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SDM Student Paper Competition

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1 SDM Student Paper Competition
SciTech 2015 SDM Student Paper Competition Update to Structures Technical Committee Dawn Phillips (Student Paper Chair) September 11, 2014

2 SDM Student Paper Competition
For those who don’t know..... Five awards: Jefferson Goblet Structures - Lockheed Structures - Hilton Composites NDA (new this year!!) Preceding years procedure: All accepted student final manuscripts collected, distributed, judged within 7 days (±) after manuscript deadline closed Finalists required to present papers twice: Regular technical session “Judging” session on Sunday night or Tuesday night Sunday night presented travel difficulties Tuesday night meant some students had already presented their paper once, some hadn’t Approximately 6 finalists selected for 4 awards

3 New Procedure For SciTech 2015
Big task! – make sure presentations are judged in their regular sessions at SciTech! Solution – have three rounds of judging: Semi-finalists selected based on extended abstracts (three judges per abstract) Finalists selected based on final manuscripts Winners selected based on manuscript scores and at-conference presentations Big change #1 – semi-final round changed sessioning work load on TC Reps Solicited feedback from organizing committee, worked with John K. (SDM Technical Chair) to develop schedule Student manuscripts required to be submitted one month earlier than regular conference deadline (ScholarOne will be locked at 5:01pm EST on November 3, 2014) Big change #2 – judges have more time and fewer manuscripts to read

4 Student Presentations
Two options – final choice depended on decision about awards presentation Awards presented at SDM awards lunch on Thursday – judge in Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday sessions Awards presented at special ceremony (or welcome reception) on Tuesday evening – judge all finalists in two special sessions on Monday (still requires students to present twice, but circumstances different) Big change #3 – more finalists can be selected, bigger pool of papers Planning to select 15 finalists for 5 awards Worked with John K. to persuade AIAA to give student awards at SDM awards lunch (decision finally made on July 1) Big change #4 – student presentations will be judged in their regular technical sessions among their peers Big change #5 – student winners will be given complimentary tickets to the awards lunch (bonus!)

5 This many to session/judge without semi-final round.
Abstract Statistics 91 student abstracts submitted – semi-final judging concurrent with abstract reviews Cut-off score of 75 Pretty even scoring across TCs Selectively stretched cut-off to 70 to include SUR and extra papers from STR and NDA Roughly half from each TC selected as semi-finalists (none that were rejected by normal review process) Judges’ recommendations for special awards really helped TC Judges Abstracts Submitted Abstracts Accepted % Accepted Semi-Finalists % of Submitted % of Accepted ASC 7 10 11 110% 5 50% 45% DE 2 100% 1 MAT 8 18 16 89% 39% 44% MDO 9 82% 6 55% 67% NDA SCS 3 33% SD 20 90% STR 17 59% SUR 4 Total 91 86 95% 47 52% Pretty Close! This many to session/judge without semi-final round. This many instead!

6 Conference Sessions Sessioning worked beautifully!
ALL 47 student semi-finalists were placed in Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday sessions Entire conference program delivered to me to deconflict student papers Contacted each TC Rep with individual requests to move papers (the response was awesome!) Managed to get no more than two student papers overlapping at a time Not very many occurrences Used abstract scores as predictor to which abstracts will likely be finalists (NO instances where highest scoring abstracts overlap each other) Thought is that none of the 15 finalists will overlap. If they do, judges will only need to divide & conquer into two groups

7 Desire is to effect positive and lasting change to the competition.
Remaining Tasks Finalist selection: All dates selected to work around holiday schedules! Manuscript judging (47 manuscripts) for finalist selection – November 3-14, 2014 Will use 4-5 judges per paper – opportunity for cross-TC judging Finalists notified n.l.t. December 8, 2014 Finalists’ manuscript scores will be combined with presentation scores for winner selection At-conference presentation judging: Presentation judges will have to hop rooms! Will be a big job – need people who can dedicate to the task Don’t want conflicts with session chairs or presentation of own papers Likely have two types of judges: Core group of judges who can hit all 15 papers Extra judges who can tag-team accompanying the core group for a few papers Will want special STR and NDA representation since they have special awards So far, so good. Desire is to effect positive and lasting change to the competition.

8 Back-up

9 SciTech 2015 Master Schedule
2/5/2014 Call for papers finalized 3/17/2014 Abstract website open 5/15/2014 Deadline proposal submission for special and panel sessions 6/2/2014 Abstract website closed 6/25/2014 Student abstract judging for semi-finalists complete 7/7/2014 Student semi-finalists delivered to TC Reps 7/10/2014 Abstract review complete (cut-off score established, sessioning begins) 7/29/2014 All sessioning complete (student deconflicting completed 7/22) 8/8/2014 Deconflict report complete 8/22/2014 Acceptance/rejection letters sent 10/1/2014 Manuscript submission website opens 10/15/2014 All keynote speakers identified 11/3/2014 Student manuscripts due, judging round 2 begins 11/14/2014 Student judging round 2 complete, includes cross-TC judging 12/1/2014 Manuscript submission website closes 12/8/2014 Student finalists notified 1/5-9/2015 SciTech 2015, Orlando, FL

10 Abstract Judging Criteria
Criterion Judge’s Score Weight Weighted Score Originality (max 10 pts) 1.75 17.5 Technical Content and Quality 3.5 35 Relevance of Contribution 1.0 10 Organization and Clarity Potential to be a Good Paper 2.0 20 Total 50 -- 100

11 Manuscript Judging Criteria
Plan to use same as previous years: Option: use 15-pt scale for wider/clearer spread of scores? Criterion Judge’s Score Weight Weighted Score Originality (max 10 pts) 2.5 25 Technical Content and Quality 3.5 35 Relevance of Contribution 1.5 15 Organization and Clarity Total 40 -- 100

12 Presentation Judging Criteria
Plan to use same as previous years: Criterion Max Possible INTRODUCTION The research question/hypothesis was clearly stated The goals and specific objectives were presented The project had sufficient, supporting background 20 METHODS & RESULTS The methods were clearly outlined/explained The presenter acknowledged limitations to the study The results were clearly explained and significant results were highlighted CONCLUSIONS A review/summary of the project was presented The significance of the results was discussed The applicability of the results was discussed PRESENTATION STYLE Presentation aids were clear and readable Presentation was well-structured and logical Presentation fit into the allotted time The student seemed knowledgeable The student exhibited appropriate voice projection, eye contact, confidence, and reliance on notes The student responded well to questions from the audience 40 Total 100

13 Comparison to Previous Years
TC 2012 2013 2014* 2015 Uploaded Accepted To Judge ASC 7 12 1 11 5 DE 3 2 MAT 15 4 16 MDO 17 6 9 NDA SCS (GSF) SD 31 13 18 STR 14 10 SUR Wind Energy -- Total 99 96 41 86 47 Finalists 6† * First year of transition to SciTech † Additional STR finalists identified and judged separately

14 Observations Some (not much, but some) confusion over new procedure
Casualty of doing semi-final judging at same time as abstract reviews New ideas take time to catch on... The “pat on the back”: Structures TC incredibly responsive and cooperative Proactive about asking questions and getting clarification Recruited judges when requested Judges followed instructions

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