualifications frameworks NATIONAL PRIORITIES

34 National Tempus Office in Palestine 4.3 Higher Education and Society Training of non-university teachers Development of partnerships with enterprises Knowledge triangle education-research-innovation Training courses for public services (ministries, regional/local authorities) Development of lifelong learning in society at large Qualifications frameworks REGIONAL PRIORITIES Where Palestine is located

35 2.2 Structural Measures: GRANT SIZE = € 500 000 to € 1 500 500 PROJECT DURATION = up to 36 months National Tempus Office in Palestine

36 National Tempus Office in Palestine ELIGIBLE APPLICANTS Joint Projects: State-recognised public or private HE institutions (either in EU or PC) Associations, organisations or networks of HE institutions Structural Measures: State-recognised public or private HE institutions (either in EU or PC) Associations, organisations or networks of HE institutions Rector/teacher/student organisations (not Ministries)

37 National Tempus Office in Palestine ELIGIBLE PARTNERS  State-recognised public or private HE institutions (either in EU or PC).  Associations, organisations or networks of HE institutions.  Rector/teacher/student organisations.  Non-governmental organisations.  Social partner and their training organisations.  Private and public enterprises.  Research institutions.  Public administrations, Ministries or national/regional authorities, as “Associated Partners”.

38 National Tempus Office in Palestine ELIGIBLE COST Staff costs: max 40% of total eligible direct costs  for academic and admin staff use maximum daily rates Travel and subsistence: Student mobility – up to 3 months Equipment and supplies: max. 30% of total direct costs Printing and publishing & “other costs”

39 National Tempus Office in Palestine FINANCING Tempus grant: Up 90% of total eligible direct costs Up to 7% of total eligible indirect costs Co-Financing from consortium resources: At least 10 % of total eligible direct costs

40 National Tempus Office in Palestine PRIORITY GIVEN TO PROJECTS THAT:  Demonstrate a wider impact on higher education institutions and systems - Structural Measures  Involve a representative number of higher education institutions from a partner country  Promote regional cooperation  Involve non-academic consortium members.  Demonstrate a strong institutional and individual capacity building process.  Demonstrate that they actively involve students

41 National Tempus Office in Palestine Award Criteria  Relevance (25 points)  Financial and operating capacity (20 points)  Methodology (25 points)  Sustainability (10 points)  Cost effectiveness (20 points)

42 National Tempus Office in Palestine AVAILABLE BUDGET Southern Mediterranean (ENPI South): € 11.4 million Eastern Europe/Caucasus (ENPI East): € 11.4 million Bilateral allocation for Russia: € 8 million. Western Balkans (IPA): € 17.7 million Central Asia (DCI): € 4.5 million

43 National Tempus Office in Palestine TIME TABLE 2 nd call 8 January Publication of call for proposals 28 AprilProposal reception and response to questions Beg MayReception notices sent to applicants; verification of data and duplicates June - July Single Assessment by external assessors (from EU and partner countries) End August Launch of consultation of short-listed projects with Tempus Offices, EC Delegations, Ministries Mid SeptFeedback from ministries, Delegations, NTOs Sept - OctPreparation for selection panels & final decision on funding projects Nov - DecPreparation and sending of grant agreements

44 National Tempus Office in Palestine National Tempus Office – Palestine Staff: -Coordinator: Prof. Daoud Zatari -Administrative Assistant: Hisham Kaddoumi Web site: Adresse: -6 th floor of the Higher Education Building, Ministry of Education and Higher Education, Ramallah – Palestine Tel: +970 22 982 604 Fax: +970 22 954 518

45 National Tempus Office in Palestine Thank you for your attention

46 Lisbon Strategy The Lisbon Strategy, also known as the Lisbon Agenda or Lisbon Process, is an action and development plan for the European Union. Its aim is to make the EU "the most dynamic and competitive knowledge- based economy in the world capable of sustainable economic growth with more and better jobs and greater social cohesion". It was set out by the European Council in Lisbon in March 2000. National Tempus Office in Palestine

47 Bologna process The purpose of the Bologna process (or Bologna accords) is to create the European higher education area by making academic degree standards and quality assurance standards more comparable and compatible throughout Europe, in particular under the Lisbon Recognition Convention. National Tempus Office in Palestine

48 Multiple degree Joint degree” means a single diploma issued by at least two of the higher education institutions offering an integrated program and recognized officially in the countries where the degree-awarding institutions are located National Tempus Office in Palestine Joint degree Double or multiple degree” means two or more national diplomas issued by two or more higher education institutions and recognized officially in the countries where the degree-awarding institutions are located

49 European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) National Tempus Office in Palestine Institutions which apply ECTS publish their course catalogues on the web, including detailed descriptions of study programs, units of learning, university regulations and student services. Course descriptions contain learning outcomes (what students are expected to know, understand and be able to do) and workload (the time students typically need to achieve the learning outcomes), expressed in terms of credits.

50 National Priorities National Tempus Office in Palestine Defined by the Ministries of Education and selected from the overall programme themes. National priorities for national projects (projects involving one single PC). Regional Priorities for multi-country Extracted from strategic documents of European Commission regarding region and/or Partner Countries. It’s for multi-country projects (projects involving at least two PCs)

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