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ILRI 86 Establishment and maintenance of a knowledge clearing house and learning cycle 87 Measurement and analysis of value chain performance 88 Identification.

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1 ILRI 86 Establishment and maintenance of a knowledge clearing house and learning cycle 87 Measurement and analysis of value chain performance 88 Identification and design of value chain upgrades Derek Baker 11 July 2013

2 Outputs by activity 86 Establishment and maintenance of a knowledge clearing house and learning cycle 2013 deliverables StatusComment 3.1.1 Compiled sets of tools catalogued and displayed on the platform. Complete for CRP 3.7 toolset Being used across CRP 3.7 3.1.1 Tools associated with organizational approaches to input supply highlighted and being tested in commodity CRPs (1.1 & 3.7, also 1.2). Complete for CRP 3.7 toolset Also being tested in Botswana 3.1.9 Updates of website and expression of material available online. Complete on-going 3.2.4 Compiled sets of training materials related to value chain analysis catalogued and displayed on the platform. Complete on-going 3.2.4 User responses and feedback available on online platform. Platform is available 3.2.4 Published proceedings from Addis Ababa workshop. Completed 2012 Proceedings published online in 2013 4.2.4 1 st Conference scheduling; establishing content, programme and theme Completed PLEASE REGISTER 3.2.4 Conference held and proceedings published Sched. Sept 2013 Kampala, Uganda. 3.1.1 Development of Impact Assessment tools from VC performance measures (new deliverable) Sched. late 2013 Interaction with CRP 3.7 3.1.1 Capacity development as training in Systems Dynamics models and Impact Assessment (new deliverable) Completed


4 Outputs by activity 87 Measurement and analysis of value chain performance 2013 deliverablesStatusComment 3.2.1 Conceptual Framework on value chain performance measures in smallholder and informal market systems, published as working paper and supplied to partner CRPs (from 2012) Partially complete 3.2.4 Sampling guidelines provided for within-chain surveys, including working paper (from 2012) startedOne working paper complete Pres. at IFAMA (Atlanta, GA) June 2013 Special session at Afr. Ag Ec Conf Sept 2013 3.1.5 Contribution to special issue of journal, dealing with informal markets and their link to development by way of value chain interventions (new deliverable) End 2013Proposal for special issue is being compiled by IIED (UK) 3.2.1 Published econometric analysis of data sets from 3 countries to test performance measurement and attribute success. End 2013 (subm) Systems Dynamics model (Botswana) is in draft form Regression model (Zimbabwe) is in draft form Regression model (Uganda) is in early stages Regression model (Kenya) is in early stages Network model (Tanzania and Uganda) in early stages (pres. at IFAMA (Atlanta, GA) June 2013 3.2.1 Published journal article on analysis of value chain performance from 3countries. End 2013

5 Outputs by activity 87 Measurement and analysis of value chain performance – CONT’d 2013 deliverablesStatusComment 3.2.1 Published scenarios from multi- market models. End 2013Existing model of Ethiopia to be used Analysis using ALIVE Policy Toolkit to be published (supporting BMGF-funded work). Integration with CRP 2 Policy Theme + CRP 3.7 Situational Analysis 3.2.1 Published journal article on measurement of value chain performance based on diverse forms of data, calibrated by participatory methods End 2013Table of VC performance measures used in design of intervention logic for CRP 3.7, and in tools’ design 3.2.1 Supply of results to CRP 3.7, 4, 1.1 and 7. (now includes CRP 1.2) Throughou t 2013 Table of VC performance measures used in design of intervention logic for CRP 3.7, and in tools’ design 3.2.4 Conference special session, with published proceedings, on sampling for value chain analysis. Sched. Sept. 2013 Scheduled for September 2013 in Tunis. Materials under review 3.2.4 Scenarios from multi-market models published and made available to policy makers. End 2013Policy work underway in Ethiopia Includes capacity building 3.2.4 Updated database for multi-market model available to local partners. Completed Ethiopia

6 Outputs by activity 88 Identification and design of value chain upgrades 2013 deliverables as per work program Status of completion Comment 3.1.5 Conceptual Framework for formation and maintenance of a producer service hub, published as a working paper (from 2012) Unchanged since 2012 New impetus in Tanzania alongside new IrishAid-funded project New partnership with Wageningen 3.1.5 Conceptual Framework for formation and maintenance of an innovation platform, with tools for M&E (from 2012) Draft completed December 2012 Testing of the CF is on-going in partnership with two projects in West Africa using MSc students. 3.1.1 Methods developed for measurement and application of value chains actors' incentives for change in value chain upgrading, published as a working paper (from 2012) Drafts of papers available for Botswana and Mozambique Systems Dynamics models established for livestock systems in Mozambique, Botswana, Tanzania, Uganda. 3.1.1 Formulation of analytical model for networks comprised of smallholders and informal traders and service providers (from 2012) Half completedConference presentation at IFAMA (Atlanta, Georgia) in June 2013. New impetus in Tanzania 3.1.1 Completed evaluation of Business Development Services within the network. (from 2012) Half completedFurther field work planned for October 2013 in Tanzania 3.1.1 Conceptual framework for public and private roles in delivery of services to smallholder producers. Half completedDrawing on Systems Dynamics work in Tanzanian dairy and Ugandan pigs

7 Outputs by activity 88 Identification and design of value chain upgrades – CONT’d 2013 deliverablesStatusComment 3.1.1 Journal article published on innovation platforms. Expected December 2013 Two MSc theses to be completed in September 2013. 3.1.1 Conference special session on network analysis of interventions in smallholder system, with proceedings. Submissions under review Scheduled for September 2013 3.1.2 Incentive measurement methods incorporated into CRP4 and CRP 7. (Now proposed to target a range of CRPs according to expressed demand, rather than just CRP 4 and CRP7, and in association with development of M&E tools as described above) Expected end 2013 Supporting ActionAID Survey of traders’ preferences for export quality sheep’s traits, and factors affecting such preferences. 3.1.1 Research design established for network application in activities in partner CRPs. Completed 3.1.6 Working model of a commercial credit product to enable value addition in smallholder systems. Delayed into 2014Delays in Swaziland-based project implementation 3.1.6 Methods developed for incorporation of risk into design of value chain upgrading interventions, published as Working Paper. To start in late 2013Other priorities (esp. policy) emerging on CRP 3.7-related Value Chains 3.1.6 Journal article published on incorporation of risk into analysis of value chain upgrading options. Delayed into 2014

8 Outcomes by activity ActivitiesOutputs (gen)Outcomes 86 Establishment and maintenance of a knowledge clearing house and learning cycle Preliminary web presence established 87 Measurement and analysis of value chain performance Tool development CRP 3.7: Standardisation across VCs VC performance measures embedded Adoption of IMPACT in intervention design Model update/use Policy development in Ethiopia: Govt. Roadmap for Livestock Accelerated policy interest in whole-chain function in Mozambique and Botswana Tool use Project design (Tanzania, Uganda) by BMGF Changed statistical procedures (Tanzania) 88 Identification and design of value chain upgrades Innovation Platform Adoption of mechanism by partners and funding agencies in West Africa, Tanzania Systems Dynamics Project design (Uganda) by AUSAID

9 Impact ActivitiesOutcomeImpact 86 Establishment and maintenance of a knowledge clearing house and learning cycle 87 Measurement and analysis of value chain performance Policy development in Ethiopia: Govt. Roadmap for Livestock Accelerated policy interest in whole-chain function in Mozambique and Botswana Co-ordinated approach to livestock- related policy Enhanced capacity amongst government agencies doing policy analysis Project design (Tanzania, Uganda) by BMGF Changed statistical procedures (Tanzania) AU-IBAR call for all African countries to include a livestock question on human pop. Census. 88 Identification and design of value chain upgrades

10 Linkages with other CRPs ActivitiesOutputs (gen)Linkage to other CRPs 86 Establishment and maintenance of a knowledge clearing house and learning cycle Preliminary web presence established CRP 3.7, 4.3 Design of Agrifood Network conference CR3.7, 4.3 87 Measurement and analysis of value chain performance Tool developmentCRP 3.7, 1.2, 1.1, 4.3 Model update/useCRP 3.7, 1.1 Tool useCRP 3.7, 1.2 88 Identification and design of value chain upgrades Innovation PlatformCRP 3.7, 1.1 Systems DynamicsCRP 3.7

11 Tools’ progress TopicFormStatusCommentsNext steps VC data collection Questionnaires and guidebooks Completed Lodged on CRP 3.7 wiki Not peer reviewed Being tested in CRP 3.7 and CRP 2 bilateral project sites Integration with Impact Assessment Enhanced use of VC performance measures Integration with IDO and related variables VC and demand analysis Procedure and questionnaires, analytical routines 2 journal articles submitted, 2 conference presentations made Not lodged anywhere Under peer review Complementary activity to BMGF work on livestock data Innovation Platform analysis Model being empircally tested Research is underway Due late 2013 Publication of evidence- based guidelines Constraint analysis Procedure and questionnaires, analytical routines Report on trial run available Journal article (almost) submitted) Under peer review Complementary activity to BMGF work on livestock data Developm ent of ALIVE toolkit Information packaging Implementation and adaptation underway Use is with Ethiopian government Results to be peer- reviewed

12 Next steps Clearing House web presence upgrade Clearing House Agrifood Toolkit Conference in Kampala, Uganda   1 seat reserved  CG partners – please register with Jo Cadilhon Tools peer review  Journals  Other procedures for questionnaires VC performance  Completion of VC performance measures logic  Empirical implementation across several data sets Integration with policy work  HH, micro-economic and whole chain analysis  policy-dedicated models November Conference under PIM Theme 1  Use of single-country, single-commodity IMPACT runs (with CRP 3.7, 1.2)  Linkage to Impact Assessment (with CRP 3.7, 1.2)  Public-private roles Special topics  Networks – Afr. Assoc. Agr Econ Conference  Trader data collection and analysis – Afr. Assoc. Agr Econ Conference  Informal markets - Special Issue

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