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What is the Olympics? The Olympics is a sporting event that takes place once every 4 years Participants come from all over the world to bring honour.

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2 What is the Olympics?

3 The Olympics is a sporting event that takes place once every 4 years Participants come from all over the world to bring honour to their countries It is not just about winning but also how you play the game The basic focus: “Faster, higher, stronger”

4 The modern Olympics began in 1896 in Athens, Greece However, historical records show that the first Olympics were held in 776 B.C. he Olympic Games have always been for participants of various ages What is the Olympics?

5 Inaugural Youth Olympic Games 2010 The International Olympic Committee (IOC) came up with the idea of having an Olympic Games specifically for youth back in 2001 But it was only on July 6 th 2007, when the committee approved of the plan Five cities were selected to be considered as the host country Ultimately, on Feb 21 st 2008, it was declared that Singapore won the bid to host the YOG The YOG will be held from the 14 th Aug to 26 th Aug 2010

6 Why is it such a big deal? –Singapore will go down in history as the first venue for the YOG –Help inject tourism and boost the economy –Gives our local young athletes the opportunity to compete in a world-class competition –Can afford to send a big delegation as it does not incur as much cost Inaugural Youth Olympic Games 2010

7 Some of the games that will be contested: –Aquatics –Archery –Badminton –Basketball –BMX Cycling –Football –Taekwondo –Beach Wrestling –Triathlon …and many more! A total of 26 games! Inaugural Youth Olympic Games 2010

8 But the Olympics is not just about sports. It is also about culture, education and friendship Come 14 th August 2010, our country will be visited by 3200 youth participants There will be live youth performances, art installations and festivals that will celebrate the Spirit of Olympism and its ideals Inaugural Youth Olympic Games 2010

9 What else is in the pipeline?

10 International Youth Friendship Camp Objectives of the camp: This camp aims to promote international understanding, collaboration friendship, and bonding between youths from different countries through lived-in experiences, cultural, educational and outdoor sports and adventure activities.

11 The themes: International Youth Friendship Camp Olympism and Sports Education Cross-cultural learning Active and sporting lifestyle Spirit of volunteerism Conservation of environmental and cultural heritage

12 This camp will be attended by youths from over 200 countries, of ages between 14 to 18 200 Singapore students will participate as well When: 7 th to 11 th December 2009 Where: MOE Changi Coast Adventure Ctr, MOE Labrador Adventure Ctr & Pulau Ubin International Youth Friendship Camp

13 What are schools doing to support the Youth Olympic Games?

14 Olympic Education Programme Purpose of OEP Build awareness of Olympism and promote Olympic spirit of Respect, Friendship and Excellence Objectives  Encourage youth to embrace and express the Olympic Values  Stimulate interest among the youth on Sports and Societal Issues and Challenges  Be a catalyst for Youth Involvement in Sports


16 The 8 themes of the OEP will be ingrained in school, via your daily lessons and through other special programmes or events All this is to raise awareness about the YOG and what it stands for Olympic Education Programme

17 Twinning Programme The Singapore Schools – National Olympic Committee Twinning Programme is also proposed to connect a Singapore school with a school from a country that is a member of the NOC. Goal of the Twinning Programme: Build international friendship through collaboration between people to strengthen world peace

18 Objectives of the Twinning Programme

19 Learning Interacting Support from MCYS and MOE Country History Geography People Traditions Culture Customs Language Components of the Twinning Programme Singapore Schools-NOCs Twinning Programme

20 Twinning Programme Role of Singapore schools: All Singapore schools will be twinned with at least 1 NOC Facilitate twinning opportunities by – Organising outgoing trips by our students to the twinned NOC country for student exchange/ homestay –Arranging incoming trips by NOC partner schools for student exchange/homestay –Developing and implementing School-based Awareness Programme

21 Twinning Programme Role of Singapore schools: To play hosts to the athletes, international volunteers and foreign educators during the YOG period To play hosts to NOC participants of “media training camp” Involve FSS, PFS and SPED schools Support and cheer athletes Set up cultural booths at Olympic Village throughout the Games

22 So… which country is our twinning country?


24 That’s it for now! …see you soon!

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