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The Virtual Youth Employment Resource Centre: Employment Services 24 / 7 / 365 visionobjectivesimpact tools execution partners Manager Employment Services.

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Presentation on theme: "The Virtual Youth Employment Resource Centre: Employment Services 24 / 7 / 365 visionobjectivesimpact tools execution partners Manager Employment Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Virtual Youth Employment Resource Centre: Employment Services 24 / 7 / 365 visionobjectivesimpact tools execution partners Manager Employment Services John Coward Content Developer Miranda Vande Kuyt

2 The Virtual Youth Employment Resource Centre: Employment Services 24 / 7 / 365 vision  Identified Need:  Develop a Virtual Youth Employment Resource Centre providing complimentary services 24 / 7 / 365 to a network of Youth Employment Resource Centres  Communicate with youth utilizing technology they use regularly (Facebook, Linked In, Twitter, RSS feeds)  Theory:  Internet provides service providers the opportunity to interact with clients virtually which permits broader accessibility (geographic, 24 / 7 / 365, & methodology visionobjectivesimpact tools execution partners

3 The Virtual Youth Employment Resource Centre: Employment Services 24 / 7 / 365 vision  Identified Service Gap:  An online Virtual Youth Employment Resource Centre with a full range of employment supports and resources, from pre-employment to career planning & continuous learning  Multiple points of access offered (F2F, phone, email, IM, etc.)  Open site (not password protected) utilizing web 2.0 platforms Response:  Develop an online Virtual Youth Employment Resource Centre to address accessibility (anywhere / anytime / anyone), with a full range of services (a Virtual One-Stop-Shop)  Provide Career Development Practitioners with PowerPoint curriculum, on a Web 2.0 platform, enhancing communication, information sharing, and collaboration between facilitators visionobjectivesimpact tools execution partners

4 The Virtual Youth Employment Resource Centre: Employment Services 24 / 7 / 365 objectives  Re-develop: into the Virtual Youth Employment Resource Centre (  From a user friendly online information & training resource specifically designed for multi-barriered individuals into a “Virtual Youth Employment Resource Centre”  Replace Hardcopy “Passport to Work” Guides with Flash Drives  Links user to from any location  A place to store targeted resumes, cover letters electronically visionobjectivesimpact tools execution partners

5 The Virtual Youth Employment Resource Centre: Employment Services 24 / 7 / 365 objectives  Replace Facilitator Guide with:  Lifeskills, Job Search, Career, and Essential Skills Facilitator Resource Centres that include PowerPoint workshop presentations  Introduce a Web 2.0 platform utilizing communities of practices that allow facilitators to share resource, experiences and identify best practices  Increased User Accessibility:  Promote the Virtual Youth Employment Resource Centre as a complement to a network of Youth One-Stop-Shop Employment Resource Centres across BC visionobjectivesimpact tools execution partners

6 The Virtual Youth Employment Resource Centre: Employment Services 24 / 7 / 365 impact visionobjectivesimpact tools execution partners FOR YOUTH  A One-Stop-Shop Virtual YERC, where job seekers can access the full range of life, employability, and career planning resources 24 / 7 / 365  Connects youth (F2F) to Youth Employment Resource Centres and other community-based support services across the province  Online connection to counsellors through “Ask a Counsellor”, 1-800 #, instant messaging (twitter, google chat)

7 The Virtual Youth Employment Resource Centre: Employment Services 24 / 7 / 365 impact visionobjectivesimpact tools execution partners FOR CAREER DEVELOPMENT PRACTIONERS  24 / 7 / 365 access to continuously updated employment services information, tools, & resources  Facilitator Resource Centres built into each section of the website (Passport to Independence, Passport to Work, Career Passport, Passport to Literacy & Essential Skills) providing off the shelf PowerPoint Workshops and other workshop resources  Continuous Feedback Opportunities utilizing Web 2.0 discussions (Linked In, Facebook, Twitter)

8 The Virtual Youth Employment Resource Centre: Employment Services 24 / 7 / 365 tools  Passport to Work website  Flash Drives to support online learning as well as the organization of personalized resources  Specialized Facilitator Resource Centres for Lifeskills, Job Search, Career and Essential Skills Facilitators visionobjectivesimpact tools execution partners

9 The Virtual Youth Employment Resource Centre: Employment Services 24 / 7 / 365 tools visionobjectivesimpact tools execution partners  Mobile Computer Labs  Two sets of 10 laptop computers networked with LCD projectors  Online surveys to collect user and facilitator feedback for continuous improvement of the site

10 The Virtual Youth Employment Resource Centre: Employment Services 24 / 7 / 365 execution  The Passport to Work website is currently being redeveloped as a Virtual Youth Employment Resource Centre using the Web 2.0 platform Google Sites  Purchased Flash Drives which are currently being tested with youth job seekers  Focus group testing PowerPoint workshops tailored to each of the Passports  Newly created Passport to Literacy & Essential Skills  Passport to Youth Safety to be developed in collaboration with Worksafe BC visionobjectivesimpact tools execution partners

11 The Virtual Youth Employment Resource Centre: Employment Services 24 / 7 / 365  A job board with continuous RSS feeds from the most effective job posting sites  An employer database on Google Sites platform available for job developers  A Career and Employment Resources Guide organized by occupational sectors  Incorporate a variety of social media platforms (Twitter, Linked In, etc.)  Add Share button that allows users to easily forward Virtual YERC information through over 225 social media platforms execution

12 The Virtual Youth Employment Resource Centre: Employment Services 24 / 7 / 365  Alignment with the new “Made in BC” One-Stop-Shop Employment Service Delivery Model with multiple points of entry (no wrong door) Execution: Future Execution: Future

13 The Virtual Youth Employment Resource Centre: Employment Services 24 / 7 / 365 Execution: Future Execution: Future Network of BC YERCS in 50 communities across BC Accessibility: Storefront sites open M-F 8:30 – 7:30pm, S 12:30-4:30pm Ask a Counsellor Instant Messaging (IM) Social Media – Facebook & Twitter Webinars (Skype) Accessibility: 24 / 7 / 365 Questions responded to within 2 business days Set times for Webinars Network of BC YERCS Job Developer Accessibility: Same hours as F2F Can meet youth in the community Community Resource Links (Red Book, etc.) Employer Database online Accessibility: 24 / 7 / 365 Virtual Youth Employment Resource Centre 1-800 number Texting Conference Calls Accessibility: 6 days / week M-F 8:30 – 7:30pm, S 12:30-4:30pm Voicemail 24 / 7 365, responded to within 24-48 hrs

14 The Virtual Youth Employment Resource Centre: Employment Services 24 / 7 / 365 partners

15 The Virtual Youth Employment Resource Centre: Employment Services 24 / 7 / 365 Educational Partners visionobjectivesimpact tools execution partners

16 The Virtual Youth Employment Resource Centre: Employment Services 24 / 7 / 365 visionobjectivesimpact tools execution partners Development Partners

17 The Virtual Youth Employment Resource Centre: Employment Services 24 / 7 / 365 Funding for this project was provided by:

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