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European capacity building initiativeecbi Equity and Legal form european capacity building initiative initiative européenne de renforcement des capacités.

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Presentation on theme: "European capacity building initiativeecbi Equity and Legal form european capacity building initiative initiative européenne de renforcement des capacités."— Presentation transcript:

1 european capacity building initiativeecbi Equity and Legal form european capacity building initiative initiative européenne de renforcement des capacités ecbi for sustained capacity building in support of international climate change negotiations pour un renforcement durable des capacités en appui aux négociations internationales sur les changements climatiques

2 european capacity building initiativeecbi 1.As the convention already provides a general legal framework (in order to add value) the new agreement should outline specific goals and obligations, 2.The outcome should cover all aspects of the negotiations (mitigation, adaptation, finance, tech. transfer etc) 3.A new international treaty/agreement under the Convention is the desired outcome of the ADP negotiations 4.The treaty must be durable but flexible enough to respond to changing circumstances. Legal Form

3 european capacity building initiativeecbi New international treaty (Protocol, Implementation Agreement, Covenant etc) Amendments of Convention and/or Protocol Unilaterally binding declarations Mix bags of outcomes Political agreement (e.g. on national legislation) COP decisions None 5. While core issues - i.e. mitigation and finance - should be addressed in a new international agreement/treaty other areas may be dealt with outside the new legal instrument (e.g. in COP decisions, unilateral declarations) 6. There are, however, different opinions if and to what extent these other issues should not also be in the treaty, or can be meaningfully addressed by other formal tools outside the new treaty

4 european capacity building initiativeecbi Equity How could differentiation be further applied to an already binary differentiated treaty? Categorisation through organisational memberships Categorisation through parameters

5 european capacity building initiativeecbi LDCs Sub-Saharan Africa Parametric categorizations BASIC “Poverty Intensity of GDP”

6 european capacity building initiativeecbi 1.How does the “Spectrum of Commitments” fit into this legal picture? 2.How does the Spectrum of Commitments deal with equity?

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