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CEMUS ”The Global Economy” Nov 6 2013, Georg Andrén Sida Development Policy and Foreign Aid.

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Presentation on theme: "CEMUS ”The Global Economy” Nov 6 2013, Georg Andrén Sida Development Policy and Foreign Aid."— Presentation transcript:

1 CEMUS ”The Global Economy” Nov 6 2013, Georg Andrén Sida Development Policy and Foreign Aid

2 Swedish Policy for Global Development Objective An Equitable and Sustainable Global Development Operational tools Policy Coherence Development Cooperation (multilateral and bilateral) Points of departure A rights perspective The perspective of people living in poverty

3 Policy Coherence for Development Six focus areas of special importance and where Sweden is expected to be able to make a difference Oppression Economic exclusion Migration flows Climate change and Environmental impact Conflict and fragile situations Communicable diseases and other health threats

4 Oppression Freedom of expression Sexual and reproductive health and rights Organised crime with special focus on human trafficking

5 Economic exclusion Trade in agricultural products Financial markets Swedish trade and investment in developing countries

6 Migration flows Labour immigration to Sweden and the EU Remittances and the transfer of skills and knowledge to developing countries Protection and durable solutions for refugees

7 Climate change and environmental impacts Climate: adaptation and emission reduction Chemicals management Sustainable urban development

8 Conflicts and fragile situations Security sector reform Women, peace and security From conflict to long term sustainable development

9 Communicable diseases and other health threats Sustainable health systems and greater access to medicines Early warning and control measures Health promotion and disease prevention

10 Development Cooperation (Foreign Aid) Transfer of resources Transfer of knowledge and capabilities Dialogue/Value promotion Partnerships, relation building

11 Development cooperation figures (1)

12 Development cooperation figures (2)

13 Development cooperation Africa Million SEK 2014 Burkina Faso145 000 Ethiopia100 000 Kenya400 000 Mali275 000 Mozambique729 000 Rwanda180 000 Tanzania793 000 Uganda300 000 Zambia350 000 DR Kongo275 000 Liberia300 000 Somalia300 000 Sudan Sydsudan200 000 Zimbabwe200 000 Regionalt Afrika (Reg.S)500 000 Regional HIV/Aids, SRHR, LGBT350 000

14 Bringing it all together in Africa (1) Context “Africa Rising” Strong economic growth, investment and trade picking up Poverty levels still unacceptable Conflicts persist A new Panafricanism emerging Accountability at continental, subregional, national an local level

15 Bringing it all together in Africa (2) Reconciling Development cooperation and policy coherence Oppression Economic exclusion Migration flows Climate change and Environmental impact Conflict and fragile situations Communicable diseases and other health threats

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