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April 2, 2013Page 2 Established: Based in Illinois (USA), serving multiple industries including many Fortune 1000+ companies since 1997 by experienced.

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2 April 2, 2013Page 2 Established: Based in Illinois (USA), serving multiple industries including many Fortune 1000+ companies since 1997 by experienced IT professionals.  To offer cutting edge IT services globally  help organizations both in Public and Private sector to improve and modernize their services  supplementing organization’s skill set with team augmentation  On-site resource deployment  Improved Return-on-Investment (ROI) by taking projects offshore Achievements: To date, Royal Cyber Inc. has grown into a reputable IT firm not only in USA but also in European, Middle Eastern and South Asian Markets.

3 IBM: IBM Premier Business Partner IBM Authorized Trainer for Rational Tools

4 April 2, 2013Page 4 Mainframe Modernization E-Commerce Services Enterprise Portal Enterprise Modernization Services Connectivity & Integration Security & Compliance Mobile Development Business Intelligence & Analytics Enterprise Monitoring

5 April 2, 2013Page 5 Rational for System z full suite support. – RDz RD&T RAA RTCz 1 & 2 tier delivery offerings Highly competitive rate offerings.

6 April 2, 2013Page 6 RD&T Overview Customer Case Study RD&T Demo Question & Answers

7 April 2, 2013Page 7

8 April 2, 2013Page 8 IBM z/OS® on developer desktop or shared server. It provides a test environment for mainframe applications It uses a virtual IBM System z environment It includes –Application development and testing tool –Mixed workload support –Software support and integration Can have RDz run with RD&T –Execute/Run on RD&T

9 April 2, 2013Page 9 Linux and Z/OS experience Understanding of RD&T environment Mapping definitions between Linux & Z/OS Network connectivity Ongoing administration Synchronization of programs and data with Mainframe.

10 April 2, 2013Page 10 Installation Support Configuration and Setup Support Proof of Concept Data migration support Reduced startup costs with ‘Jumpstart’ Training delivery and after sales support

11 April 2, 2013Page 11

12 April 2, 2013Page 12 2 LPARs – Production & Development/Test COBOL, ASSEMBLER. Enterprise COBOL 4.2 for System z. ~7000 CICS and ~20000 Batch applications supported by 10 developers No SCM – Use PDS libraries with in-house procedures.

13 April 2, 2013Page 13 Control MIPS on mainframe – Offload development and testing activities off mainframe Advanced features of debugging tools to assist developers and testers Implement Source Control Management System ROI through MIPS savings Ability to attract young crowd to work on mainframe development

14 April 2, 2013Page 14

15 April 2, 2013Page 15

16 April 2, 2013Page 16 Phase I RD&T – Install, configure, customize, train Move development data to RD&T for unit test Provide RD&T user administration and support training Phase II Implement RDz Train on RDz and Debug Tool Implement and train on File Manager

17 April 2, 2013Page 17 Install and configure openSUSE Linux to run the z1090 emulator Install and activate the z1090 emulator Extract volumes to be used with the z1090 create new volumes to be used with the RD&T system so as to match the customer's host environment Configure the z/OS running on z1090. Modify procs, parmlibs, create users, modify security as per the customer's specifications Configure products and middleware running on RD&T (CICS, DB2, IBM Debug Tool)

18 April 2, 2013Page 18 Data migration from the host to the RD&T system. The following artifacts were migrated: – VSAM & non-VSAM files – CICS CSD – DB2 tables and other structures (views, synonyms..etc) – Security structure Train Staff on using, managing and administering RD&T – Linux commands – IPL and shutdown Sequence – Data migration

19 April 2, 2013Page 19 Manual says: “Running under a hipervisor, such as VMware or Xen or KVM, is not supported at this time. …. We do not provide specific instructions for virtual environments and you must determine how to configure a USB port (for the token) and Ethernet ports for their particular virtual hipervisor.” And the customer wanted Linux on VMware …

20 April 2, 2013Page 20 Tested VMware setup on our environment Advised the customer on preferred configuration for performance Initially, license USB token did not work – Configured Linux Image to use hardware port Provided instructions for VMWARE departure from documentations.

21 April 2, 2013Page 21 RD&T DASD Migration Utility – zPDTMSRV, hckd2ckd Client-server utility for moving 3380/3390 volumes from a remote z/OS or z/VM system to zPDT. The server portion of this utility runs under z/OS or z/VM on the remote System z.

22 April 2, 2013Page 22

23 April 2, 2013Page 23 Proj1.dev1…… UCAT1 Proj1,proj2 Proj2.aaaa.bbbb Proj1.unit….. UCAT2 Proj3,Proj4 UCAT3 Usr1,Usr2 UCAT4 Usr5,Usr6 Usr1.pp.qq Usr2.xx.yy Proj3.unit…… Usr3.pp.qq Usr8.xx.yy Proj9.xx.yy Proj1.dev1…… UCAT1 Proj1,proj2 Proj2.aaaa.bbbb Proj1.unit….. UCAT2 Proj3,Proj4 UCAT3 Usr1,Usr2 UCAT4 Usr5,Usr6 Usr1.pp.qq Usr2.xx.yy Proj3.unit…… Usr3.pp.qq Usr8.xx.yy Proj9.xx.yy Orphan & unreachable Datasets VOL001 VOL002 VOL004VOL003 VOL001 VOL002 VOL004VOL003 Mainframe RD&T

24 April 2, 2013Page 24 Identify Datasets needed through HLQ and dataset names Use DFDSS utility to logically dump the datasets using filtering Set up RD&T with USERCAT, Volumes and Alias definitions Transfer the dump file to RD&T Restore dump to volumes Balance volume usage as needed.

25 April 2, 2013Page 25 Proj1.dev1…… UCAT1 Proj1,proj2 Proj2.aaaa.bbbb Proj1.unit….. UCAT2 Proj3,Proj4 UCAT3 Usr1,Usr2 UCAT4 Usr5,Usr6 Usr1.pp.qq Usr2.xx.yy Proj3.unit…… Usr3.pp.qq Usr8.xx.yy Proj9.xx.yy VOL001 VOL002 VOL004VOL003 VOL00Y DFDSS DUMP Flat File with data On Mainframe

26 April 2, 2013Page 26 VOL00Y Flat File with data Mainframe FTP VOL00Z Flat File with data RD&T

27 April 2, 2013Page 27 DFDSS Restore VOL00Y Flat File with data Proj1.dev1…… UCAT1 Proj1 Proj1.unit….. UCAT3 Usr1 Usr1.pp.qq VOL001 VOL002 VOL004VOL003 On RD&T System

28 April 2, 2013Page 28 Customer specific Best route we provided is total refresh Baseline can be maintained either on mainframe or RD&T depending on needs DFDSS dump/restore with replace can be used.

29 April 2, 2013Page 29 RD&T system is unit Development & Test RD&T Data is ‘Baseline’. Refresh mainframe ‘production’ copy with project releases Use DFDSS dump/restore with Filtering

30 April 2, 2013Page 30 1.RD&T is Unit Test only Mainframe data is ’Baseline’ Refresh RD&T data using DFDSS dump/restore 2.Customer DASD Volumes are application specific (or can make them) Use Volume dumps. Volume to include user catalogs. Use IDCAMS import connect

31 April 2, 2013Page 31

32 April 2, 2013Page 32 Installation and configuration of Linux based machines/servers on which RD&T runs Installation and configuration of the z1090 emulator on Linux Replication of the host mainframe environment on the RD&T system: Volume and data migration from the host mainframe to the RD&T system. (VSAM, DB2, CICS) Migration of programs and utilities from the host mainframe (ISPF, REXX, CLIST) Complete customization of the z/OS installed on the RD&T system- user profiles, data, programs, products Installation and configuration of various IBM and 3rd Party products on RD&T (For example, Websphere Application Server, Websphere MQ, IBM Debug Tool, Rational Team Concert, Websphere Portal, Rational Developer for System z, CA Endevor, etc.) Maintaining the RD&T system to be current with the changes on the host mainframe – customizing solutions Training system administration staff on RD&T installation, configuration, and maintenance.

33 April 2, 2013Page 33

34 April 2, 2013Page 34

35 April 2, 2013Page 35 Jumpstart Complimentary Services 40 hours of Complimentary Services for new customers – POC – Tool Evaluations (RD&T RDz RAA RTC) – Technical queries about Rational Tools for System z – … For more information please contact Syed Ghassan Call (630) 355-6292

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