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Stuart Lackenby Making it Real Programme Lead. Making it Real - 6 key themes Information & advice Active and supportive communities Flexible integrated.

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Presentation on theme: "Stuart Lackenby Making it Real Programme Lead. Making it Real - 6 key themes Information & advice Active and supportive communities Flexible integrated."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stuart Lackenby Making it Real Programme Lead

2 Making it Real - 6 key themes Information & advice Active and supportive communities Flexible integrated care and support Workforce Risk enablement Personal budgets and self funding

3 Making it real What people who use services and carers want. What Social care should look like if it really is personalised. The Making it Real Action plan puts forward what we will do. But what about Carers!

4 ThemeWhat we wantMaking it Real in Dudley – We will 7) Support to CarersI feel that my caring role and expertise is understood and valued I have the information and advice I need to help me in my caring role I have the support I need to maintain the level of caring which is right for me I feel confident that I and the person I care for would be supported should I be unable to care I feel that I receive support to maintain my health We will promote the Carer Aware and Young Carer aware courses for all staff and make them mandatory for staff We will continue to develop our information provision and work with the voluntary and community sector We will ensure that carer's assessments are an integral part of the assessment and support planning process and increase capacity for completion We will maintain and extend the Carers Direct payment scheme We will extend access to practical training for carers in respect of supporting people with particular illnesses or disabilities We will further develop our Carer's peace of mind scheme

5 Next Steps Get involved Sign up to Making it Real

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