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Published byIreland Martell Modified over 10 years ago
Some priorities for Water Management in Sub- Saharan Africa
View points from FARA Alain L. ANGE Technical Adviser to FARA
What happened so far - what challenges
Food security is a burning issue Food production could not face demand for food Huge expected population and food demand growth Farmers did better while farm size stagnated Very low pace of intensification Poor development of irrigated areas Poor water productivity in agriculture Climate change will exacerbate risks in farming
Food security risk index – 2011 (FAO)
A sensitivity issue Africa is the largest food insecure area and has the largest population of hungry people. Food security = highest ranking component in development agenda
Food production could not match demand for food
Huge changes happened in production to consumption systems in last 30 years. SSA Millions Mouths to feed Agricultural population Consumer/ agric people 1980 369 258 1.43 2010 820 382 2.15 Growth 2.22 1.48 1.50 The cropped area doubled, production per capita dropped, imports soared SSA – source FAO 1980 – M t 1980 – kg/cap. 2008 – M t 2008 – kg/cap. Cereal production 51 138.1 109 139.7 Net Cereal imports 3.9 10.4 20.4 24.9 Food imports 10 27.3 33 42.2 Food exports 8.7 23.6 11.2 14.4 Exports industrial crops 3.8 10.2 5.7 7.3 The deficit of support to agriculture created a food deficit
Population and Food demand growth
An Exposure For the next 30 years SSA - millions Mouth to feed Agricultural population Consumer/agric. people 2010 820 382 2.15 2040 1.467 527 2.78 Growth x x x Food availability per capita should increase by 30% while food import per capita should decrease; The average production by every agricultural people should increase by 90% for maintaining food imports at present level; Degraded land should be restored and land degradation controlled. A potential adaptive capacity
Farmers did better while farm size stagnated
Kg produced/ Agricultural people 1985 2008 Change % Cereals 210.9 256.7 + 22 Beans + Peas 15.6 23.9 + 53 Oil Seeds 14.3 24.7 + 73 Tubers + Bananas 355.9 540.6 + 52 Fruits + Vegetables 78.8 103.0 + 31 Perennial food crops 239.8 207.3 - 14 Non food crops 7.6 8.6 + 13 Total average mass 922.9 + 26 Ha cropped/ 10 agricultural people 3.490 3.806 + 9 Small size of farm holdings is a factor of sensitiveness
Very low pace for intensification in SSA
In spite of considerable development efforts, intensification of farming is coming at very low pace in SSA: Crop productivity increased by less than 15 % in last 20 years Livestock productivity did not changed Only 15% of farmers are using improved crop varieties Fertilizer consumption increased less than the cropped area: 6kg nutrients/ha Acreage of fully irrigated areas progressed less than total cropped areas Mechanization/ motorization progressed less than number of rural people Venues for supporting accelerated intensification of farming Improved natural resource management /access at community level Settling rural youth into enlarged / mechanized farming units Improving access to water for agriculture Developing effective production chains well connected to markets Develop affordable agricultural credit and insurance systems Organize farmers for resource management, mechanization, marketing
Poor development of irrigated areas - FAO
In 20 years fully irrigated areas + 41% - cropped area + 47% - Population + 67% Sub- region - ha Potential Western 7,451,000 663,850 779,460 1,061,190 1,202,820 1,399,670# Eastern 6,922,900 2,101,300 2,435,700 2,505,600 2,771,700 2,637,670# Central 10,006,000 59,300 68,610 82,590 106,790 130,000# Southern 11,538,500 2,625,400 2,760,520 3,120,700 3,330,400 3,570,000# SSA 35,918,400 5,449,850 6,044,290 6,770,080 7,411,710 7,677,340# Cultivated humid lowlands ►+11% in 20 years but swallowed by irrigated schemes Sub- region - ha Western 4,888,000 4,921,000 5, 5,286,100 5,360,800# Eastern 222,400 180,400 183,600 190,400 200,000# Central 78,000 97,500 125,000 162,500 Southern 183,900 184,900 182,000# SSA 5,372,300 5,538,800 5,581,200 5,822,900 5,942,800# # = estimated projection
Poor Water Productivity in agriculture in SSA
Climate Change will exacerbate risks in farming
Climate change in Sub Saharan Africa will affect water balances: Substantially increase temperature and evaporation of water; Generate heat waves that may wilt crops; Increase rainfall variability - more showers and drought spells; Destabilize run-off regimes – more floods and low waters; Increase the energy of gales, hurricanes and typhoons; Generate high tides in mangrove areas and related rice fields. Climate change will also generate: Geographical shifts of natural vegetation and animal species; Changes in distribution of pests and diseases in agriculture; Changes in distribution and intensity of human diseases; Increased risks for wild fires.
Sensitivity and potentials for solutions
Poverty is the overwhelming constraint Lack of institutional development is limiting response Low public commitment for agriculture is hampering Land development potentials are huge Irrigation potentials are significant Green and blue water available – blue water is short Farming systems and livelihoods are diversified Increasing energy and food prices, price volatility generate potentials and new limiting conditions as well
World distribution of poor people - 2010
Poverty = The most important component of sensitivity Source FAO Poverty reduction is key to development and a product from development With 24% of poor people, Sub Saharan Africa is the most affected continent by poverty. In relation to population growth, poor people could be 350 millions by 2030 if MDG are only partially reached.
Lack of institutional development and policy commitment
Deficit of institutional development No significant development of farmers’ unions in most countries; Collapse of most cooperative movements Very limited development of out-growers schemes and agreements in production chains supporting intensification Deficit of policy commitment Dar Es Salaam Declaration in March 2003 = 10% of budget for agriculture In 2013, 7 countries out of 53 have increased agricultural budgets Within CAADP, in 7 years, 11 countries have developed Investment Plans No significant change in budget for irrigation in most Investment Plans Regulations on water access, water pricing and water quality not available Very good progress on the joint management of shared water basins
Land development potentials
C Y Sub – Saharan Africa has huge arable land available – 800 million ha Million ha 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 Suitable for rain-fed crops Arable land use Latin America – Sub Saharan – East – South – Near East – Industrialized – Transition and Caribbean Africa Asia Asia North Africa Countries Economies Extending cropped area for larger farms with adequate mechanization
Irrigation Potentials
D P T I V E C Y Huge expansion potential for irrigation But potential is 1/3 of potential in South Asia for 3 fold more landmass. Plans for irrigation development at national and watershed level; Budget for irrigation infrastructure agreed upon; Water-users associations promoted; Water pricing regulated.
Diversity of Green and Blue water availability in SSA
Limitations for Blue Water availability in SSA
Farming/ livelihood systems in Africa
The diversity of farming conditions and agro-biodiversity are composing a capital for adaptation to increasing markets and to climate change Extremely diverse and tightly natural resource depending farming systems/ livelihoods generate adequate local responses.
Increasing energy and food prices
Energy price tripled in 10 years – Food prices increased by 80% Both trends compose a major exposure to African economies Energy cost will hit cost of irrigation Food prices are only partially reflected in producers’ price
Priorities for improved water management
Improve the productivity of green water ensuring 90% of food production so far; Promote land use planning and water harvesting where possible Develop irrigated rice production while sharply reducing water consumption Rationalize traditional water use for irrigated vegetables and fruits and improve safety of waste water recycling Promote wherever economically viable complementary irrigation, in particular for maize production Organize the recharge of ground water bodies Address water pricing issues to improve efficient water use Address by regulations and enforcement water pollution from agricultural/ non agricultural activities
Recent land use developments 1 – 1000 ha
Country KENYA ETHIOPIA BURUNDI CAMEROON Year 1990 2010 Cereals 1,785.4 2,542.4 4,957.4 9,233.0 217.5 237.0 648.2 1,717.6 % irrigated 0.7 0.8 0.5 5.5 10.8 1.7 3.1 Legumes+oil seeds 956.6 1,275.9 1,234.4 2,281.7 273.3 284.7 421.6 975.6 Roots + tubers + bananas 240.3 355.3 484.8 1,107.4 496.5 611.6 555.3 918.4 % irrigated + humid land 5.1 10.3 20.7 44.9 Industrial crops 429.3 515.6 575.4 837.8 60.4 29.6 902.1 1,341.3 9.4 13.3 2.7 2.3 16.1 Vegetables + fruits 172.8 331.3 524.3 912.9 45.1 70.4 345.9 823.3 71.2 52.5 86.3 86.7 60.3 66.8 68.1 83.2 TOTAL crops 3,584.4 5,020.5 7,776.3 1,092.8 1,229.2 2,872.6 5,776.3 Total irrigated + humid land 163.5 242.7 487.1 939.6 142.2 212.5 391.4 738.2 IRRIGATED - FAO 66.6 116.0 219.0 350.4 14.4 30.8 21.0 34.2
Recent land use developments 2 – 1000 ha
Country Benin Burkina Faso Ghana Mali Year 1990 2010 Cereals 643.9 2,529.9 4,291.5 853.0 1,602.1 2,438.7 % irrigated 1.2 3.8 0.9 3.1 5.7 11.3 8.1 17.5 Legumes+oil seeds 210.2 348.1 660.3 277.0 606.9 493.0 648.8 Roots + tubers + bananas 221.6 509.7 8.9 9.8 714.3 1,873.9 7.4 24.3 % irrigated + humid land 0.7 20.1 20.9 34.4 Industrial crops 166.5 415.1 212.4 515.2 884.6 2,031.7 258.6 343.3 0.4 2.0 1.8 1.4 Vegetables + fruits 113.7 154.6 42.1 56.9 195.6 423.0 84.3 143.1 55.9 61.3 68.5 67.3 52.3 42.2 66.5 62.8 Total crops 1,355.8 2,476.1 3,453.6 6,839.9 2,824.5 6,537.6 3,281.9 5,128.5 Total Irrigated + humid land 74.9 140.0 56.1 176.6 151.3 359.7 255.8 787.4 Irrigated -FAO 9.7 23.0 15.4 21.4 2.6 30.3 18.0 430.0
Recent land use developments 3 – 1000 ha
Country Nigeria Cameroon Madagascar South Africa Year 1990 2010 Cereals 15,400.0 16,104.7 648.2 1,717.6 1,326.9 2,108.9 6,156.9 3,548.0 % irrigated 7.8 15.1 1.7 3.1 87.8 85.7 30.0 43.0 Legumes+oil seeds 3,482.8 6,337.7 421.6 975.6 99.2 149.2 861.4 881.7 7.0 35.3 Roots + tubers + bananas 3,248.8 8,519.7 555.3 918.4 534.3 628.7 92.1 89.5 % irrigated + humid land 1.2 14.9 7.3 12.3 8.0 9.7 100 Industrial crops 4,101.5 5,985.6 902.2 1,341.3 510.5 383.7 427.1 283.9 0.5 16.1 10.8 12.7 24.8 67.7 95.1 Vegetables + fruits 3,946.4 345.8 823.2 192.8 250.0 342.6 435.0 52.2 60.8 68.2 83.2 21.3 Total crops 28,559.9 40,510.4 2,872.6 5,776.3 2,663.7 3,550.6 7,881.1 5,237.9 Total Irrigated + humid land 2,536.2 5,174.1 417.1 936.6 1,371.1 2,085.2 2,715.4 2,632.5 Irrigated -FAO 232.8 330.0 21.0 34.2 1,087.0 1,084.0 1,200.0 1,670.0
Conclusions Investments for irrigation have been high in few countries only; In most cases, the expansion of the cropped area has been at least as high as the expansion of irrigated areas; A large proportion of irrigation takes place in humid lowlands, taping surface and shallow ground waters through archaic systems; Irrigation is developed for rice production in modern irrigation schemes and in humid lowlands and for vegetable production in humid lowlands; Only in South Africa irrigation is largely developed for maize, soybeans and eventually canola production and for intensive fruit production. Irrigation has more impact on nutrition quality than on food security in most countries, while in the Sahel zone, it significantly contributes to the supply of grains. Increasing public and private investments for irrigation should be combined with improved water efficiency and water productivity
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