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Presentation on theme: "PATHFINDER BIBLE EXPERIENCE 2012/2013 SAMPLE QUESTIONS."— Presentation transcript:


2 QUESTION #1 According to Acts 5:19, Who opened the prison doors and brought out the apostles?

3 QUESTION #1 Answer:An angel of the Lord

4 QUESTION #2 According to 2 Thes 1:4, Who did Paul boast about among the churches of God

5 QUESTION #2 Answer:The Thessalonians

6 QUESTION #3 According to Acts 9:10, There was a certain disciple in Damascus. What was his name?

7 QUESTION #3 Answer:Ananias

8 QUESTION #4 According to the SDA Bible Commentary, Page 113, Since ancient times, by what title has the book of Acts been known as? Be specific.

9 QUESTION #4 Answer:The Acts of the Apostles

10 QUESTION #5 According to Acts 12:5, Where was Peter kept?

11 QUESTION #5 Answer:In prison

12 QUESTION #6 According to Acts 6:1, Who made a complaint against the Hebrews?

13 QUESTION #6 Answer:The Hellenists

14 QUESTION #7 2 pts. According to Acts 14:19, What two things were done to Paul in Lystra?

15 QUESTION #7 Answer:Stoned him and dragged him out of the city

16 QUESTION #8 According to Acts 21:39, Paul identified himself as a Jew from what city?

17 QUESTION #8 Answer:Tarsus in Cilicia

18 QUESTION #9 2 pts. According to Acts 27:3, When Paul landed at Sidon, how was he treated?

19 QUESTION #9 Answer:Treated kindly and given liberty

20 QUESTION #10 According to Acts 12:11, Peter came to himself and said the Lord sent someone to deliver me. Who was it?

21 QUESTION #10 Answer:His angel

22 QUESTION #11 According to 1 Thes 4:14, Who will Jesus bring with him? Be specific.

23 QUESTION #11 Answer:Those who sleep in Jesus

24 QUESTION #12 4 pts. According to 1 Thes 1:5, What four ways did the Gospel come to the Thessalonians?

25 QUESTION #12 Answer:Word, power, Holy Spirit, much assurance

26 QUESTION #13 According to Acts 27:14, What was the tempestuous head wind called which arose?

27 QUESTION #13 Answer:Euroclydon

28 QUESTION #14 According to 1 Thes 2:5, What did Paul declare they never used?

29 QUESTION #14 Answer:Flattering words

30 QUESTION #15 According to Acts 2:41, About how many souls were added on the day Peter gave his sermon?

31 QUESTION #15 Answer:About 3000

32 QUESTION #16 2 pts. According to Acts 2:45, What action did all those who believed take regarding their goods and possessions?

33 QUESTION #16 Answer:Sold them and/or divided them among those who had need

34 QUESTION #17 According to Acts 1:2, What did Jesus give to the apostles?

35 QUESTION #17 Answer:Commandments

36 QUESTION #18 According to Acts 22:21, True or False: God told Paul to depart for he was sending Paul to the Jews?

37 QUESTION #18 Answer:False, to the Gentiles

38 QUESTION #19 According to Acts 19:3, Paul asked some disciples in Ephesus, "Into what were you baptized?" What was their response?

39 QUESTION #19 Answer:Into John's baptism

40 QUESTION #20 2 pts. According to 2 Thes 3:10, Complete the following, "if anyone will not ____, neither shall he ____.

41 QUESTION #20 Answer:work, eat

42 QUESTION #21 According to the SDA Bible Commentary, Page 261,What is the title of the epistle 2nd Thessalonians, according to the earliest Greek manuscripts, (in English). Be specific.

43 QUESTION #21 Answer:"To [the] Thessalonians II"

44 QUESTION #22 According to Acts 23:12, Some of the Jews banded together and said they would not eat or drink until they had done what?

45 QUESTION #22 Answer:Killed Paul

46 QUESTION #23 2 pts. According to Acts 25:13, Who came to Caesarea to greet Festus?

47 QUESTION #23 Answer:King Agrippa and Bernice

48 QUESTION #24 2 pts. According to 1 Thes 5:1, What did Paul say there was no need to write about?

49 QUESTION #24 Answer:Times and Seasons

50 QUESTION #25 According to the SDA Bible Commentry, Page 223, Thessalonica was the capital of what geographic area?

51 QUESTION #25 Answer:Second division of Macedonia

52 QUESTION #26 According to 2 Thes 2:8, Whom shall the Lord consume with the brightness of His coming

53 QUESTION #26 Answer:The lawless one

54 QUESTION #27 According to Acts 26:19, True or False: Paul said he was disobedient to the heavenly vision.

55 QUESTION #27 Answer:False, was not disobedient

56 QUESTION #28 3 pts. According to 2 Thes 2:3 in what three ways were the Thessalonians being troubled from things supposedly coming from Paul?

57 QUESTION #28 Answer:Spirt, Word or Letter

58 QUESTION #29 According to 1 Thes 2:7, To whom did Paul compare himself while among the Thessalonians?

59 QUESTION #29 Answer:A nursing mother

60 QUESTION #30 According to 1 Thes 2:2, Where had Paul and Silas been spitefully treated?

61 QUESTION #30 Answer:Philippi

62 QUESTION #31 2 pts. According to Acts 15:22, Who was sent to Antioch along with Paul and Barnabas?

63 QUESTION #31 Answer:Judas also named Barsabas and Silas

64 QUESTION #32 According to Acts 1:5, How did John baptize?

65 QUESTION #32 Answer:With water

66 QUESTION #33 According to Acts 9:10, How did the Lord speak to this disciple in Damascus?

67 QUESTION #33 Answer:In a vision

68 QUESTION #34 According to Acts 19:4, Paul said John baptized with what type of baptism

69 QUESTION #34 Answer:Baptism of repentance

70 QUESTION #35 According to the SDA Bible Commentary, Page 115, Luke sees Christianity becoming largely what kind of religion?

71 QUESTION #35 Answer:Gentile

72 QUESTION #36 According to Acts 17:10, Where did the brethren send Paul and Silas?

73 QUESTION #36 Answer:To Berea

74 QUESTION #37 According to Acts 3:2, What was the name of the temple gate where the lame man was carried?

75 QUESTION #37 Answer:Beautiful

76 QUESTION #38 According to Acts 20:3, How long did Paul stay in Greece?

77 QUESTION #38 Answer:3 months

78 QUESTION #39 According to Acts 25:11, To whom did Paul appeal?

79 QUESTION #39 Answer:To Caesar

80 QUESTION #40 According to Acts 10:1, In Caesarea was a centurion. What was his name?

81 QUESTION #40 Answer:Cornelius

82 QUESTION #41 According to Acts 28:11, After staying three months on the Island of Malta, Paul sailed in what kind of ship?

83 QUESTION #41 Answer:Alexandrian ship

84 QUESTION #42 According to 2 Thes 1:8, How is the vengence taken out on those who do not know God?

85 QUESTION #42 Answer:In flaming fire

86 QUESTION #43 According to 1 Thes 3:7, What did the faith of the Thessalonians do for Paul?

87 QUESTION #43 Answer:Comforted him

88 QUESTION #44 According to 1 Thes 2:13, How did the Thessalonians receive the word of God?

89 QUESTION #44 Answer:As the Word of God

90 QUESTION #45 According to Acts 8:5, Where did Philip go and preach Christ?

91 QUESTION #45 Answer:City of Samaria

92 QUESTION #46 According to Acts 20:9, Eutychus fell asleep during Paul's sermon and fell from what height?

93 QUESTION #46 Answer:3 story's high

94 QUESTION #47 According to Acts 23:35, Where did the governor command Paul be kept? Be specific.

95 QUESTION #47 Answer:In Herod's Praetorium

96 QUESTION #48 According to 2 Thes 2:7, What mystery is already at work?

97 QUESTION #48 Answer:Lawlessness

98 QUESTION #49 According to Acts 13:20, How long did He (God) give them (Israelites) judges?

99 QUESTION #49 Answer:About 450 years

100 QUESTION #50 According to 2 Thes 1:4, What two things did the Thessalonians have in their persecutions and tribulations?

101 QUESTION #50 Answer:Patience and faith

102 QUESTION #51 According to the SDA Bible Commentary, Page 225, what is the theme of Pauls first epistle to the Thessalonians?

103 QUESTION #51 Answer:Practical godliness in view of Christ's return.

104 QUESTION #52 According to Acts 2:8, How did the people hear the disciples?

105 QUESTION #52 Answer:"In our own language"

106 QUESTION #53 According to Acts 18:24, A certain man named Apollos came to Ephesus. How is he described?

107 QUESTION #53 Answer:An eloquent man; mighty in the scriptures

108 QUESTION #54 According to Acts 16:40, Paul and Silas went out of prison. Where did they go?

109 QUESTION #54 Answer:The House of Lydia

110 QUESTION #55 According to Acts 24:1, What was the name of the certain orator who came to the governor to give evidence against Paul?

111 QUESTION #55 Answer:Tertullus

112 QUESTION #56 According to 1 Thes 2:9, When did Paul labor while with the Thessalonians?

113 QUESTION #56 Answer:night and day

114 QUESTION #57 According to Acts 11:5, Where was Peter praying?

115 QUESTION #57 Answer:In city of Joppa

116 QUESTION #58 According to Acts 5:1, A certain man named Ananias sold something, what was it?

117 QUESTION #58 Answer:A possession

118 QUESTION #59 According to Acts 11:29, The disciples determined to do something for the brethren dwelling in Judea. What was it?

119 QUESTION #59 Answer:Send relief

120 QUESTION #60 According to Acts 21:10, A man had four virgin daughters that did something special. What did they do?

121 QUESTION #60 Answer:They prophesied

122 QUESTION #61 3 pts. According to Acts 14:8, The writer of Acts describes the condition of a certain man in Lystra. What were the three descriptions of his condition?

123 QUESTION #61 Answer:Without strength in his feet: A cripple: never walked

124 QUESTION #62 According to 1 Thes 5:2, What will come as a thief in the night?

125 QUESTION #62 Answer:Day of the Lord

126 QUESTION #63 According to the SDA Bible Commentary, Page 223, Thessalonica was situated at the head of the Thermaic Gulf, now known as what?

127 QUESTION #63 Answer:Gulf of Salonika

128 QUESTION #64 According to 1 Thes 2:2, What were Paul and Silas bold in God about?

129 QUESTION #64 Answer:To speak the Gospel in much conflict

130 QUESTION #65 3 pts. According to Acts 10:39, Complete the following, When speaking to the centurion's household, Peter said "We are witnesses of all things which He did in the _____ of the ____ and in _____"

131 QUESTION #65 Answer:Land, Jews, Jerusalem

132 QUESTION #66 According to 2 Thes 1:3, What was growing exceedingly among the brethren of Thessalonica?

133 QUESTION #66 Answer:Faith

134 QUESTION #67 According to Acts 28:25, The Holy Spirit spoke through whom to our fathers?

135 QUESTION #67 Answer:Isaiah the prophet

136 QUESTION #68 4 pts. According to Acts 4:12, Complete the following: "Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other ____under ____, given among ____by which we must be ____."

137 QUESTION #68 Answer:name, heaven, men, saved

138 QUESTION #69 According to Acts 7:9, What action did the patriarchs take after becoming envious?

139 QUESTION #69 Answer:Sold Joseph into Egypt

140 QUESTION #70 3 pts. According to 2 Thes 2:9, What three things are according to the workings of Satan

141 QUESTION #70 Answer:Power, signs, lying wonders

142 QUESTION #71 According to Acts 26:32, Agrippa told Festus Paul might have been set free if he had not done something. What did Paul do?

143 QUESTION #71 Answer:Appealed to Caesar

144 QUESTION #72 According to Acts 2:2, Where did the sound come from that the disciples heard?

145 QUESTION #72 Answer:From heaven

146 QUESTION #73 According to Acts 17:13, When the Jews from Thessalonica learned Paul was preaching the word of God in Berea, what did they do?

147 QUESTION #73 Answer:Came and stirred up the crowds

148 QUESTION #74 2 pts. According to Acts 18:18, When Paul sailed for Syria, who accompanied him?

149 QUESTION #74 Answer:Priscilla and Aquila

150 QUESTION #75 According to Acts 24:22, Felix had a more accurate knowledge of what?

151 QUESTION #75 Answer:The Way

152 QUESTION #76 According to Acts 7:18, Who did not know Joseph?

153 QUESTION #76 Answer:Another king

154 QUESTION #77 According to 1 Thes 1:9, What did the Thessalonians turn from?

155 QUESTION #77 Answer:Idols

156 QUESTION #78 According to Acts 4:13, After the priests, rulers and scribes heard Peter and John speak, what did they (priests, rulers and scribes) realize?

157 QUESTION #78 Answer:Peter and John had been with Jesus

158 QUESTION #79 2 pts. According to Acts 1:1, Complete the following, The writer of Acts states this is an account of what Jesus began to ___ and ___.

159 QUESTION #79 Answer:do, teach

160 QUESTION #80 According to 2 Thes 2:15, What were the Thessalonians told to stand fast and hold?

161 QUESTION #80 Answer:The traditions which they were taught

162 This concludes the testing.


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