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Prepared to Care Christine Rowley Carers Co-ordinator, Dudley MBC.

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Presentation on theme: "Prepared to Care Christine Rowley Carers Co-ordinator, Dudley MBC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prepared to Care Christine Rowley Carers Co-ordinator, Dudley MBC

2 ‘Prepared to Care?’ Prepared to care? -the theme of this year’s Carers Week Awareness raising – and celebration -of the carer’s role For information about the week and events in your area see the Carers UK websiteCarers UK

3 Making it Real for Carers Making it Real peer challenge MIR did not address needs of carers MIR for Carers - May 2013 Explores the six themes -carer focussed Checklist for providers to use Making it Real for Carers

4 Dudley’s ‘I’ statements I have the information and advice I need to help me in my caring role. I feel that my caring role and expertise is understood and valued. I have the support I need to maintain the level of caring which is right for me. I feel confident that I, and the person I care for, would be supported should I be unable to care. I feel that I receive support to maintain my health.

5 Health and Social Care Bill A key provision of the Health and Social Care Bill will be to give carers the rights to services for the first time There will be an even stronger duty on LAs to ensure that carers are given appropriate information Regulations and guidance still being written – nothing to come into force until 2015 Likely to be a strong emphasis on personal budgets for carers

6 Carers in the workforce A Carers Week reminder to help carers to be ‘prepared to care’ Ensure that our services support carers Duties as employers to support carers in the workforce Skills for care materials in pack

7 What can you do Complete the Carer Aware and Young Carer Aware courseCarer Aware Young Carer Aware Use the Making it Real checklist to evaluate the way you work with carers Consider the carer fully in your assessments Refer carers to the Carers Network or to other appropriate local supportCarers Network Come to 3 July providers event ( limited space)

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