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‘Working together to improve mental health’ The Lancashire Mental Health and Social Care Partnership Board Made up of representation from Local Authorities,

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Presentation on theme: "‘Working together to improve mental health’ The Lancashire Mental Health and Social Care Partnership Board Made up of representation from Local Authorities,"— Presentation transcript:

1 ‘Working together to improve mental health’ The Lancashire Mental Health and Social Care Partnership Board Made up of representation from Local Authorities, NHS Trusts, the Third Sector, Service Users and Carers The Lancashire Partnership Commissioning Model: facilitating third sector participation Dr Christina Lyons and Michelle Lyons Faculty of Health, University of Central Lancashire (UCLan)

2 Rationale  2006 public consultation on future of mental health services  Service user and carer aspirations for more choice  Limited third sector provision of mental health services

3 Who is the model for?  Usual suspects:  Commissioners, finance and procurement officers, informatics, contract monitoring officers  Third sector organisations  Service users, carers, members of the public  Practitioners (including students)  Businesses

4 What is the model?  Framework and toolkit supported by evidence and values  Whole commissioning process not simply procurement  Wider social and economic aspirations

5 What is the model?  Evidence based – literature and field observations  Values based – openness, transparency, fairness and respect  Field tested  Mapped against World Class Commissioning competencies

6 What is the model?  Framework outlines three sequential phases:  Pre-procurement  Procurement and contracting  Post procurement  A systematic process  Toolkit with detailed guidance


8 Third sector feedback  Lancashire Third Sector Consortium for Mental Health (LTSC)  Miracle question  Developed a wish list


10 Timescales  Annual prospectus to indicate commissioning intentions over the forthcoming year  Distribute prospectus to all stakeholders

11 Timescales Commissioner Proactive Planned Third Sector Consider which tenders are most appropriate Increase bid quality Collaboration

12 Market Management  Develop the market  Capacity building  Market stimulation  Reciprocal relationship between commissioners and third sector  Choice agenda

13 Market Management Commissioner Mixed economy Choice Quality Third Sector Services tailored to needs Opportunities for development and innovation

14 Contract Monitoring  Monitoring service user outcomes  Information and data collected is used more effectively/purposefully  Inform future service developments  Service user role in contract monitoring

15 Contract Monitoring Commissioner A useful exercise Quantitative and qualitative feedback Demonstrate effectiveness and efficient use of resources Third Sector Expectations clearly articulated Problems can be rectified Opportunity to demonstrate quality and effectiveness

16 Service user & carer engagement  Engagement at the right time for everyone  Continuous programme of engagement and involvement  Open and honest communications  Transparency

17 Service user & carer engagement Commissioner Harness creativity Innovative solutions Meet requirements of World Class Commissioning Third Sector Maintain understanding of local contexts Understanding service user aspirations

18 Next steps  Snap shot of the model  Model dynamic and will change in response to feedback over time  Toolkit being prepared for publication  Contact details:    01254 282229  Questions

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