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Published byKaylynn Dines Modified over 10 years ago
Decision Making Process in the development of the Seafood Development Programme 2014-2020 Keith Kelleher Managing Authority – EFF / EMFF
EU/National Policies considered to assist in the development SDP 2014- 2020
Topics 1. EU Policies 2. National Policies
EU Policies EU2020 – Growth & Jobs Strategy. Five headline targets: Employment; R&D; Climate/Energy; Education ; Social Inclusion & Poverty Reduction. All European funds to be used to achieve these targets Common Provisions Regulation (CPR) - assist member states take into account EU2020 when using European Structural Investment Funds (ESIF). Partnership Agreements Country-specific position papers Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) – Sustainable development of fishing/aquaculture activities Reduction of the impact of fishing/aquaculture on the marine environment Achieving economic, social and employment benefits. Fleet Balance requirement National Strategic plan for Aquaculture Funding mechanism - EMFF
EU Policies Common Organisation Of Markets (CMO)– Producer Organisations Marketing & Production Plans. Storage Aid. Requirement for EMFF funding. European Maritime & Fisheries Fund(EMFF) - Eligible Measures/Actions. Implementation of Management & Control. Integrated Maritime Policy (IMP) – Blue Growth - maritime contribution to achieving the goals of the Europe 2020. 1. Develop sectors that have a high potential for sustainable jobs and growth – aquaculture, coastal tourism, 2. provide knowledge, legal certainty and security 3. Sea basin strategies to ensure tailor-made measures and to foster cooperation between countries i.e. Atlantic Strategy/ Area Action Plan
EU Policies NATURA 2000 (Birds & Habitats Directive ) Assure the long-term survival threatened species and habitats. Appropriate Assessments Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MFSD) - Protect more effectively the marine environment across Europe. Good Environmental Status (GES)
National Policies National Reform Programme (NRP) Updates on Irelands progress towards EU2020 Targets – Employment – to raise to 69-71% the employment rate for women and men aged 20-64 Research and Development – to raise combined public and private investment levels in this sector to 2.5% of GNP Climate Change – to reduce emissions in the non-traded sector by 20% compared to 2005 levels; to increase the share of renewables in final energy consumption to 16%; and to move towards a 20% increase in energy efficiency. Education – to reduce the percentage of 18-24 year olds with at most lower secondary education and not in further education and training to 8%; and to increase the share of 30-34 years olds having completed tertiary or equivalent education to at least 60%. Poverty – to reduce the number experiencing consistent poverty to 4% by 2016 (interim target) and to 2% or less by 2020, from the 2010 baseline rate of 6.3%, which will lift at least 200,000 people out of the risk of poverty and exclusion between 2012 and 2020. Action Plan for Jobs 2014 – Government’s response to the unemployment crisis Priorities include – Starting & Developing agri-food and marine SME’s Support sectors of high potential Improve Ireland’s agri-food sustainability performance.
National Policies Food Harvest 2020 – National strategy for the agri-food, fisheries & forestry sectors Targets – Increase revenue from seafood to €1 billion Increase employment in the seafood sector to 14,000 full-time equivalent jobs by 2020. A 78% increase in aquaculture volume production. Harnessing Our Ocean Wealth – Integrated Maritime Plan. Targets – €1 billion seafood value €1.5 billion revenue from Marine & coastal tourism and leisure.
National Policies BIM Strategy 2013-2017 – Vision - A scaled Irish seafood industry capitalising on the growing opportunities for seafood in global markets and providing sustainable employment in our coastal communities. Targets - Sales Value - €1 billion (€650 million in exports, €350 in domestic sales) 1,200 jobs created. 8,100 Training places created. Expand Raw Material supply by 45,000 tonnes 4 companies with a turnover of +€50 million Biodiversity Plan 2011-2016 – Overarching target - That biodiversity loss and degradation of ecosystems are reduced by 2016 and progress is made towards substantial recovery by 2020. Strategic Objective - To conserve and restore biodiversity and ecosystem services in the marine environment
National Policies National Climate Change Strategy 2007-2012 Sets out a range of measures to ensure Ireland reaches its target under the Kyoto Protocol. NRP - Climate Change – to reduce emissions in the non-traded sector by 20% compared to 2005 levels; to increase the share of renewables in final energy consumption to 16%; and to move towards a 20% increase in energy efficiency. Future Strategy.
Lessons taken from SWOT Analysis process
SWOT Analysis Process Stakeholder Consultation – Sept 2013 Presentation of Initial SWOT – Nov 2013. SWOT Revised following feedback. Revised SWOT – May 2014
Key Challenges – Fisheries Implementation of new CFP – Obligation to land, MSY Matching fleet to available resources Managing Inshore Fisheries Protection of Marine Environment & Biodiversity
Key Challenges - Aquaculture Expand the raw material supply - Lack of investment in research and development - Protection of marine environment and biodiversity - Protection of animal health and welfare; and public health - Need for high levels of skills in business, technical and environmental fields -
Key Challenges – Fisheries Areas Build on the experience gained by existing FLAGs Develop new mechanisms to support fisheries areas. Improve access to skills development Protection of Marine Environment & Biodiversity.
Key Challenges – Marketing & Processing Expand Raw Material Base - Adding Value to raw material - Create Scale (Improve profitability) - Develop Industry Skills Accessing Finance
Key Challenges – Data Collection Implementation of the Discard Ban and Regional Management Plans Data for scientific advice to ensure sustainable fisheries Capacity Building – Modelling and Statistics Research Surveys – Platforms to collect additional ecosystem data Data Availability – Increased Access
Key Challenges – Control & Enforcement Effective Control Presence Continual IT Development Inshore Fisheries Control Control on Landing Obligations Regionalisation
How EMFF funds are going to be used in Ireland
Programme Development Intervention Logic Context Analysis Context Analysis Policy Analysis Policy Analysis SWOT Analysis SWOT Analysis Needs Analysis Needs Analysis
Definition Intervention logic within the SDP 2014-2020 will be driven by the specific objectives established on the analysis of development needs for each sector and by the expected results.
Effective Intervention Logic For intervention logic to be effective, it needs to create logical links between the following elements: 1. Development needs/Strategy. 2. Investment priorities.
Intervention Logic Development 1. Identification of development needs. 2. Selection of thematic objectives and investment priorities. 3. The establishment of specific objectives. 4. Definition of result indicators. 5. Types of actions to be supported. 6. Definition of output indicators.
Intervention Logic SDP 2014-2020 EU2020 TO 8 Promoting sustainable and quality employment and supporting labour mobility EU2020 TO 6 Protecting the environment and promoting resource efficiency. EU2020 TO 3 Enhancing the competitiveness of SMEs CFP Objective- Fair standard of living for those who depend on fishing activities CFP Objective- Exploitation of living marine biological resources restores and maintains populations of harvested species above MSY. Aquaculture and fisheries activities to avoid degradation of the marine environment. Gradually eliminate discards CFP Objective- Provide conditions for economically viable, sustainable and competitive seafood sector NSP – Create GrowthNSP – Think GreenNSP – Act Smart Specific Objectives Promotion of economic growth, social inclusion and job creation in Irish fisheries areas. Development of professional training, new professional skills and lifelong learning in the Irish seafood sector. Promotion of diversification of activities within fisheries and into other sectors of the maritime sector. Specific Objectives Minimise any negative impacts of fisheries activities & aquaculture on the marine environment. Maintaining a stable and enduring balance between fishing capacity and available fishing opportunities in the Irish fleet. Avoiding and reducing as far as possible unwanted catches Improvement and supply of scientific knowledge and collection & management of data. Provision of support to monitor, control and enforce activities. Specific Objectives Enhancing the competitiveness and viability of Irish seafood SME’s. Provide support to Irish Seafood SME’s to strengthen technological development and innovation and knowledge transfer The promotion of animal health and welfare and public health and safety in the Irish Aquaculture sector. Improvement of the market organisation for Irish fishery and aquaculture products.
National Strategic Priority – Act Smart Specific Objectives – Enhance competitiveness and viability Strengthen technological development and innovation and knowledge transfer Promote animal health and welfare and public health and safety. Improve the market organisation. Result Indicators – Change in volume/value of seafood production Change in volume/value of aquaculture production Change in profitability (net profit) Employment created /maintained. EU production evolution (values & volumes of first sales)
National Strategic Priority – Act Smart Possible Actions – Presented in the afternoon session Output Indicators – No. of projects on fisheries innovation, advisory services and partnerships with scientists No. of projects on added value, quality, use of unwanted catches and fishing ports. No. of projects on aquaculture innovation, advisory services. No. of projects on productive investments on aquaculture. No. of Producer Organisations supported for production plans and storage aid No. of SME’s supported for marketing measures. No of SME’s supported for processing. No. of projects involving a compensation regime
National Strategic Priority – Think Green Specific Objectives – Impact of fisheries/ aquaculture. Aquatic biodiversity and ecosystems. Fishing capacity/ fishing opportunities. Scientific knowledge and collection & management of data. Control and enforcement activities. Result Indicators – Change in unwanted catches Change in fuel use per amount of fish caught Change in the coverage of marine protected areas Change in the % of unbalanced fleets. Number and % (total aquaculture production) of organic production and recirculation system Number and % aquaculture farms providing environmental services. Amount of serious infringements detected, divided by the amount of inspections carried out Increase in the percentage of adequate responses to data calls.
National Strategic Priority – Think Green Possible Actions – Presented in the afternoon session Output Indicators – No. of projects on conservation measures, reduction of fishing impact on the marine environment No. of projects on permanent cessation No. of projects on protection and restoration of marine biodiversity No. of projects on energy efficiency, mitigation of climate change No. of projects on limiting the impact of aquaculture on the environment. No. of projects on increasing potential of aquaculture sites and measures on public and animal health.
National Strategic Priority – Create Growth Specific Objectives – Training, new professional skills and lifelong learning in the Irish seafood sector. Promotion of economic growth, social inclusion and job creation in Irish fisheries areas. Diversification of activities. Result Indicators – Employment Created/ Maintained Change in the work-related injuries and accidents Employment created /maintained. No of businesses created
National Strategic Priority – Create Growth Possible Actions – Presented in the afternoon session Output Indicators – No. of projects promotion of human capital and social dialogue, diversification and new forms of income, start-ups for fisherman/aquaculture and health/safety. No. of projects promotion of human capital and social dialogue, diversification and new forms of income, start-ups for aquaculture farmers. No. of projects on mutual funds. No. of projects on aquaculture stock insurance. No. of local development strategies implemented No. of projects on preparatory support No of co-operation projects.
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