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Vocabulary from Dear Mrs. LaRue severely (adverb)---serious; bad “It’s ridiculous. I won’t do it. Of course I was SEVERELY punished.” barren (adjective)---

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary from Dear Mrs. LaRue severely (adverb)---serious; bad “It’s ridiculous. I won’t do it. Of course I was SEVERELY punished.” barren (adjective)---"— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary from Dear Mrs. LaRue severely (adverb)---serious; bad “It’s ridiculous. I won’t do it. Of course I was SEVERELY punished.” barren (adjective)--- bare; empty; worthless “I continue to suffer horribly as I roam this barren wasteland.” hardship (noun)--- misfortunes; struggles “I will try to write to you from time to time as I carry on with my life of hardship and danger.” fugitive (noun)--- to run away from a bad situation “…Such is the life of a desperate outlaw…” “Your lonely fugitive,” Ike

2 severely severely (adverb) – serious; bad horribly, miserably After my accident, I had a severely banged up car.

3 barren barren – (adjective) bare; worthless My pantry was barren; it was time to go grocery shopping! Empty; blank

4 hardship Hardship – (noun) – misfortunes; struggles Reading sci-fi novels has always been a hardship for me – I simply find it to be a chore! Hard times; sad

5 fugitive Fugitive – (noun) – to run away from a bad situation The slave was a fugitive who ran away from the plantation owner. runaway; stowaway

6 Vocabulary from Fiona’s Luck By Teresa Bateman distribute verb---to pass out or spread something around “Then, late one midsummer’s eve, when the luck was at its height, they swept it up and stored it all in an oak chest by the king’s throne, so he could distribute it where and when he chose.” p. 4 grasped verb---to grab and hold on to something “In a trice they grasped the hem of her skirt and ran around her in a circle.” p. 14 glorious adjective---really lovely or beautiful “It was a glorious cavern, with rich tapestries hanging against tall granite walls, and the floor cobbled entirely of jewels. Torches and candlelight made everything sparkle, and music filled the air.” p. 16 shrewd adjective---sneaky smart “The king’s eyes turned shrewd. ‘Agreed,’ he said slyly. ‘I’ll give you a wish for the exact value of the luck you have, if my tests prove me wrong.’” p. 19

7 distribute distribute – (verb) To pass out or spread something around “ Then, late one midsummer’s eve, when the luck was at its height, they swept it up and stored it all in an oak chest by the king’s throne, so he could distribute it where and when he chose”. To give out; Give away

8 grasped grasped – (verb) –to grab and hold on to something (past tense) “In a trice they grasped the hem of her skirt and ran around her in a circle”. To grip or hold tightly (past tense)

9 glorious glorious – (adjective) – Really lovely or beautiful It was a glorious cavern; with rich tapestries hanging against granite walls, and the floor cobbled entirely of jewels. Amazing; wonderful

10 shrewd shrewd– (adjective) – sneaky, smart The king’s eyes turned shrewd. “Agreed” he said slyly. Sly, stealthy

11 Vocabulary taken from More Than Anything Else By Marie Bradby twinkle –(adjective) -shine and sparkle “Before light – while the stars still twinkle – Papa, my brother John, and I leave our cabin and take the main road out of town, headed to work.” p. 2 doubt – (noun)- the feeling of not being certain about something “I see a man reading a newspaper aloud and all doubt falls away. I have found hope, and it is as brown as me.” p. 12 imagine – (verb)- to make an picture in your mind about something that’s not actually there “I study my book. I stare at the marks and try to imagine their song.” p. 20 linger –(verb)- to hang out around something and not move on “And he takes the sound of my name and draws it on the ground. I linger over that picture.” p. 29

12 twinkle Twinkle – (part of speech) Definition Synonym Sentence

13 doubt doubt– (part of speech) Definition Synonym Sentence

14 imagine Imagine – (part of speech) Definition Synonym Sentence

15 linger linger- (part of speech) Definition Synonym Sentence

16 twinkle Twinkle – (part of speech) Definition Synonym Sentence

17 doubt doubt– (part of speech) Definition Synonym Sentence

18 imagine Imagine – (part of speech) Definition Synonym Sentence

19 linger linger- (part of speech) Definition Synonym Sentence

20 Vocabulary from Thunder Rose By Jerdine Nolen vividly - adverb---to do something in a clear, precise manner “Rose was the first child born to Millicent MacGruder. I recall most vividly the night she came into this world. Hailing rain, flashing lightning, and booming thunder pounded the door…” p. 58, ¶1 lullaby - noun---a soft song used to “lull” or put gently to sleep “Overcome with that love, they lifted their voices in song, an old song and a melody so sweet and true – a lullaby passed down from the ages, echoing since the beginning of time.” p. 58, ¶1 resourceful - adjective---good at thinking of ways to do something “Her ma was right grateful to have such a resourceful child. No other newborn had the utter strength to lift a whole cow clear over her head and almost drink it dry.” p. 61, ¶4 dantily - adverb--- to do something with delicate beauty “No other newborn had the utter strength to lift a whole cow clear over her head and almost drink it dry. In a moment’s time, Rose did, and quite daintily so. She was as pretty as a picture, had the sweetest disposition…” p. 61, ¶4

21 Vocabulary from Leonardo’s Horse By Jean Fritz fashioned - verb--- to make, shape, or form “Once he fashioned a special kind of flute made of silver in the shape of a horse’s head.” pg. 365 bronze - noun--- to a dark yellow-brown alloy of copper and tin often used for sculptures and for medals “He had heard that the duke of Milan wanted to honor his father with a bronze horse in front of his palace.” pg. 365 depressed - adjective--- gloomy, low spirited, sad “And he became depressed. What had he achieved? he asked himself. He complained in his notebook: “Tell me, he asked,” if anything has been achieved by me” pg. 374 rival - noun--- a person or group that tries to do better than another “It was especially hard when his rival Michelangelo, taunted him.” pg. 374

22 Vocabulary taken from Red Kayak By Priscilla Cummings intentionally - adverb--to do something on purpose “Unless Mrs. DiAngelo had intentionally paddled up one of the creeks, there was no way they would have drifted here.” p. 29, ¶2 insistently - adverb--to do something over and over, not giving up “Once, she barked at the ceiling in our basement so insistently that my father pulled down part of the insulation and found a possum’s nest made out of leaves.” p. 32, ¶2 grumbled - verb--another word for “said,” to say in a grumpy, mumbling way “Better not be a squirrel or something stupid like that,’ I grumbled as I swung the boat toward the cove.” p. 32, ¶4 neutral - noun--the position of staying still; not moving forward, backward, or to either side “I just sat there with the engine in neutral, resting my head against the fingers of my tightly folded hands, because it had just hit me what happened.” p. 41, ¶1

23 Red Kayak by Priscilla Cummings – Week 2 shudder - verb---when something can’t control vibrations or shaking “…I almost drowned in a cow pond when I was little, maybe eight. T.T., Digger, and I were playing ice hockey, and I fell clear through the ice. The memory of that accident made me shudder.” p. 29, ¶4 instincts - noun---a feeling that you already know something, even though you have no proof “It was hard to ignore Tilly’s instincts. Once, she barked at the ceiling in our basement so insistently that my father pulled down part of the insulation and found a possum’s nest made out of leaves.” p. 32, ¶2 obscured - adjective---to cover or hide something “Tall marsh grass obscured my view to the right, but as soon as we had motored around it, I glimpsed the remains of an old dock - …” p. 32, ¶6 compressions - noun---act of pressing down on something “Then I sat up, put the heel of my right hand on his chest, covered it with my left, and pressed down. Five times I pressed down.” p. 36, ¶2

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