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Vocabulary WordDefinition and Page # Other Forms Sentence/Memory Aid 1. eagerly (adv) Feeling or showing desire to do or get something p. 4 Eager Eagerness.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary WordDefinition and Page # Other Forms Sentence/Memory Aid 1. eagerly (adv) Feeling or showing desire to do or get something p. 4 Eager Eagerness."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary WordDefinition and Page # Other Forms Sentence/Memory Aid 1. eagerly (adv) Feeling or showing desire to do or get something p. 4 Eager Eagerness 2. resentful (adj) being angry or holding a grudge against something. p. 8 Resent Resenting resented

2 Vocabulary WordDefinition and Page # Other Forms Sentence/Memory Aid 3. plead (v) To beg or respond to a charge of a crime p. 18 pleaded pleads pleading 4. tenement (n) A building broken up into many different residences (apartment) p. 19 tenements

3 Vocabulary WordDefinition and Page # Other Forms Sentence/Memory Aid 5. frontier (n) An undeveloped region of a country p. 24 Frontiersman 6. guilt (n) a feeling that you have done something wrong or the state of having broken a law p. 25 Guilty Guiltily

4 Vocabulary WordDefinition and Page # Other Forms Sentence/Memor y Aid 7. dependable (adj) Someone or something that is reliable, can be counted on p. 38 Depends Dependably Dependableness dependability 8. solemn (adj) Serious, sincere p. 40 Solemnly Solemness

5 Vocabulary WordDefinition and Page # Other Forms Sentence/Memor y Aid 9. donation (n) Money or item given to a charity or person in need p. 51 Donate Donated Donations 10. adopt (v) To legally take another’s child to raise it as your own p. 51 Adoption Adopted Adopts

6 Vocabulary WordDefinition and Page # Other Forms Sentence/Memor y Aid 11. desperate (adj) Feeling sad, hopeless, wanting something you cannot have p. 53 Desperation Desperately Despair 12. urgent (adj) Something requiring quick action p. 53 Urgency Urgently

7 Vocabulary WordDefinition and Page # Other Forms Sentence/Memor y Aid 13. Content (adj) Satisfied or happy enough with what you have p. 78 Contently contentment 14. Outlaw (n) A person who has broken the law and is on the run. p. 81 outlaws

8 WordDefinition and Page # Other Forms Sentence/Memory Aid 15. Sacrifice (n) An offering, or giving up of something. p. 90 sacrificing sacrificial sacrificed Sacrifices 16. taunt (v) To tease or insult someone p. 91 taunting taunted taunts

9 WordDefinition and Page # Other Forms Sentence/Memory Aid 17. betray (v) To be disloyal and break trust p. 95 Betrayed Betrayal betraying 18. compromise (v) When two sides give up demands in order to meet in the middle p. 110 Compromising Compromised Compromises

10 WordDefinition and Page # Other Forms Sentence/Memory Aid 19. instinct (n) Something you just know or sense p. 127 Instincts Instinctively 20. scold (v) To criticize or reprimand p. 132 Scolded Scolding scolds

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