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HOUSING FOR SUSTAINABLE CITIES: COMMITMENTS AND PARTNERSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Regional Conference on Housing Policy towards Sustainable Housing Development.

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Presentation on theme: "HOUSING FOR SUSTAINABLE CITIES: COMMITMENTS AND PARTNERSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Regional Conference on Housing Policy towards Sustainable Housing Development."— Presentation transcript:

1 HOUSING FOR SUSTAINABLE CITIES: COMMITMENTS AND PARTNERSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Regional Conference on Housing Policy towards Sustainable Housing Development. 13-15 October, 2008, Abu Dhabi - U.A.E.

2 Regional Conference on Housing Policy towards Sustainable Housing Development - 13-15 October, 2008, Abu Dhabi - U.A.E. World URBANIZATION OF POVERTY IN THE « URBAN ERA » 2005- Urban Population in Western Asia 55% Urban Growth Rate 2.24% Slum Growth Rate 2.22% 2005- Urban Population 47% 2030- Urban Population 60% Western Asia World Urban Growth Rate 2.9% Slum Growth Rate 2.7% Western Asia

3 Regional Conference on Housing Policy towards Sustainable Housing Development - 13-15 October, 2008, Abu Dhabi - U.A.E. IMPROVING SLUMS FOR ACHIEVING MDGs Providing adequate shelter for urban poor, is an opportunity for addressing MDGs. UN MDGs cannot be achieved if the urban poor are ignored.

4 Regional Conference on Housing Policy towards Sustainable Housing Development - 13-15 October, 2008, Abu Dhabi - U.A.E. WHAT IS A SLUM? Durable Housing. Sufficient Living Area. A SLUM HOUSEHOLDS IS A GROUP OF INDIVIDUALS LIVING UNDER THE SAME ROOF IN AN URBAN AREA WHO LACK ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING FIVE CONDITIONS: Access to Improved Water. Access to Sanitation. Moderate deprived. Secure Tenure. Low deprived. Different levels of shelter deprivation: Severely deprived.

5 Regional Conference on Housing Policy towards Sustainable Housing Development - 13-15 October, 2008, Abu Dhabi - U.A.E. WHAT IS RUSPS? Background SLUMS IN ASIAN COUNTRIES

6 Regional Conference on Housing Policy towards Sustainable Housing Development - 13-15 October, 2008, Abu Dhabi - U.A.E. WHAT IS RUSPS? Background In 1996 Habitat II has allowed, NGOs, local governments and private sector to take the floor and table proposals for textual amendment of Habitat Agenda. UN-HABITAT recognizes the importance of promoting partnership between: UN HABITAT: STRENGHTENING PARTNERSHIP IN HOUSING DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMMES Local Government Civil society Private sectors

7 GENERAL SHOW CASES - Participatoring Housing Budget in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. - Social Housing in Singapore. - Social Housing Policy in the Netherland. - Community Construction System in Sri Lanka.

8 Regional Conference on Housing Policy towards Sustainable Housing Development - 13-15 October, 2008, Abu Dhabi - U.A.E. BUILDING PARTNERSHIP WITH CIVIL SOCIETY: THE CASE OF COLOMBO IN SRI LANKA The Community Construction System It is a tool to empower people to take control of the process of local level development. It is a partnership arrangement between a community and the Local Government

9 Regional Conference on Housing Policy towards Sustainable Housing Development - 13-15 October, 2008, Abu Dhabi - U.A.E. WHAT IS RUSPS? Background CBOs as promoter, engineer, contractor and end user. Demand-driven approach. Monitoring from the government’s special committee. NGO as mediator between CBOs and Government. Main issues: Community Construction System in Colombo, Sri Lanka Incorporation of the CCS into the municipal procurement system.

10 Regional Conference on Housing Policy towards Sustainable Housing Development - 13-15 October, 2008, Abu Dhabi - U.A.E. BUILDING PARNERSHIP WITH CIVIL SOCIETY: THE CASE OF PARTICIPATORY BUDGET SYSTEM IN BRAZIL In Brazil 15% of the population live in severely deprived slums. Participatory Budgeting System is a process of decision making in which residents decide how to allocate a portion of the municipal budget. Participatory Budgeting System has been adopted in a wide range of cities in Brazil.

11 Regional Conference on Housing Policy towards Sustainable Housing Development - 13-15 October, 2008, Abu Dhabi - U.A.E. WHAT IS RUSPS? Background Introducing participatory budgeting for housing. Participation of the organization “homeless movement” in housing policy decision making process. Distribution of public resources through Quality of Life Index. Existence of a specific budget line for housing. Land invasions in Belo Horizonte have declined precipitously, and there have been no land invasions during the past 3 years. Participatory Housing Budget in Belo Horizonte, Brazil Main issues in Belo Horizonte:

12 Regional Conference on Housing Policy towards Sustainable Housing Development - 13-15 October, 2008, Abu Dhabi - U.A.E. PRIVATE-PUBLIC PARTNERSHIP: THE CASE OF SOCIAL HOUSING IN SINGAPORE 1960 - Singapore had one of the largest and worst slum settlement in the world. Political Commitment - Government has adopted the Public Social Housing Programme. Public-Private Partnership - Government specifies selling prices and the parameters for the construction. Financial Commitment - Subsidizing houses and concessionary interest rate for housing.

13 Regional Conference on Housing Policy towards Sustainable Housing Development - 13-15 October, 2008, Abu Dhabi - U.A.E. WHAT IS RUSPS? Background Central Provident Fund (CPF) Social Housing in Singapore HOMEOWNERSHIP PROGRAMME - Innovative self-help mortgage financial scheme. Citizens contribution to the fund with a certain percentage of their salary. Citizens may use their contribution to the CPF to fund the purchase of their houses. 85% of population live in a home rented or bought in the public sector.

14 Regional Conference on Housing Policy towards Sustainable Housing Development - 13-15 October, 2008, Abu Dhabi - U.A.E. BUILDING PARTNERSHIP WITH NGOs: THE CASE OF SOCIAL HOUSING IN THE NETHERNALDS Netherlands has the highest percentage of social housing in the European Union. Housing policy is based on governance, rather than government. Local authorities work closely with Local Housing Associations, which are private, not-for profit Organizations.

15 Regional Conference on Housing Policy towards Sustainable Housing Development - 13-15 October, 2008, Abu Dhabi - U.A.E. WHAT IS RUSPS? Background Private, non-profit organizations owning more than 99% of the social housing stocks. Social Housing Policy in the Netherlands How do they work? At the beginning they were heavily subsidized, but now they are financially and administratively independents organizations. They provide social housing and subsidies according to the parameters established by the Government. The Government supervises their activities. They adopt environmentally friendly measures according to the parameters established by the government. Local Housing Associations: who they are?

16 CASE STUDY: Low Income Housing in Jordan

17 Regional Conference on Housing Policy towards Sustainable Housing Development - 13-15 October, 2008, Abu Dhabi - U.A.E. BASIC INDICATORS FOR JORDAN Total Population: 5.600.000 Percentage of urban population - 82.6% Annual population growth rate - 2.3%. Population in Amman - 2.173.000 (38% of the total population). Poverty line (2005) - 1.38JD/person/day – about 2$ Unemployment rate: - 12.9% Poverty ratio (2005) - 14.7% Urban Population Poverty ratio (2005) - `13.1% Average monthly income of household: 518 JD (2006)

18 Regional Conference on Housing Policy towards Sustainable Housing Development - 13-15 October, 2008, Abu Dhabi - U.A.E. BASIC HOUSING INDICATORS FOR JORDAN Housing Stock Annual Increase rate: 3.7% Demand for new housing in Amman: 13.000 National Demand for new housing: 32.600 National demand for new housing: 45.000 2008 2012 URGENT DEMAND FOR AFFORDABLE HOUSING

19 Regional Conference on Housing Policy towards Sustainable Housing Development - 13-15 October, 2008, Abu Dhabi - U.A.E. WHAT IS RUSPS? Background Political Commitment – Ensuring adequate housing to low income groups. National Housing Strategy – Providing affordable housing for all income groups. Housing policy and urban poverty in Jordan Creation of Housing and Urban Development Corporation (HUDC) 170 housing projects (Houses/plots) for 400.000 citizens. Site and service schemes with small plots - enabling the beneficiaries to participate in acquiring their own housing units 2008 – New projects for providing 75.000 housing units for employees in the public sector. 7% of the houses/plots will be subsidized.

20 Regional Conference on Housing Policy towards Sustainable Housing Development - 13-15 October, 2008, Abu Dhabi - U.A.E. WHAT IS RUSPS? Background 1996 – Reform programme to promote private sector involvement in land and housing production for low and moderate income houses. The adopted measures are the followings: Housing policy in Jordan: Public-Private Partnership Granting full right to the private sector to adopt and use the HUDC privileges and standards Exemption of taxes on small units production and simplification of procedures Establishing a secondary mortgage facility as a backing for long term lending. The private sector production of housing units increased from 4.7% in 1994 to 24.8% in 2003.


22 Regional Conference on Housing Policy towards Sustainable Housing Development - 13-15 October, 2008, Abu Dhabi - U.A.E. WHAT IS RUSPS? Background Lessons learned Housing for low income households as one of the National Agenda priorities. Crucial roles of the government in ensuring affordable housing for low income groups POLICIES DEFINITION Civil Society Involvements: - Communities - NGOs Create Partnerships with: - Communities - NGOs - Private Sector Consultation/ Participation with Communities and NGOs POLICIES IMPLEMENTATION SUSTAINABILITY

23 Regional Conference on Housing Policy towards Sustainable Housing Development - 13-15 October, 2008, Abu Dhabi - U.A.E. WHAT IS RUSPS? Background Encourage and support partnership with communities, NGOs and private sector. Strengthen local authorities’ legislations particularly in the sectors of housing and community services. Recommendations Create innovative tools for affordability of housing. Provide incentives to involve more effectively the private sector in the provision of housing. Increase consultation with communities in all policy matters.

24 Regional Conference on Housing Policy towards Sustainable Housing Development - 13-15 October, 2008, Abu Dhabi - U.A.E. …..Grazie

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