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Steve Baldwin This power point presentation with speaker notes on “The Benefits of Age” is the second in the series on Age Diversity in the Workforce. It has been prepared by NHS Employers for NHS organisations to tailor for use locally as part of their age awareness strategy or work programme. It was produced in July 2007 and may be used with the Ageism Factsheet, which is a downloadable quiz in word document format. NHS Employers is the employers’ organisation for the National Health Service in England. We work for employers in the NHS by representing their views and acting on their behalf. Our aim is to help employers improve the working lives of staff, and through staff, to provide better care for patients. The NHS is the largest employer in Europe with more than 1.3 million employees. It provides, in England alone, 50 million consumers with 24 hour service availability. Our work on Age Diversity in the Workforce helps NHS organisations and professional bodies support equality and diversity in the workplace. The programme, which started in 2005, promotes the strategic and workforce implications of demographic change as well as supporting the NHS in relation to the new legislation on age discrimination. We were awarded Age Champion Employer status by Age Posit+ve in 2006.
Age discrimination in the workplace is illegal
Ever been too young? Are you now too old? Ageism matters Age discrimination in the workplace is illegal Here you can use the Ageism factsheet. The questions can be printed double sided and the answers on a separate sheet. Depending on the size of the group, you may wish people to work in pairs or small groups to discuss the questions and decide on their answers. After you have discussed people’s responses and given an explanation based on the answers which are included, you may decide to hand out the answer sheets for reference, especially if this is planned to be part of cascaded awareness training.
INTRODUCTION The aim of this presentation is to provide staff with the following: Awareness of age issues in the workforce Update on legislative requirements Emerging Age Demographics across the world Priorities for the Trust
Age Issues in the Workplace
Age discrimination will affect us all. It will also challenge what many of us currently think of as normal, fair and not needing to be changed. We live and work in an increasingly diverse society and strive to treat each other equitably.
Business Case for Age Diversity
In organisations we espouse systems and processes that seek to value individuals and teams for what they achieve and how they achieve it not who or what they are. We must recognise our responsibility to the communities in which we are located and this is especially important for the NHS. In the light of demographic change and impact on the labour market there is also a strong business case for recruitment and retention of staff of all ages. One of the more obvious reasons for organisations to address ageism will be the need to prepare for new age legislation by October In fact the case for the age agenda is most powerful when we think of the ethical considerations. Age discrimination will affect us all, eventually. It will also challenge what many of us currently think of as normal, fair and not needing to be changed. We live and work in an increasingly diverse society and strive to treat each other equitably. In organisations we espouse systems and processes that seek to value individuals and teams for what they achieve and how they achieve it not who or what they are. Businesses are beginning to recognise that they have a responsibility to the communities in which they are located and this is especially important for the NHS. In the light of demographic change and impact on the labour market there is also a strong business case for recruitment and retention of staff of all ages.
Legendary Inventor “Just because you’re over 50 years old doesn’t mean that you have to down tools. I’ve had some of the best experiences in my later years and think that young and old can learn a lot from each other.” – Trevor Baylis,OBE
BCF Age Values and Culture
At Barnet and Chase Farm Hospitals NHS Trust, we strongly believe that age should not be a factor when assessing an employee’s merit, individuals should be assessed on their skills and attributes. Teams of varying ages put us in the best possible position to truly understand our customers' needs, while also benefiting from the diverse pool of views, opinions and experiences.”
AGE POSITIVE Focus on skills, abilities and individuals potential and not on their AGE. The Age Positive campaign promotes the benefits of employing a mixed-age workforce that includes older and younger people. We encourage ALL line managers to make decisions about recruitment, training and retention that do not discriminate against someone because of their age.
AGE POSITIVE Staff Celebration Award in September 2007 is an initiative set up by the Trust to get the message across that all staff’s contributions are valued. Help the Trust to comply with legislation to outlaw age discrimination in employment.
Dynamic changes to the population structure and workforces. Post war baby boom - large numbers now aged 50+. Increasing life expectancy, reducing fertility levels and declining birth rate. Growing proportion of older people. By 2030 half the UK population will be aged over 50, with one third over 60.
The World is Ageing Percent of Population Age 60+: 2000
This picture was prepared by the US Census Bureau and shows the age distributions in different countries across the world. With large parts of the African continent showing proportionally younger populations (as a consequence of comparatively poor life expectancy rates), the story is different for the UK and Western Europe. Please look at the dark blue areas which indicate the percentage of our population aged over 60 in the year 2000. Under 5% 5% to 12.4% 12.5% to 20% Above 20%
The World is Ageing Percent of Population Age 60+: 2025
Now look at the change in just twenty years. The shift in ageing populations is quite dramatic. Prepares by NHS Employers Under 5% 5% to 12.4% 12.5% to 20% Above 20%
Impact of Ageing Population
The dependency ratio continues to rise Proportionally fewer school leavers in available labour market Demand for health & social care services continues to increase Reliance on school leavers no longer sustainable Global issue - competing for staff with other sectors and other countries One of the most obvious impacts on our society is the rise in the dependency ratio. In other words, there are proportionally fewer people in the workforce to support via taxation an increasing proportion of older people. Figures from the Office of National Statistics show that nearly one fifth of all workers in the industrialised world are currently over 50. There are proportionally fewer school leavers in the available labour market. We have a demand-led healthcare system here and that demand for health and social care services continues to increase. In the past, we have relied in the NHS on school leavers as the main source of recruitment to both professional education and to fill posts. This is no longer sustainable. We need to put increased effort into retaining experienced staff and attracting people of all ages and from other countries and other sectors into education and into jobs.
Age Discrimination Age discrimination can affect anyone - regardless of how old they are. The Employers Forum on Age calculated that age discrimination costs the UK economy £31 billion each year. Around 90% of older people believe that employers generally discriminate against older workers. More teenagers than fifty some things are put off applying for a job for age reasons. This is the context in which we are seeking to ensure that staff have equal opportunity to fulfil their potential in an environment that values diversity in its broadest sense. By raising awareness about age discrimination, as well as other forms of discrimination, we hope to improve working lives in the NHS workplace and attract and make best use of an experienced older workforce in a tightening labour market. Remember, age discrimination can affect anyone - regardless of how old they are. The cost of age discrimination to the UK economy has been calculated at £31 billion each year. The cost in terms of personal distress, untapped talent and underused ability cannot be calculated. Ageism is endemic in our society and at present we are often not aware of the harm we are doing by making light-hearted jokes on someone’s birthday, insisting on “a minimum of five years’ experience” in job adverts and only ever selecting someone older than the team members to take on a management or team leader role. A recent study carried out on behalf of the Employers Forum on Age found that around 90% of older people believe that employers generally discriminate against older workers. They also found that teenagers were amongst those most discouraged from applying for jobs for age reasons. Teenagers - more than any other age segment rated their jobs as boring - perhaps they lack interesting challenges at work and we have to ask ourselves what we are doing to make them feel like this.
Dispelling the Myths Employers may think older workers don’t need training but less likely to take on older workers for jobs which require trained staff. Women are more likely to say they’ve been put off applying for a job because of age, than men. Nearly a third of 60 somethings happy to work until they are 70. No direct relationship between ageing and a decline in occupational capacity under age 70. Let’s look at some of the myths. Is it true that only younger people need training and once you reach a certain age your experience will be sufficient? Research shows that employers think that older workers need less training BUT they are also less likely to take on older workers for jobs that require training. We will have to think again as we won’t have the luxury of plenty of school leavers to go into these jobs. In some circumstances, older women are doubly discriminated against. There is a gender gap in managerial positions of all ages, but it really bites in the forties. Women are more likely to say they have been put off applying for a job because of their age than men. And remember, harassment and victimisation on the basis of age can be based on perceptions, whether or not they are correct. Let’s look at the myth of the older person marking time until their retirement. The EFA study found that nearly a third of people are happy to work until they are 70. In fact, people in their sixties reported as being the happiest and were more willing to work until they’re 70 than any other age group. Whilst we don’t know the extent to which this view is held for financial reasons, we do need to find ways to encourage more people to stay on beyond normal retirement age. Which brings us to another myth. Many people questioned in this study thought the idea of retirement just did not make sense. More than one in ten people dread retirement. The notion of a working pattern that continues at full pelt and then stops abruptly at an arbitrarily selected age is no longer valid. Another widely held opinion that has no basis in fact is that people become less capable both physically and mentally as they age. We jokiingly attribute forgetting things to the ageing process but from a study of current research worldwide the Oxford University Institute of Ageing has been able to show that there is no direct relationship between ageing and a decline in occupational capacity among those under the age of 70. As we age, we learn how to compensate for things that we cannot do in the same way as we did before, but we are no less effective in the outcomes of our work as a result of the ageing process. So, if we are better informed about the myths and reality of age, what could we be doing about this?
Are you well informed? Try the Ageism Quiz!
The quiz takes ten to fifteen minutes to complete if you are asking people to discuss in pairs; less if considered by individuals. Allow a similar amount of time for discussion and feedback.
The Employment Equality (Age) Regulations 2006
New process for managing retirement for everyone. No age criteria in recruitment, promotion & training. No service related benefits over 5 years. No mandatory retirement before age 65. No upper age limits on unfair dismissal The regulations bring new rights for employees including the right to request to continue in employment beyond the default retirement age of 65. Employers will have a duty to consider this request and to set up new processes for extended workimg. Everyone has an obligation not to discriminate on the basis of age. Recruitment, selection and promotion Decisions must be based on the skills and competences required for the job, not age. Those involved in writing job advertisements, commissioning recruitment agencies and carrying out interviews will need to review processes and practices. Organisations will need to consider introducing bias-free application forms, e-recruitment and to provide diversity training and to monitor outcomes. Knowing the age profile of applicants will help employers demonstrate how successful they are in attracting applications from different age groups Length-of-service in pay and benefits Some organisations use length of service as a criterion for pay and non-pay benefits. This could be construed as indirect discrimination against some employees. The regulations will allow employers to recognise length of service of five years or less as long as the award is used to motivate staff and reward loyalty Positive Action It will be lawful for employers to introduce positive action initiatives or measures if these can reasonably be expected to prevent or compensate for disadvantages suffered by such persons. This may include offering people of a particular age access to vocational training or encouraging them to use employment opportunities. Retirement In the future the government intends to remove all age aspects of retirement. For now, there will be a default retirement age of 65 and this will be reviewed in Employers will be able to retire employees at or after the age of 65, if this is a genuine retirement. Employers will be encouraged to employ people beyond the default age of 65 The ‘duty to consider’ provision This is a new procedure that all employers must introduce to allow employees to request working beyond a compulsory retirement age. The employer must notify the employee in writing within six months of the intended retirement date of their right to request on-going employment. The employer has a duty to consider the request seriously. Remedies Employees will be able to claim unlimited financial compensation (including injury to feelings). Failure to inform of “right to request” will lead to compensation of up to eight weeks’ pay. Informing an employee less than two weeks in advance (or not at all) will result in automatic unfair dismissal Unfair Dismissal The upper age limit of 65 for unfair dismissal will be removed. Older workers will have the same rights as younger workers to claim unfair dismissal. Dismissal on the grounds of redundancy, competence or conduct will need to follow the normal statutory dismissal procedures Harassment and victimisation Inappropriate behaviours and language should be addressed through training and an organisation’s harassment policy. Age harassment and victimisation can be based on perceptions, whether or not they are correct. The employer will be deemed liable unless reasonable steps have been taken to prevent the behaviour.
Protection and Liabilities
Direct Discrimination Indirect Discrimination Harassment Victimisation The Trust and individual employees can be liable. All reasonable steps must be taken to ensure all staff are made aware of their obligations. Less favourable treatment on grounds of victim’s age or apparent age without justification Comparison required – real or hypothetical The employer’s arrangements disadvantage a particular age group without justification
Legislative Requirements
The introduction of age discrimination laws from 1st October 2006 has meant the Trust reviewed all its policies to ensure compliance. Training was provided for managers and staff. New Retirement Procedures were put in place. The new legislation protects all employees, applicants, temporary and agency workers, contract workers and ex-employees.
Exceptions Genuine Occupational Requirement Statutory Benefits
Compliance with a Statutory Authority Service related benefits based on no more than ‘5 years’ service Longer term service related benefits if: It reasonably appears to the employer that the provision of the benefit fulfils a business need of the undertaking Business needs Efficiency and cost Encouraging/rewarding loyalty Training requirements These are justifications, they must be proportionate and used to achieve a legitimate aim.
The Age Agenda New approaches to staff retention with improved career management of experienced staff. Attracts new talent to the NHS via schemes for second or third careers. Develops age diverse workforce tailoring employment to individual needs. Tackles ageism in all its forms.
Benefits of Age Diversity
From recruitment to retirement, the Trust recognise that encouraging age diversity is not a “fluffy proposition” – it’s a real business initiative. Greater Staff Productivity Lower Recruitment Cost Higher Retention Rates Retaining reliable, experienced, and dedicated staff.
BCF Age Profile – Aug 07
Where we are now Communicating awareness of age discrimination and age diversity through awareness sessions. Delivering team talks, meeting with managers and producing a series of briefing documents on the BCF Newsmail. Widening the age group of recruits by not requesting age and dates of academic qualifications on application forms or stipulating a requirement for work experience
Where we are now Ensuring consistency and equality in advertising vacancies by using standard Trust templates for all jobs on Trust website. Conducting staff appraisal for all and ensure open access to learning and development opportunities regardless of age. Line managers implementing flexible working for all ages using Trust policies.
Future Developments The government’s wide ranging consultation on the Single Equality Bill with regards to Age. For example in the health service, ensuring all older people are given equal priority when planning and commissioning services. Setting up specialist courts with experience in tackling discrimination cases to ensure swifter, less costly and effective justice takes place.
NEXT STEPS Conduct Equality Impact Assessment on your policies and protocols to identify any age bias and address findings. Revise and publicise changes in staff guidance Set up a phased plan to ensure all staff on your wards and departments attend one hour age diversity awareness training programme.
Useful Information NHS Employers’ website
The Employers’ Forum on Age offers examples of bias free application forms Also see for further guidance and information on age equality.
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