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Ira van den Broek Taco de Bruin - NIOZ Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research - Netherlands National Polar Data Centre Joint SCADM/SCAGI meeting,

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Presentation on theme: "Ira van den Broek Taco de Bruin - NIOZ Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research - Netherlands National Polar Data Centre Joint SCADM/SCAGI meeting,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ira van den Broek Taco de Bruin - NIOZ Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research - Netherlands National Polar Data Centre Joint SCADM/SCAGI meeting, Buenos Aires, 31-7-2010 Task 1.1 of DIMS Implementation Plan

2 SAON: Sustaining Arctic Observing Networks data management workshop in Oslo (June 7 ‘10) purpose: to initiate the operational phase of SAON identified project: definition of a metadata profile SCADM Data and Information Strategy for SCAR DIMS - implementation plan identified task 1.1: develop an ISO compliant metadata profile Develop an ISO 19115 compliant metadata profile for polar data

3 Concurrent developments SAON: Sustaining Arctic Observing Networks SCADM Develop an ISO 19115 compliant metadata profile for polar data Small (ad-hoc) group met at Oslo IPY conference in June 2010: Mark Parsons (NSIDC) Øystein Godøy (METNO) Stephanie Grebas (NASA Global Change Master Directory – GCMD) Nathan Cunningham (British Antarctic Survey - BAS) Peter Pulsifer (National Snow and Ice Data Center – NSIDC) Ira van den Broek ( NIOZ Royal Netherlands Insitute for Sea Research Input and participation from all SCADM and SCAGI members is welcomed and very much needed !!!

4 Many metadata standards are being used within polar data management organizations: GCMD’s DIF / FGDC / ISO 19115 / OGC /... Some examples:  BAS uses ISO 19115  WMO Information Systems (WISs) – ISO 19115  Norwegian system built on DIF which is ISO 19115 compliant  Antarctic community in general heavily invested in DIF  NSIDC maps to several standards including DIF and ISO 19115  (European) Oceanographic community uses EDMED... who needs another standard?

5 Full ISO 19115 standards is too extensive; minimal is not enough  Create a ‘polar bare minimum’, ISO 19115 minimal with extensions:  addition of a precise space / time model  support use of OGC web-based services  support documentation of multimedia data  include metadata that supports long-term preservation

6 Some scientific disciplines use lists of keywords  GCMD DIF Science Keywords  CF Standard Names  GBIF  SeaDataNet (NERC Vocabulary Server) Others do not have formalised vocabularies => Seek collaboration with scientists to create or map vocabularies =>Join forces – several initiatives already taking place

7 Known problems related to metadata:  Interference – semantics heterogeneity;  Interference – conflicting versions of metadata records (as a result of metadata harvesting);  Lineage aspects of ISO 19115 – ensuring that we know how data were created  Unique identifiers (DOI is not useful for datasets) => document known problems, find solutions or workarounds, describe best practices. Write “cookbooks”

8 What are we trying to accomplish:  high level data discovery  web services, metadata harvesting, using OGC CSW, ISO23950 and OAI-PMH standards  all metadata linked to data (users are interested in data rather than metadata) AND:  interdisciplinary

9 Involvement of data management community => set up review process Involvement of scientific community => collaboration identifying vocabularies => build and demonstrate show-case



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