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Exam Finish Take a seat. Once the bell rings, you will have your exams back. As soon as everyone has their exam, you will have 15 minutes to finish/check.

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Presentation on theme: "Exam Finish Take a seat. Once the bell rings, you will have your exams back. As soon as everyone has their exam, you will have 15 minutes to finish/check."— Presentation transcript:

1 Exam Finish Take a seat. Once the bell rings, you will have your exams back. As soon as everyone has their exam, you will have 15 minutes to finish/check over your answers. Then, turn in your exam.

2 Hugo, 2011, dir. Scorsese We will be screening Hugo which is a historical adventure. This film uses historical people to tell its story. You will have a project resulting from this film screening.

3 Locations/Setting Paris, 1930’s Gare Montparnasse La bibliothèque de Sainte-Geneviève La Sorbonne

4 Historical Links Georges Méliès Lumière brothers Henri Maillardet Jaquet Droz Django Reinhardt Salvador Dali James Joyce Alexandre Dumas Automaton Le voyage dans la lune L’arrivée d’un train en gare de La Ciotat Robin Hood le proscrit (Robin Hood the Outlaw) – un roman

5 Character Tree Map Create a tree map to keep track of characters. Title it: Personnages Then, make four sub-topics: Garçons Comment Filles Comment Reference is: Qui joue dans le film?

6 Personnages Georges Méliès/Papa Georges Inspector Gustave Dasté Hugo Cabret Claude Cabret Hugo’s father René Tabard Monsieur Labisse Monsieur Frick Cinema manager Salvador Dali Django Reinhardt James Joyce Isabelle Lisette Jeanne D’arcy/Mama Jeanne Madame Émile

7 Impressions In one well-developed English paragraph, give your thoughts on Hugo. In what way did the film add to your understanding of French culture (you can discuss the setting of Paris or French impact on filmmaking). What could you imagine today that would compare to the people seeing the train arrival film for the first time?

8 Facts & Ideas 1.Why do you think that Robin Hood le Proscrit was chosen for this film? How does it represent Hugo? 2.How is Inspector Daste like a machine? 3.Why include the side stories (other relationships)? 4.Why do you think that Hugo’s father doesn’t get a name, but the nasty uncle does? 5.How were the toys, automaton, and gears important to the plot? 6.In what ways does Hugo show the director’s love of movies?

9 Avant et Après You will do a twist on a bubble map for one character from Hugo. You will show how one character was “before” (meaning at the beginning of the film) and how that character was “after” (meaning at the end of the film. So, you can create two bubble maps (remember, these are adjectives only) or modify another type of map. Your “guiding question” in the frame should be “avant” and “après”. Yes, this is reviewing your knowledge of adjectives from last year.

10 Character Bubble Maps You will be creating three bubble maps. One must be of Hugo. In your frame, you must include: a. [Character’s name] is _____. b. P.O.V.: moi (me); lui-même/elle-même; other character

11 Hugo Timeline Brainstorm what in your opinion were the 5-8 most important moments in the film. Put them in chronological order – rough draft. Illustrate each moment and give one sentence to describe what happened in the film – final draft. In the construction of your final draft, try and incorporate the theme of machines, film, and magic from Hugo.

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