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Center for Driver’s License Recovery & Employability 2014 Biennial Community Meeting Friday, September 19, 2014 Milwaukee Area Technical College (MATC)

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Presentation on theme: "Center for Driver’s License Recovery & Employability 2014 Biennial Community Meeting Friday, September 19, 2014 Milwaukee Area Technical College (MATC)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Center for Driver’s License Recovery & Employability 2014 Biennial Community Meeting Friday, September 19, 2014 Milwaukee Area Technical College (MATC)

2 Today’s speakers & awardees  Janice Falkenberg Milwaukee Area Technical College  Myra Edwards Mistress of Ceremonies  State Senator Nikiya Harris Dodd State Senator Glenn Grothman State Senator Jerry Petrowski State Representative Garey Bies (by video) State Representative Sandy Pasch Champions of low-income Wisconsin drivers  Reverend Willie Brisco Milwaukee Inner-city Congregations Allied for Hope (MICAH)  Lois Quinn & John Pawasarat University of Wisconsin Milwaukee-Employment & Training Institute (UWM-ETI)

3 Partners  Wisconsin Community Services (WCS)  Legal Action of Wisconsin  Milwaukee Area Technical College (MATC)  City of Milwaukee

4 Mission To increase the number of valid, low-income drivers in Milwaukee County.

5 Four Objectives  Provide direct service to low-income drivers whose suspensions are not for serious safety violations;  Provide educational advocacy through policy & legislative changes;  Increase access to driver’s education; and  Increase community awareness about the impact of driver’s license suspensions and revocations.

6 Direct Service

7 Historic Outcomes (March 1, 2007-August 31, 2014)  12,726 Referrals  4,690 Cases Managed/Closed  2,759 Licensed Drivers  4,470Additional “Advice” Cases  58.8% Success Rate

8 Educational Advocacy

9 Advocacy Victories The bi-partisan law changes for which the CDLRE has advocated positively impact over 100,000 Wisconsin drivers each year.

10 Advocacy Victories  Highlights:  Retroactive application of Habitual Traffic Offender revision, resulting from 2005 Wis. Act 25: Over 8,000 safe drivers were released from HTO status  2009 Wis. Act 8, which eliminated mandatory license suspensions upon conviction on criminal drug charges: Over 8,000 suspensions per year  2009 Wis. Act 102, which eliminated mandatory revocations upon repeat convictions for Operating While Suspended/Revoked & retroactive application: Over 40,000 drivers had revocations released on just one day  2011 Wis. Act 112, which shortened suspensions for nonpayment of damage judgments from 20 years to 5 & retroactive application: Over 3,000 Wisconsin drivers each year

11 Driver’s Education

12 Young Drivers Campaign


14 Young Drivers Campaign Partners  Wisconsin Community Services (WCS)  Legal Action of Wisconsin  Milwaukee Public Schools (MPS)  COA Youth & Family Centers  Running Rebels  Safe & Sound  Holton Youth + Family Center

15 Community Awareness

16 2014 Community Events  Milwaukee Fatherhood Initiative (MFI) and Clean Slate @ Parklawn YMCA, March  Goodwill Workforce Connection Centers, April & July  SDC Resource Fair @ Journey House, May  Alderman Ashanti Hamilton with WRTP: Community Jobs Resource Fair @ [the former] Custer High School, June  City of Milwaukee Health Department Men’s Health Fair @ Northwest Health Center, June  Driver’s License Restoration Clinic @ YMCA Urban Campus, June & August  Alderpersons Perez & Donovan with WRTP: Community Jobs Resource Fair @ MATC Education Center at Walker’s Square, July  Alderpersons Coggs & Wade with WRTP: Community Jobs Resource Fair @ the COA Goldin Center, August  The Silver Spring Neighborhood Center’s Back to School Event @ Silver Spring Neighborhood Center, August  Project Homeless Connect @ Marquette University, October  MFI 2014 Fatherhood Summit @ Destiny High School, October

17 The Impact of a Driver’s License  Video

18 Video Appearances In Alphabetical Order  McKenzie Edmonds, Sojourner Family Peace Center  Nyette Ellis, YWCA of Southeastern Wisconsin  Jordan Fox, Successful Client  Mark Kessenich, WRTP/BIGSTEP  Dr. Vicki Martin, Milwaukee Area Technical College (MATC)  Alejandro Morales, Successful Client  Andre Outlaw, Successful Client  Dennis Walton, Milwaukee Fatherhood Initiative  Special thank you to Carmella DeLucia, our volunteer videographer.


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