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Trail Assessments: what are they and how do we do them? Mid-Atlantic Regional Partnership Committee October 15, 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "Trail Assessments: what are they and how do we do them? Mid-Atlantic Regional Partnership Committee October 15, 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 Trail Assessments: what are they and how do we do them? Mid-Atlantic Regional Partnership Committee October 15, 2005

2 What is a Condition Assessment? Inventory Trail Assets Determine Condition of Trail Assets Manage Assessment Information

3 A.T. Asset Trail – surface, erosion control structures, steps, crib walls, minor trail bridges Buildings – shelters, privies, retained and excess structures Campsites – constructed or managed Parking Lots – constructed or managed Boundary line – Exterior Corridor Boundary Survey Major Bridges – over 20’ long and 10’ off the ground, or complex design

4 Collecting Information GPS Use Resource Grade GPS units “Data Dictionary” Collect Location and Attribute Information at the same time Integrate data into our GIS

5 Inventory TRAIL GPS surveyed in 1999 Updated in 2002-2003 Provided an accurate location of AT footpath Only necessary to update relocations

6 Inventory SHELTERS Location Dimensions Construction Type Capacity

7 Inventory PRIVIES Location Dimensions Construction Type Privy Type

8 Inventory CAMPSITES Location Dimensions Capacity Type designated, user created, bootleg/illegal

9 Inventory MAJOR BRIDGES Location Year Built Bridge Type Use Forest Service Definitions Bridge Materials Name

10 Inventory PARKING LOTS Location Year Built Surface Dimensions Capacity

11 Assessments TRAIL PROBLEMS Identify Deficiency Note Actions to Correct Deficiency Materials Needed Estimated Person days Evaluation Trail Crew

12 Assessment OTHER PROBLEMS Identify Deficiency Note Actions to Correct Deficiency Materials Needed Estimated Person days Evaluation Trail Crew

13 Information Management DATA Field Data is Processed edited & corrected Data is imported into an ATC Database GIS & Access, under development Data is also used in NPS Database FMSS Data is used by NPS to Request Project Funding

14 Information Management PHOTOS Document Assets Used for Project Planning Stamped with Info Linked to GIS Eventually Accessible in ATC Database

15 Information Management GIS Data Integrated into ATC GIS Can be Viewed in Relation to Other Features – Land Ownership Natural Resources Cultural Resources Other Trail Projects Can be used to Produce Maps

16 Information Management Gather Quality Field Data Develop Project Priorities from Data Request Funding Based on Project Priorities Update Data TRAIL ASSESSMENT CYCLE

17 Seek Funding AT PROJECT MANAGEMENT CYCLE HQ FieldATPO A.T. Database Condition Assessment Data PMIS ATC Budgeting ATC Fundraising ATPO Budgeting Five-Year Plans RPC FMSS CompileEstimate ? = Club = ATC = ATPO Finalized by Aug 15 Annually by Aug 31 Costs Estimated by Sept RPC Approved by Sept NPS deadline by Mid-Feb NPS funds by late-Feb Field season Reports due by Sept 30 Compliance BOD Approves Budget, Nov RPC see Raw Data see Information Management

18 2004 Assessment METHOD 20% of the AT was Assessed in the Field AT Sections were Randomly Selected Extrapolated Assessment Results to Entire Length of AT Established a Base-line Condition for the AT Based on Field & Extrapolated Data 20% of the AT will be Assessed in the Field Each Year

19 2004 Assessment RESULTS 43% (951 mi.) of AT is in “Good” Condition 31% (687 mi.) of AT is in “Fair” Condition 24% (539 mi) of AT is in “Poor” Condition 0% of AT is in “Serious” Condition Condition of AT is Determined by it’s “Facility Condition Index” - FCI Replacement Value/Deferred Maintenance $ Based on Field and Extrapolated Data:

20 2005 and Beyond… 20% of the AT will be Assessed in the Field Each Year Clubs and Volunteers are Integral to Assessment Process Data will be Used to Update and Replace Existing Information Data will be Used to Plan Projects and Request Future Funds

21 GPS Equipment GeoExplorer 3 GeoExplorer XT Recon w/Pocket GPS

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