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Published byLukas Williard Modified over 10 years ago
“One with Possession”
ROMANS 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to [his] purpose. Comment: When things work together they provide an assistance to the benefit of that which is good. “Together we stand, divided we fall.” AV -- love (135) -- beloved (7) [142] 1) of persons: to welcome, to entertain, to be fond of, to love dearly 2) of things: to be well pleased, to be contented at or with a thing
If there’s a benefit of all things working together for the good, it’s not addressed to those who are not well pleased or content with God, but the benefit falls upon them that are well pleased and content with God. The benefit falls upon them that are well pleased and content with their pastor. The benefit falls upon them that are well pleased and content with the body.
~ God on the Inside ~ When it comes to loving God, not everyone has a God living inside of them to love… All they have is an object of worship on the outside. They have no life within; therefore they have no assistance to the benefit of that which good. Non-seed have no benefits. The benefit of all things working together can only be an assistance to them who have the self-sufficient one living inside of them… The self-sufficient one is what takes you beyond having an object of worship outside of you to the place of worship being on the inside. God’s only chosen place of worship is where He has placed His name at. His name or His nature is inside of you, not on the outside.
To those who love God, all things work together to provide assistance to the benefit of that which is good for the Wordman… We came here to be tested. We came here to be tempted. We came here to be tried; not to see if we could pass or fail, but we came here for the experience to provide assistance to the benefit of that which is good for the Wordman. ROMANS 8:28 …… to them who are the called according to [his] purpose. “The called” – divinely selected and appointed
CHRIST.IS.THE.MYSTERY_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-7 SUNDAY_ 63-0728 68-2 When I think of it makes me shiver. Oh, to live with Him: going home with Him to live with Him, going home with Him to live with Him forever, having Eternal Life... This is God's great mystery of love expressed, that God and man became one. See? My Comment: God’s love expressed is the fleshman living with God. It’s the Wordman and fleshman living in the same house, working all things out for the benefit of that which is good… that’s God’s love expressed. God’s love is expressed when the Wordman and the fleshman unite and live together under the same house, working together! Not separated or divided, but together!
How could a man express his love to his wife if they’re living in different houses? How could a pastor express God’s love to the congregation if the congregation isn’t well pleased or content with the pastor? Love is a mystery when there’s separation, but when there’s a oneness, then love is no longer a mystery but it’s expressed. God’s love is expressed when the Wordman and the fleshman are connected, living under the same roof, working together!
CHRIST.IS.THE.MYSTERY_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-7 SUNDAY_ 63-0728 68-2 The whole thing is God and man one. God and man was one there, and God and man is one here. See? What is it? Being filled with His Spirit, Him having the preeminence. That was God's achievement. My Comment: God having preeminence in a person’s life doesn’t have anything to do with how well a person can live up to some standard. It’s not good living that causes God to meet His achievement, but God’s achievement is met when the Wordman touches the earth, and fills the fleshman with His Spirit, becoming one with him in the same house, under the same roof, working together.
CHRIST.IS.THE.MYSTERY_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-7 SUNDAY_ 63-0728 68-2 That's God purpose to do that, that He might be in Christ and Christ in us, and all of us together one. The Holy Spirit, same thing that revealed it to Christ reveals it here, the supernatural, creative power. Oh, my.
It takes the supernatural to reveal it here in order for Him to live His-self through you here. If He’s living His-self through you here, then He has met His achievement. Bro Branham said: “if Christ is in you, He lives His Life in you.” There’s only one form of Eternal Life and that’s the person of Jesus Christ living inside of you, which makes you one with Him. Outside of that, you don’t know Him as one person. Outside of knowing Him as one person, living inside of you, then His love is still a mystery. If His love is still a mystery to you, then His achievement hasn’t been met in your life.
ROMANS 8:29 For whom he did foreknow, whom – shows possession Possession - the state of having, owning, or controlling something. An item of property; something belonging to one. Being one with possession is not someone who’s possessed, but it’s one with possession. ~ Brother Branham ~ you possess all things. All things was given to us by Jesus Christ, if we're believers. Foreknow – to have knowledge before hand, to foreknow; to predestinate:
Highlights from the Message – Dimensional Living - Part 2 – A Glorified Condition: 7th Dimension did not counsel with Himself, but dropped into the 6th Dimension with two- lines of thought and there we counseled together and decided how we were going to drop down and express the intelligence. Counseling together in the 6th Dimension was all about manifesting Christ, the intelligence. Comment: Christ was “one with possession”… His possession was great and He wanted to express it. The same supernatural power that revealed to Christ that He was one with His possession, is the same supernatural power that reveals to us here that we are one with the same possession.
~ Bro Branham ~ no man can come to God unless God foreknew him and called him before the foundation of the world. ROMANS 8:29 For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate [to be] conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren. When you came from the Cloud and touched your earthman, you conformed it to the image of your Theophany to give it equality. By the new birth, your fleshman is equal with the Wordman among many brethren who share the same equality… Equality among the brethren makes Christ the firstborn among many brethren.
The body of Christ was the firstborn among many brethren at the resurrection. The resurrection brought on a different quality. Adam was the head of the quality of the old creation, but Jesus went beyond the quality of the old creation and became the head of a new race with equality among many brethren. To them that God had foreknowledge of or a relationship with before the foundation of the world He predestinated them to come here and get into some earth and be conformed to the image of His Son to be both male and female in one body that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.
63-0728 CHRIST.IS.THE.MYSTERY.OF.GOD. REVEALED_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN V-3 N-7 SUNDAY_ 478 Listen, listen close now. I want you not to fail to get this. No other church, no other sign, no other fellowship, no other government, no other testimony, no other creed, no denomination, is accepted outside of This. God accepts nothing else but that, "Christ in you, the hope of Glory," the only thing that God recognizes. No fellowship, no church, no creed, no denomination, no nothing; everything else is dead. It's fragments that has to be cut off, pruned off away from the thing, that Christ might live with preeminences in you.
63-0728 CHRIST.IS.THE.MYSTERY.OF.GOD. REVEALED_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN V-3 N-7 SUNDAY_ 479 Not referring back! I got one limb here, that says, "It's my organization." That's got to be cut off, too. "I got my so-and-so here. This says this. My mother will tell me I'm a holy roller." That's got to be cut off, too. See? "Well, I know my husband wants me to wear these shorts." That's got to be cut off, too. See? It's got to be cut off and pruned till there's just you and Christ, alone. See? Uh!
63-0728 CHRIST.IS.THE.MYSTERY.OF.GOD. REVEALED_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN V-3 N-7 SUNDAY_ 480 Think! By the living Presence of the living Christ by the living Word; oh, living Christ, living Presence, living Word! Watch! By His Own personal, personal vindication proves His Church. 481 Not members! He never done it in the days of Moses. He never done it in the days of anybody else at the end of the world, when it come to the place where it was the destruction. The days of Lot, it wasn't membership. It was personal vindication, God in flesh, see, personal vindication.
63-0728 CHRIST.IS.THE.MYSTERY.OF.GOD. REVEALED_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN V-3 N-7 SUNDAY_ 482 Remember! Think of it, that, people born of His Spirit, in a day like this, in this great denominational age that we live, and the living God takes His living Word and--and vindicates it, personally, this Life that's in the Word, the germ that's in the Seed! And the Word is a Seed that a sower went forth to sow. And the Life is Christ, in the Word, personally in you; vindicating something that you cannot do, proving Hisself that it's not you, but it's Him. And you've become one, a--a--a love-slave to Him, to be a Bride.
63-0728 CHRIST.IS.THE.MYSTERY.OF.GOD. REVEALED_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN V-3 N-7 SUNDAY_ 483 Thanks be to the living God Who created the heavens and the earth and all that's in the midst! No wonder, "He is Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the Ending; He that was, which is, and shall come; the Root, and Offspring of David; the Bright and the Morning Star." He is all-in-all. 484 His Presence, in the individual, with a personal vindication of Himself expressing Himself, the living Word that's promised for the day, expressing Itself through you, a vindication of the great revelation of God.
EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65- 0410 30-3 His Messiac, anointed ones believe that. What is the Messiah? What is the Messiah? "Messiah" is "anointed One." And now if He was the Messiah by being the anointed One for that day to fulfill the Word of God, to be the Redeemer and the anointed One, and God raised up that body, His Bride is the anointed One for this day, and it's already raised with Him in the resurrection, because these two are one. Amen. I wished I could tell it the way I see it. I wish I had the education I could do it with. See? I- -I hope you see it. I hope God, the Holy Ghost comes down there and puts that in your heart to see what I mean.
EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65- 0410 30-5 The resurrection. We are now in the resurrection. We are setting with Him in the resurrection, but only those who have Life, not those who do not have Life. They won't know it. They'll never know it. They'll go right on thinking they're getting the Holy Ghost, being saved, and the rapture will done be over with and gone.
When things work together they provide an assistance to the benefit of that which is good.
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