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Stephen F. Austin in Texas. Moses Austin Dies  The mayor of San Antonio had waited months to hear back from Moses Austin.  After growing inpatient,

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1 Stephen F. Austin in Texas

2 Moses Austin Dies  The mayor of San Antonio had waited months to hear back from Moses Austin.  After growing inpatient, mayor Erasmo Seguin wrote Moses’ son Stephen F. Austin to see if he had any information on the colonization plan.

3 Stephen F. Goes to Texas  Stephen F. Austin was 27 years old when he learned of his father’s death.  Austin became determined to carry on his father’s plan to bring U.S. settlers into Texas.  As he entered Texas in 1821, Austin made a promise to himself.  “I decided to fulfill rigidly all the duties and obligations of a Mexican citizen”

4  Austin arrived in San Antonio in August of 1821.  Erasmo Seguin - a rancher and the mayor of San Antonio led Austin to the governor of San Antonio.  When Austin and Seguin arrived into San Antonio they were greeted warmly and offered to support Austin’s efforts.

5 Mexico is Independent  Mexico had won independence from Spain since the time Moses’ contract for colonization had been approved.  Austin needed a new contract from the Mexican government.  He wrote a new contract and it was sent to Mexico City for approval.

6 Austin Explores  Austin had to wait for his new contract to be approved by Mexico City.  During this time he began to explore.  He explored the land East of San Antonio.  He picked the rich farmland in the area of the Brazos and Colorado River valley as the location for his colony.

7 Austin’s Colony  He would have 11 million acres in the Gulf Coast Plain to establish colonization.  The colony would have a mild climate, fertile soil, water, and plenty of timber for building.  Wild game was also plentiful.  In addition, the site was near the coast, where settlers and supplies could arrive by ship.

8 Austin Readies His Colonies  Stephen F. Austin hurried back to the United States to make the final preparations.  Heads of households would receive 640 acres each.  A married man could claim another 320 acres plus an additional 160 acres per child.  Slave holders could 80 acres per slave.

9 Austin’s Colony  Settlers who provided valuable services or who brought items such as cotton gins – devices that separate cotton fibers from seeds – might receive extra land.  Where possible, these land grants would border on a river that would provide water for farming and transportation.  Settlers would pay Austin 12.5 cents per acre and this price would include land survey and land titles – legal documents proving ownership.

10 Attracting U.S. Citizens  This was very attractive to U.S. citizens because land was selling for $1.25 an acre in the U.S.  U.S. law also required people to buy a minimum of 80 acres.  After the panic of 1819 people did not have enough cash to pay $100.00 in cash for land.

11  Austin allowed payment plans or trading goods for land.  Applications from U.S. citizens poured in!  Austin developed strict guidelines for selecting settlers.

12 Homework  Imagine that you are writing a front page article for a newspaper in the U.S. In the article you are trying to persuade U.S. residents to move to Texas. Describe the pros and cons of Austin’s new colony.  Needs to be 2 paragraphs, 8 sentences total. Draw and color a picture of the landscape in the Gulf

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