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Annual Meeting of the African Community of Practice on MfDR Kampala, December, 11-15, 2007 Cristina Matusse Ministry of Planning and Development - Mozambique.

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Presentation on theme: "Annual Meeting of the African Community of Practice on MfDR Kampala, December, 11-15, 2007 Cristina Matusse Ministry of Planning and Development - Mozambique."— Presentation transcript:

1 Annual Meeting of the African Community of Practice on MfDR Kampala, December, 11-15, 2007 Cristina Matusse Ministry of Planning and Development - Mozambique POVERTY OBSERVATORY

2 DEVELOPMENT OBSERVATORY PRESENTATION OUTLINE  The Role of DO  Expected Results  Structure  Institutional Framework  Lessons Learned  Challenges

3 Observatório da Pobreza THE ROLE OF POVERTY OBSERVATORY “Development Observatory (DO)”  To evaluate activities aimed to reduce poverty  This is consultative forum  It’s included in the M&A system of PRS  The objectives To evaluate the coherency and affectivity of the actions to reduce poverty  Government actions  Other stakeholders – Donors and CS

4 Observatório da Pobreza EXPECTED RESULTS  An impulsion and effectiveness on implementation of the actions and government programs  More involvement of other stakeholders  Improvement in the flow and amplitude of external assistance

5 Observatório da Pobreza Plenary session Government Institutions CSO Development Observatory Government of Mozambique International Partners Secretariat (DNP)

6 Observatório da Pobreza STRUCTURE PREPARATORY SESSIONS:  Involve: Government Institutions Civil Society Partners Private sector partners International Cooperation partners  Thematic working groups  Sessions organized according the PARPA Pillars (economic development, governance, human capital & crosscutting issues)

7 Observatório da Pobreza STRUCTURE PLENARY SESSIONS : consultative Forum  Involve: Government Institutions Civil Society Partners Private sector partners International Cooperation partners  Total: 60 participants  Ministries representatives : 25 including provincial representation  Civil Soc + Private Sector : 20 participants  International partners : 15

8 Observatório da Pobreza PLENARY SESSIONS: Competency  They meet to... Dissemination of the information (presentation of the reports) To evaluate (analysis of the reports and debate) To advise (suggestions and comments)  Meetings regularity At least once a year  At start of planning process or  To review annual report

9 Observatório da Pobreza COORDINATION OF DO  Technical secretariat (DNP- MPD) Administrative support Reports of the sessions Dissemination

10 Observatório da Pobreza INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK OF DO  DO is integrated in the National Planning and Monitoring process  Planning: PRS which is operationalized by the MTEF and Economic and Social Plan  Monitoring: Annual and semestral review of the Economic and Social Plan and the join review process with cooperation partners

11 Observatório da Pobreza MEDIUM TERM PROGRAMMINGANNUALOPERATIONAL PLANS PROVINCIAL AND SECTORAL STRATEGIC PLANS THREE ANNUAL PROGRAM OF PUBLIC INVESTMENT (PTIP) MEDIUM TERM EXPENDITURES FRAMEWORK (MTEF) ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL PLAN (PES) STATE BUDGET (OE) GOVERNMENT PROGRAM Integração da política e estratégia sectorial Enquadramento dos recursos e afectação inter-sectorial Limites para o investimento (recursos internos e externos) Orçamento de Investimento Limites de Despesa Consistence of the budget and Policy objectives Cenário macro e sectorial Integration of the objectives and sectoral targets Integration of the objectives and targets + Coordination in the monitoring process PRSP (PARPA) Harmonização da política e estratégia sectorial Afectação prioritária de recursos PUBLIC PLANNING SYSTEM: ARTICULATION OF THE INSTRUMENTS

12 Observatório da Pobreza LESSONS LEARNED 1  On the Framework  It is a unique mechanism on its nature;  Original concept (performance monitoring) improved with forward looking perspective (planning functions);  Good mechanism for broad based inputs (particularly CSOs) into policy formulation and development planning;  Great understanding (of the framework) at central level;

13 Observatório da Pobreza LESSONS LEARNED 2  On the Structure  Representation of all stakeholders at all levels;  Technical secretariat well represented at provincial level;  Good coordination between central and provincial DO;  Government driven;  Civil Society is using the same structure at local level (districts)

14 Observatório da Pobreza CHALLENGES 1  Strengthening the role of DO:  Improving the data collection and the quality of reports;  The quality of CS participation (analytical capability and debate);  Regularize the DO in the sense to be better integrated in the planning and monitoring process;  Dissemination channels still inadequate;  Capacity building for technical secretariat at provincial level in terms of:  Preparatory sessions  Administrative issues  Moderation of the meeting  Drafting the session reports and dissemination

15 Observatório da Pobreza CHALLENGES 2  Representation of the districts councils at provincial DO need to be improved;  Limited financial resources to:  Organize more than one DO for policy inputs,  Carry out oriented studies to be used in the DO;  Dissemination of the information

16 Observatório da Pobreza THANK YOU

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