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Absa AgriBusiness Bank Agri Commodity outlook

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Presentation on theme: "Absa AgriBusiness Bank Agri Commodity outlook"— Presentation transcript:

1 Absa AgriBusiness Bank Agri Commodity outlook
Presented By Ernst Janovsky 30 September Disclaimer: Although everything has been done to ensure the accuracy of the information, the Bank takes no responsibility for actions or losses that might occur due to the usage of this information.

2 Global food consumption in the next 40yr’s is to exceed total food production of the last 500 years

3 Demand for food outstrip prediction based on population growth
Growth in demand can easily be met by unlocking production growth in Africa and South America.

4 Investment opportunities in Sub-Sahara based on the economic prospects

5 Investment in agriculture needs to be match to investment in infrastructure
Other factors to consider before investing Asset Management Risk (access to title or asset through leasehold) Operational risk (ease of doing business, accesses to inputs etc.) Marketing risk (Market access, Price discovery, Government intervention etc.)

6 Investment risk rating (PESTLE) for selected Africa countries

7 International and domestic long term maize outlook

8 Domestic short term maize outlook

9 International and domestic wheat outlook

10 Domestic short term wheat outlook

11 World and domestic soya trends

12 Domestic Oil seed price outlook

13 Beef price outlook

14 International Mutton price trends

15 Pork price outlook

16 Ostrich outlook

17 Milk outlook

18 Poultry price outlook

19 International fibre outlook

20 Wool price outlook

21 Mohair and cotton price outlook

22 Citrus production outlook

23 Citrus price outlook

24 Apple outlook

25 Pear outlook

26 Peach outlook

27 Plum outlook

28 Apricot outlook

29 Wine outlook

30 Table grape production and exports

31 Table grape domestic market outlook

32 Vegetable outlook

33 Potato outlook

34 Given all challenges and opportunities farming remain profitable

35 Thank you for the opportunity to share some ideas
Contact details E Janovsky Tel (011) Disclaimer: Although everything has been done to ensure the accuracy of the information, the Bank takes no responsibility for actions or losses that might occur due to the usage of this information.

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