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Oceans in the UN and international arena The role of WMO WSIS, Geneva, 10 June 2014

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1 Oceans in the UN and international arena The role of WMO WSIS, Geneva, 10 June 2014

2 WMO’s mission  Protect life and property  Provide user-friendly weather and climate services  Promote research and sound science to inform policy for all sensitive socioeconomic sectors  Ensure rapid and global exchange of weather and water observations and information WMO and Ocean Affairs 2

3 In situ and space Observations Operational Ocean Forecasting System (GDPFS for Ocean) (e.g., Waves, Storm Surges, Sea Ice, SST, ocean circ., etc.) Ocean Climate (e.g., Waves, Storm Surges, Sea Ice, SST, etc.) Services (e.g., MSI/GMDSS, MPERSS, SAR, DRR, etc.) Users IMO and IHO IOC ICS Intertanko Intercargo Oil and Gas Industry Fisheries Etc. (IOC/WMO/UNEP GOOS) Marine Meteorology and Oceanography Programme WMO and Ocean Affairs 3

4 International Maritime Organisation World Meteorological Organisation National Maritime Authority National Meteorologi- cal Service Maritime Safety Information (MSI)  SOLAS states… ”Contracting Governments are obliged to provide and promulgate meteorological information and warnings to shipping”  And also… Forecasts, warnings, synoptic and other meteorological data intended for ships shall be issued and disseminated by NMHS in the best position to serve various coastal and high seas areas, in accordance with mutual arrangements made by Contracting Governments, in particular as defined by WMOs GMDSS. WMO and Ocean Affairs 4

5 Safety at sea  WMO provides forecasts to support safety at sea  Ships and ocean buoys contribute to weather forecasts WMO and Ocean Affairs 5

6 MSI: METAREAs WMO Metareas align with IMO Navareas WMO and Ocean Affairs 6

7 MSI: WWMIWS  WMO EC 62 (June 2010), requested WMO to “establish and develop, in collaboration with the IMO, terms of reference for an IMO/WMO World ‑ Wide Met-ocean Information and Warning Service (WWMIWS)”  to complement the existing IMO/IHO World-Wide Navigational Warning Services (WWNWS, IMO resolution A.706(17))  METAREA Coordinator role  IMO resolution adopted at IMO Assembly in November 2011 WMO and Ocean Affairs 7 World-Wide Metocean Information & Warnings Service

8 JCOMM Observations Implementation Goals  Complete and sustain the initial observing system Implementation of the Global Observing System for Climate in Support of the UNFCCC (GCOS-138) OOPC  Respond to other requirements WMO/CBS Rolling Review of Requirements for non-climate variables EOVs - OceanObs’09 outcomes and Framework for Ocean Observations (FOO) as guided by GOOS SC Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS) JCOMM Services and Forecasting Systems  Dialogue with users  Diversify!

9 In situ observations Observing system status – initial goals

10 10-year vision per Rec. 2 (JCOMM-4) for New Marine Climate Data System (MCDS)


12 Regions vulnerable to coastal flooding Nicholls & Cazenave, 2010 WMO and Ocean Affairs 12

13 Law of the Sea – UNCLOS 1982 Balance of rights, obligations and interests  Coastal States and other States, including researching States  Exploitation and conservation  Unimpeded access to resources beyond areas of national jurisdiction vs. controlled access to such resources UNCLOS  Jurisdictional framework for maritime spaces  Institutional framework  Conservation of living resources and equitable and efficient utilization of resources  Protection and preservation of the marine environment  Promotion of marine scientific research and transfer of marine technology Balance of rights, obligations and interests WMO and Ocean Affairs 13

14 Maritime zones under UNCLOS Beyond the limits of national jurisdiction  High seas: freedom of the high seas, flag state jurisdiction  Area: common heritage of mankind, International Seabed Authority

15  UN interagency coordination mechanism on ocean and coastal issues, parallel to UN-Water and UN-Energy  Called for by WSSD 2002  Successor of the Sub-committee on Oceans and Coastal Areas of the Administrative Committee on Coordination (ACC SOCA)  Operates through time-bound task forces  New Terms of reference approved by the General Assembly 2013

16 Opportunities for WMO  By fostering systematic observations, contributing to the knowledge base for addressing marine climate issues  Facilitating capacity building and transfer of technology for met ocean services  Co-leading a thematic session of the Informal Consultative Process on oceans and climate services  Participate in other relevant event (e.g., Barbados+20 and SIDS conference) WMO and Ocean Affairs 16

17 Marine Meteorology and Ocean Affairs Division E-mail: mmo@wmo.intmmo@wmo.int Thank you! WMO and Ocean Affairs 17

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