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How to Write an Extended Summary Step-by-step Instructions.

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2 How to Write an Extended Summary Step-by-step Instructions

3 Start with Close Reading

4 Label Each Stage of Thought n Proponents of Title IX wonder what it says about American culture that women are more easily accepted as doctors and lawyers than as pitchers and point guards. n Those in favor of Title IX

5 Label Stages of Thought n Author Jessica Gavora thinks that's the wrong question. She argues in a new book that Title IX causes sex discrimination instead of ending it. A coalition of coaches that agrees is in federal court challenging Title IX's regulations. Those opposed to Title IX.

6 Underline Key Ideas and Terms Proponents laud the law as life-altering and empowering. Opponents say its enforcement regulations are a blunt instrument used to kill men's teams. The Clinton administration backed Title IX; the Bush administration says it will, although women's groups say they are worried Giving to women takes away from men Following the law is hurting men’s teams Empowering -- law gives power to women? Will Bush really support the law? Feminists concerned

7 Circle Unknown Vocabulary and Look Up n laud: praise n empowering: enabling, giving ability n blunt: having a dull edge or point (so it kills slowly and painfully?) Proponents laud the law as life-altering and empowering. Opponents say its enforcement regulations are a blunt instrument used to kill men's teams.

8 Divide Text into Sections Sunday will mark 30 years since Title IX became the law of the land. So how come it still makes Americans crazy after all these years? If every school had begun earnest efforts to obey the law when Richard Nixon signed it [...] presumably all would be in compliance today. Instead, culture wars still rage over it. Introduction

9 Next Is Note Taking


11 Write 1-2 sentence summaries for each major idea Author Jessica Gavora thinks that's the wrong question. She argues in a new book that Title IX causes sex discrimination instead of ending it. A coalition of coaches that agrees is in federal court challenging Title IX's regulations... Opponents of Title IX believe that it results in gender bias against males even as it attempts to outlaw bias against females. Jessica Gavora has written a book making this claim, and a group of coaches are making the same claim in court.

12 According to Brady, close to one third of the schools from which Title IX complaints were issued complied with the law using the “proportionality” section which requires equal percentages of men and women in sports compared to overall enrollment. Use your own words (Except for key concepts and terms) The first part, commonly called "proportionality," says the number of athletes from each sex should be roughly equivalent to enrollment percentages. [...] About one-third of schools where complaints were filed use this part to pass

13 Condense -- Leave out all extra material n If every school had begun earnest efforts to obey the law when Richard Nixon signed it — six days after the third-rate burglary that would lead to the end of his presidency — presumably all would be in compliance today. Instead, culture wars still rage over it. Brady believes that all schools would be following the law’s mandates today had they begun to make changes in their policies when Title IX first became a law.

14 Find the Thesis Move it to the top of your page n Brady’s main point seems to be... n Brady’s thesis is that.... Brady’s central argument is...

15 Then Writing the Summary

16 Compose a Title n Include the name of the article n Let the reader know that your paper is a summary n Non-compliance and Reverse Discrimination: A Summary of “Time Fails to Lessen Title IX Furor.”

17 Write the first sentence n Introduce the name of the article n Eric Brady’s article entitled “Time Fails to Lessen Title IX Furor” appeared in USA Today on June 19, 2002.

18 Write the 2nd and 3rd Sentences n Restate the author’s thesis in your own words. n Brady’s main point seems to be... n Brady’s thesis is that.... n Brady’s central argument is...

19 Add sentence summaries n Use the sentence summaries and marginal notes! n Use transitions to link each section of meaning n Follow the order of the original article as much as possible n Brady believes that all schools would be following the law’s mandates today had they begun to make changes in their policies when Title IX first became a law. However, he also notes that...

20 Closing it up n You may want to repeat the thesis in the conclusion n Do not give your opinion n Simply restate the article’s points n Your summary should be about 1/3 - 1/5 the length of the original Clearly, Brady misunderstands the law when he indicates... I think Brady is correct when he says that...

21 Author References n For the first in-text reference, use first and last name n For all other references, only use last name n This rule does NOT apply to parenthetical references! n FIRST REFERENCE: Jessica Gavora has written a book making this claim, and a group of coaches are making the same claim in court. n NEXT REFERENCE: Gavora insists that the law’s regulations are counter-productive

22 Author References n Use a variety of verbs to reference the author or other “experts” you choose to site from the article n Reference the author of the article at LEAST once per paragraph. Useful verbs: n says n emphasizes n finds n notes n shows n names n discusses n asserts n argues n (see list in handouts)

23 Thank you to my colleague, Professor Allison Knox, for sharing her PowerPoint presentation on Extended Summaries with my ENG 102 students. Sarah Dye Elgin Community College 2005

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