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By Catherine Ramos Marin, MSN/Ed(C), WHCNP, RN.  Obstetrics- care of women during childbirth  MCN - the care of childbearing and childrearing families.

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Presentation on theme: "By Catherine Ramos Marin, MSN/Ed(C), WHCNP, RN.  Obstetrics- care of women during childbirth  MCN - the care of childbearing and childrearing families."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Catherine Ramos Marin, MSN/Ed(C), WHCNP, RN

2  Obstetrics- care of women during childbirth  MCN - the care of childbearing and childrearing families. ◦ Primary goal  promotion and maintenance of optimal family health to ensure cycles of optimal childbearing and childrearing.

3 Antepartum Intrapartum Postpartum Newborn Nursery

4  Family-centered  Community-centered  Evidence-based  Advocate to protect the rights of all family members, including the fetus  Health promotion and disease prevention

5 Certified Registered Nurse (RNC)- national certification examination Nurse Practitioner (NP): expanded role as women’s health NP or family NP Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) Certified Nurse Midwife (CNM)- certified by the American College of Nurse- Midwives (ACNM)

6  Health promotion ◦ client education on the importance of health maintenance ◦ importance of prenatal care compliance and neonatal care

7  Health restoration ◦ prompt diagnosis and treatment on complications of pregnancy  Health rehabilitation ◦ prevention of further complications, ill client back to optimal health or helping a client to accept inevitable death (molar pregnancy to continue therapy)

8  Defines health care priorities  Guide progress toward the ultimate goal of optimal health  Goals: ◦ To increase the quality and years of healthy life ◦ To eliminate health disparities within America’s population

9  Comprehensive set of 467 measurable disease prevention and health promotion objectives  28 focus areas  Leading health indicators

10  Primary prevention ◦ Health promotion  Secondary prevention ◦ Early identification and prompt treatment  Tertiary prevention ◦ Restore health

11  Be mindful of the following: ◦ Standards of Care ◦ Institutional Policies ◦ Ethical Implications ◦ Nurse Practice Acts in your State

12  “Unseen client”  Emancipated minors ◦ clients who are not of legal age who are considered mature minors (age 11 to 17)  Patient Confidentiality  Considered “normal events”

13  Wrongful birth ◦ the birth of disabled child when parents would have chosen to end the pregnancy if they had been informed about the disability during the pregnancy.  Wrongful life- ◦ a claim that negligent prenatal testing on the part of the health care provider resulted in the birth of an un-perfect child.

14  Rights of mother vs. Rights of fetus  Heroic measures vs. Comfort care  High risks behaviors  Methods of resolving infertility  Human stem cell research  Health of the mother and fetus @ risk

15  Smaller families  Single parents  Working mothers  Domestic Violence  Sexual Abuse  More health conscious

16  Cost containment  Uninsured and underinsured families

17  Have the right to refuse to assist  Qualified replacement is available  Maternal rights supersede those of the fetus prior to viability and the reverse is true after viability

18  Freebirthing ◦ refers to women giving birth without any health care provider supervision  AKA: unassisted birth or couples birth  Sources of knowledge: ◦ from books and internet and then arrange to give birth at home in complete privacy

19  Birth is a normal function of women  An orgasmic experience  Increase the ability to bond with the newborn  Lack of health insurance  Lack of information about patient rights


21  Traditional Family  Definition of Family ◦ Emotional closeness ◦ Defined membership ◦ Joined together by marriage, blood, adoption, or residence in the same household


23  Dyad Family ◦ two people together without children (newly wed couple)  Cohabitation Family ◦ heterosexual couples with children but unmarried  Nuclear Family ◦ traditional, Married with children

24  Polygamous Family ◦ marriage with multiple wives  Extended Family ◦ multigenerational family  Single Parent Family  Blended Family- ◦ remarriage or reconstituted family

25  Communal Family ◦ formed by groups of people who choose to live together  Gay or Lesbian Family ◦ same sex living together


27  To help provide care to the grandchildren  As a peacemaker to resolve conflicts between grandchildren and parents  To maintain involvement in family life


29  Stage 1: Beginning families  Stage 2: Childbearing families  Stage 3: Families with Pre-School Children  Stage 4: Families with School-aged children

30  Stage 5: Families with Teenagers  Stage 6: Families Launching Young Adults  Stage 7: Middle-aged Parents  Stage 8: Retirement and old age

31  Taking a Sexual history 1.Explain purpose of interview 2.Use direct eye contact unless it is culturally unacceptable 3.Ask open ended questions 4.Clarify terminology 5.Proceed from easier to more difficult topics

32 6. Be alert to body language 7. Listen and react in a non-judgmental manner 8. Use teachable moments to educate 9. Do not assume the women is heterosexual 10. Be respectful


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