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E – Safety Awareness Parents Forum November 2012.

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1 E – Safety Awareness Parents Forum November 2012

2 Firewall protecting sensitive information Further filtering software housed at the Peterborough Schools’ Datacentres Email SPAM filters to prevent inappropriate email being sent and received Internet NO SPAM Teacher tools for Viewing student screens Controlling access Viewing history Internet filtering software. Different levels of filtering dependent on student age E- Safety -What we do in school

3  not making friends with people who they do not know in real life. Some adults do pretend to be young people to try and make friends with them.  Celebrity and fan sites can be just fake and are really adults who are trying to contact young people.  Don't allow young people to put their mobile phone number on their Facebook pages.  Predators have attempted to gain access to young people by playing online games E- Safety –Guidance away from school

4  secretive about where they are going  door shut when accessing online  using webcam in bedroom or closed areas  access to sites late at night  clearing the computer history every time they use it E- Safety –Signs to look out for…

5  Talk to your child about what social media forums they are using.  Keep the computer in a family room  Know and explain the risks see Think You know website (see next slide)Think You know website E- Safety –Things you can do as a parent/carer

6  Encourage them to talk about anything that makes them feel uncomfortable  Facebook - encourage your child to add you to their friends list.  Don't allow young people to put their mobile phone number on their Facebook pages  Check with relatives that they have security on their computers/mobile devices. A recent radio programme revealed that children can exploit elderly relatives E- Safety –Things you can do as a parent/carer

7  Visit the following websites:    E- Safety –Things you can do as a parent/carer

8  Report any concerns using either using CEOPS online reporting form  Contact the your child’s Student Support Officer who will liaise with our school PCSO Officer (Elaine Buddle) who is CEOPS trained.  Avoid the temptation to reply to text or social media messages, however angry you may be! E- Safety –Things you can do as a parent/carer

9  Text messages can be retrieved by the Police even if they have been deleted.  Keep a screenshot/print screen of anything you are concerned about.  If the concern is serious enough action can be taken against the perpetrator under the Electronic Communications Act  Police can pursue on-going misuse under the aspect of harassment E- Safety –finally…

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