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SDS Update Karen Murray Lantra Conference 9 th December 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "SDS Update Karen Murray Lantra Conference 9 th December 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 SDS Update Karen Murray Lantra Conference 9 th December 2014

2 Content of Update Reminder of current process for Modern Apprenticeship Development and role of public funding Modern Apprenticeship and Employability Fund Contracting Strategy priorities for year 2015- 2016 Land-based MA breakdown of 13-14 activity Developing Scotland’s Young Workforce- specific activity

3 How are Scottish MAs Developed?

4 Public Funding Contribution Employers are encouraged to fund MAs themselves The role of public funding is to address market failure Public funding is a contribution towards the cost of training Funding contribution is commensurate with the level of training provided and industry supported

5 Public Funding Contribution Payments are linked to milestones achieved and to the overall achievement of an MA (output based funding model - OBF) and paid to the Learning Provider –16-19 year olds - 30% of funding paid on achievement of MA –20+ - 50% of funding is paid on achievement of MA Typical contribution for 16-19 year old following a Level 3 MA in Agriculture is £6,500 and for a Level 2 £3,050

6 Priorities for MA contracting 15-16 Priority to young people (esp. 16-19 ) Increasing the proportion of higher level MA (esp. In STEM areas) Addressing occupational segregation issues which exist in some sectors- an issue for some land-based sectors Supporting older workers where they are employed in prioritised frameworks (high participation/key sectors) Aligning funding with the Skills Investment Plans and Regional Skills Assessments

7 Priorities for MA contracting 15-16 Encouraging greater participation from small and micro businesses Increasing the participation of individuals from under- represented groups including BME, disabled and care leavers Maximising opportunities for the wider availability of higher level Apprenticeships including Technical Apprenticeships Professional Apprenticeships at SCQF Level 10 as and when these are approved Contracting with organisations that have a proven track record of quality delivery and achieving positive outcomes for individuals

8 Revision to contribution rates Revisions for 16-17 have been published with a period for consultation Revisions have been based upon consideration of learning, teaching and administrative input Consultation period requesting submissions before April 2015

9 Most popular frameworks – starts in 2013-14 FrameworksTotal Hospitality3,208 Business & Administration2,175 Retail1,942 Freight Logistics1,476 Engineering1,469 Construction: Building1,172 Customer Service1,130 Health and Social Care1,070 Automotive1,047 Management1,034

10 Land Based MA Starts, 2013-14


12 Employability Fund contracting 15-16 EF will support pre-employment and vocational training related to stages 2 to 4 of the Strategic Skills Pipeline (SSP) and is designed to complement provision of other employability support available at a local level. EF will support activities which meet the following objectives: –develops an individual’s skills, behaviours and attributes that enhance their chances of gaining and sustaining employment; – designed to meet the needs of the individual in terms of their specific journey to employment;

13 Developing the Young Workforce Expansion of MA programme to 30,000 starts by 2020 Improve representation on the MA programme for people for BME background, disabled people, care leavers Improve gender representation in MA frameworks where clear gender bias Improve engagement in MA programme by micro and SME businesses Undertake external review of the quality of MA delivery

14 Developing the Young Workforce Programme of research to frame the challenge and to give SDS recommendations underway Action research activity in the 4 under-represented groups- project activity Targeted marketing campaigns working closely with partners Pathfinder External review of MA delivery by Education Scotland (Engineering pathfinder April- June 2015)

15 Challenges Increase awareness of Apprenticeships to smaller employers and encourage greater uptake Promote Apprenticeships to BME individuals and employers Uptake for people with disabilities is low Gender uptake Future skills needs?

16 What can you do to help? Raise the profile of MAs with: Parents Individuals Get involved Under-representation pilots Case Studies Scottish Apprenticeship Week MA Awards

17 Contact details Tel: 07917217295

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