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Dementia Care Improvement Work in Northern Ireland.

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Presentation on theme: "Dementia Care Improvement Work in Northern Ireland."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dementia Care Improvement Work in Northern Ireland

2 Who are DSDC?

3 Consultancy Home/domiciliary care Specialist housing Acute hospital and community care Assistive technology Younger people with dementia People with a learning disability and dementia People with an alcohol-related dementia Palliative care and pain management Reminiscence & Life story work Understanding and management of behaviours

4 Education & Training Short courses Workplace-based training Healthcare assistants& Care home assistants programmes Distance learning programmes Undergraduate modules Postgraduate programme (Certificate, Diploma, Masters)

5 Research Social and cultural contexts of dementia Policy, including mental health, older people’s policies, adult protection etc Understandings and experiences of cognitive impairment and its impact Policy and practice in dementia care Care home environments Care giving at home – changing patterns and their implications Telecare, models and impacts Care quality, including issues of abuse and neglect Non-pharmacological interventions Information for carers Brain training Palliative care Developing dementia research Methodological development and innovation Data curation and archiving

6 Library & Information Service Online catalogue Dementia Now Enquiries service Book loan and document supply

7 Conferences International conferences Local events


9 How much of the UK £20 Billion spend on dementia is needlessly caused by our staff’s deliberate interventions and poor design of facilities? Care at home Institutional care

10 The history of the DSDC involvement Local demand The Atlantic Philanthropies The NI Government and ministers Consultation and application The role of the Dementia Services Development Trust

11 The Dementia Services Development Centre Stirling The Dementia Services Development Trust The Atlantic Philanthropies

12 Yr 1Yr 3 Yr 2 NI Centre DSDC Stirling Exit Training & Education ConsultancyInformationResearch Identify best practice Change and Innovation

13 Reach of DSDC NI project 700 organisations 1624 people newsletters/ ebulletins Every GP practice 70 – 3 day Design 125 design awareness

14 200 staff in acute care got education and an resource pack

15 Best Practice 106 facilitators educated 848 healthcare assistants over six months in a culture change programme

16 Simple, authoritative, guides based on research

17 World class information and advice

18 International recognition

19 What is dementia? Cognitive impairment Reduced capacity to self care Physical and emotional vulnerability

20 Dementia in Northern Ireland 19,000 in 2011 60,000 by 2051 £400m pa inc £150m informal carer costs  Source: DHSSPSNI(2010) - Improving dementia services in Northern Ireland: a regional strategy

21 Drivers for Change Demographics Economics Policy Standards Practice Values People

22 How we might help Dementia strategy Public spending cuts NICE – Dementia Guidelines NICE – Delirium Guidelines NAO – Improving dementia services Time for Action (anti-psychotics) Always a Last Resort (anti-psychotics) Dementia & People with Learning Disabilities

23 How we might help........ Counting the Cost Support. Stay. Save. Home from Home National Audit Office – Falls National Audit Office – End of Life Care Death by Indifference Mencap

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