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IDRC TTU Event, Nairobi, Kenya 21-22 May 2014.  Research environment in SSA  Universities/university based researchers  Think tanks  NGOs/CSOs  Global.

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1 IDRC TTU Event, Nairobi, Kenya 21-22 May 2014

2  Research environment in SSA  Universities/university based researchers  Think tanks  NGOs/CSOs  Global and regional research organisations e.g. AERC, APHC, PASGR, GDN etc  International & regional bodies –e.g. World Bank, ADB, AU etc  National government bodies – Ministries, central banks

3  What is the nature of the relationship between think tanks and universities in Africa?  What is the influence on these relationships of different types of capacity building support provided by funding organisations?

4  Improve mutual understanding of organisational interests, dynamics and priorities;  Consider the opportunities, benefits and barriers associated with collaborations;  Understand whether efforts to strengthen research or build capacity in one type of organisation influence the other; and,  Dialogue on new or better ways for the two organisations to collaborate.

5  10 country case studies  Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania & Uganda (East Africa)  Benin, Nigeria & Senegal (West Africa)  Mozambique, South Africa & Zimbabwe (Southern Africa)  Common framework/survey tools covering  Think tanks and universities as institutions  Individuals within think tanks and universities  Third party organisations  Focus group discussions  Validation/findings sharing meetings

6  Think tank - an organisation that generates policy- oriented research in social sciences with the aim of enabling public policy actors to make informed decisions.  University – an institution of higher learning providing facilities for social science graduate teaching and research, and authorised to grant academic degrees  Third party organisation – Any country-based organisation (public or private) that relates with universities & think tanks as a funder and/or user of their outputs

7 CountryUniversitiesThink tanksThird party Total Instit. interviews Indiv. interviews Total Instit. interviews Indiv. interviews Benin481966157 Ethiopia8153010 207 Kenya95166677 Mozambique55598136 Nigeria1116301312207 Senegal3153010 207 South Africa11202613 910 Tanzania59205595 Uganda692499147 Zimbabwe35239961 Total 65107223908813364

8  Most collaborations are between individuals (based at Universities) and think tanks; mainly informal  Collaborations are mainly in research and training and less in policy dialogue and consultancy except in Ethiopia  Collaborations are mainly donor funded except in SA and Zimbabwe  No clear evidence that research in think tanks informs training programmes in universities.

9  Credibility  Ideological alignment  Extra income  Opportunity to publish  Academic recognition  Improving quality  Donor requirement (in a few instances)

10  Sharing of facilities e.g. libraries, student attachments  Reliance on part-time university staff by some TTs as a cost-cutting strategy  Interest in communicating policy messages in a manner that goes beyond dissemination of “academic findings”  Getting connected to the policy world/networks and to other resources

11  Lack of information and communication channels  Traditions and attitudes (Gulf between theory and practice)  Variation in funding sources & modalities  Intellectual independence  Absence of a deliberate and formalised collaborative culture  Limited financial and human resources  Type and leadership of think tank

12  A clear agenda/objectives  Common interests  Mutual respect and recognition  Shared understanding of financial commitments  Personal informal relationships  Commitment & respect for timelines

13  Collaboration creates a win-win situation where each organisation has comparative advantages  Each is a recruitment ground for the other which enables ideas to be transferred between them and promotes mutual understanding.  TTs and universities play a complementary role  Supporting collaboration does not necessarily have to be financial or involve huge funds TTs packaging findings from universities Budget discussions Holding quarterly seminars

14  Different ways of enhancing collaborations should be country specific  Country context determines collaborations and influence of donors – no uniform way of influencing collaborations by donors  Governments could play a critical role in encouraging collaborations between TTs and universities - should be involved in the discussions  Sustainability of TTs is largely dependent on a vibrant university sector  Collaboration is mainly initiated by TTs with individuals in universities 1

15 1 How Research is Used How Researchers and Users are Developed How Research is Done

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