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DMAC ST and the Activities of the IOOS PO Derrick Snowden DMAC Steering Team 2013-02-28.

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Presentation on theme: "DMAC ST and the Activities of the IOOS PO Derrick Snowden DMAC Steering Team 2013-02-28."— Presentation transcript:

1 DMAC ST and the Activities of the IOOS PO Derrick Snowden DMAC Steering Team 2013-02-28

2 The recent IOOS summit issued a few recommendations or challenges wrt DMAC Clear instructions on how to participate Define a way to measure progress Presentation Objective Recent progress and near term plans for IOOS in the context of these two challenges

3 Great, a challenge, now what? Clear instructions to participate – (in what?) Metrics for progress – (towards what?) depressive-illness-confusion-and-fear-of-sanity/

4 The “what” of DMAC means different things to different people, particularly the system aspects.

5 There are several valid descriptions of “what” DMAC is GEOSS Architecture AIP-6Architecture EarthCube Concept Groups esp. Layered Architecture Cross Domain Interoperability NOAA Environmental Data Management Framework (v0.4) Alternatively, these are efforts to define the scope of the system we need.

6 IOOS Clients Discovery Service Access Service

7 This pattern or collection of activities is present in many of the geoscience data initiatives. 7 Illustrates the Publish, Find, Bind Pattern. OGC Reference Model (OGC 08-062r7) Discover Data/Service Register Data/Service Discovery Use Data/Service Access ServiceClients

8 The trouble with catalogs… 8 Illustrates the Publish, Find, Bind Pattern. OGC Reference Model (OGC 08-062r7) IOOS GEOSS WMO WIS One of the summit requests was for metrics to measure progress and community catalogs offer one possibility to focus on. More and better data services, more and better tools to use data, all data and tools registered in a catalog somewhere.

9 secure.html Metrics: Registry Inventories, quantity GEOSS – 286 s ervices IOOS - 239 records NODC - 26778 records NGDC - 22469 records NCDC - 283 records NASA PO.DAAC - 381 datasets

10 Metrics: Registry Inventories, quality ISO 19115 metadata completeness, internal consistency, accuracy secure.html

11 Another viewpoint on maturity and measuring progress

12 Clear directions for participating Guidelines for implementing a IOOS profile of SOS (

13 Tools to make it easier: Servers THREDDS 4.3 released (Unidata) –ncISO continued supportncISO –ncSOS new releasencSOS –Continued development on triangular mesh gridstriangular mesh 52North SOS implementing IOOS Profile52North SOSIOOS Profile SciWMS – Open source WMS server optimized for large netCDF data sets with some curvilinear grid supportSciWMS

14 ncSOS: SOS Service on top of THREDDS Open source plugin for TDS Maps CF (v1.6) Discrete Sampling Geometries to SWE Common SOS response types Wiki with installation instructions, compatible data sets and hints for use (http://asascience- USGS fork at CIDA/ncSOSx CIDA/ncSOSx

15 SWE tools Adopted SOS service and modified to support IOOS Profile (beta released, needs testers) SOS2NC Archiver tools (periodic dump to NODC netcdf templates) Implicit QC routines built in to SOS 52North OXF Web Client

16 Tools: Clients Python library for SOS Java-netCDF IOSP for SOS output Java SWE parsing library ncToolbox: Matlab library for CF- netCDF and soon SOS/SWE Python based CF netCDF compliance checker Javascript SOS client Environmental Data Connector

17 Training accessed 2013-02-26

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