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SUMMARY PROVIDER WORKING GROUP December 4, 2014 Generosa Grana, MD MD Anderson Cancer Center at Cooper.

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Presentation on theme: "SUMMARY PROVIDER WORKING GROUP December 4, 2014 Generosa Grana, MD MD Anderson Cancer Center at Cooper."— Presentation transcript:

1 SUMMARY PROVIDER WORKING GROUP December 4, 2014 Generosa Grana, MD MD Anderson Cancer Center at Cooper

2 COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP Original Members Generosa Grana* Brandon Hayes–Lattin* Renee Nicholas Wendy Susswein* Karen Kelly Thomas* Laura Tillman JoAnne Zujewski Current Roster Generosa Grana Brandon Hayes-Lattin Laura Tillman Karen Kelly Thomas Katrina Trivers - CDC Jung-Min Lee / Joann Zujewski- NIH Summer Cox – Oregon Deb Duquette – Michigan Deborah Story / Lindsay Avner– Bright Pink Michael Wilkes – UC Davis

3 ACTIVITY TO DATE Refine target: “patients” and “providers” Assess work ongoing Successful strategies Potential Collaboration Work of CDC genomics grants Work of new communication grants Work at CDC – Trivers et al

4 CHARGE TO COMMITTEE Role: input / recommendations / guidance Result: targeted, effective educational strategies disseminated to the right audience of Health Care Providers Focus of larger committee: Women 15-45 High risk women (strong family history or mutation +) Young breast cancer survivors

5 REFINE “HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS” Primary care physicians (internal medicine, family medicine, ob/gyn, ) Focus on trainees NP / PAs ADD Naturopaths (in west- association AANP) Insurance providers (based on 3 state projects) Societies

6 SURVEY OF PROVIDER EDUCATION & PRACTICE GAPS 1.need exists to survey HCP 2.areas of interest to survey --general breast health for young women; --risk assessment and genetic testing; --needs of young breast cancer survivors. 3. ways to survey --Doc styles; insurers; licensing groups; professional societies --Potential use of CDC state grantees – Work of grantees focuses on: surveillance; policy; public and provider education around hereditary syndromes

7 HOW TO REACH HEALTHCARE PROVIDERS Organizational meetings Licensing board Training programs Insurance providers medical directors of health plans (EX. Michigan) National partners – Aetna, United Health, Signa Newsletters Email blasts Conferences for providers

8 PROGRAMS TARGETING TRAINEES Katrina Trivers – CDC Planned Parenthood – Deb Duquette, Dr. Mark Perlman, Courtney Benedict Bright Pink Michael Wilkes –UC Davis Others????

9 PROGRAMS TARGETING TRAINEES Katrina Trivers et al Inside knowledge / Emory Target Trainees in family medicine, internal medicine and ob/gyn Module on Ovary / uterine cancer & genetics Use case based modules – will create web based modules to sit on CDC website How to disseminate & promote

10 PROGRAMS TARGETING TRAINEES Bright Pink Targeting residency programs in Ob/gyn 4 case study module Cover “risk assessment, stratification & management” Thus far 16 medical professionals trained & 28 facilities scheduled. Goal – over 3 years to have curriculum integrated into 240 ob/gyn residencies nationwide Adaptability to NP and internal medicine trainees??

11 PROGRAMS TARGETING TRAINEES Dr. Mark Perlman / Deb Duquette / Courtney Benedict- Planned Parenthood 1700 clinicians nationwide – 75% NP and 20-30% Physician / 700 health centers + Affiliates /Broad based geography Train the Trainer program 2.5 hours of e learning courses done prior to in person training In person training done by trainer (Dr. Perlman) includes: Case scenarios Silicone model detection training Breast exam practice on standardized patients

12 PROGRAMS TARGETING TRAINEES Evaluation ongoing acquisition (use of guidelines, genetics) & change in practice of breast exam. Dissemination Planned Brisk Model being used for identification of women with personal or family history of B/O cancer

13 PROGRAMS TARGETING TRAINEES Michael Wilkes – UC system E learning program – trainees and practicing primary care physicians Expansion to residency programs in UC system – More information needed

14 CDC ROLE WITH REGARDS TO TRAINEE PROGRAMS Identify best practices Make materials available Modules produced by planned parenthood Modules produced by Michael Wilkes Brisk tool Others Gather groups working in same areas and foster collaboration & Dissemination

15 OTHER STRATEGIES: CDC FUNDED PROGRAMS Genomics grants Michigan, Oregon, Connecticut, Utah All 4 have provider education component Looking at novel models to improve provider education CDC to help shape program across all 4 states Representative from these to be invited to our subcommittee. Communication Grants

16 CDC FUNDED GRANTS & PROVIDER WORKING GROUP Review shared elements vs. innovative components focused on health care providers to avoid duplication of efforts and foster innovation. Assess data being collected to ensure it will be complimentary Discuss dissemination

17 SURVEY OF PROVIDER EDUCATION & PRACTICE GAPS - TO BE TACKLED- Need exists to survey HCP Areas of interest to survey – general breast health for young women; risk assessment and genetic testing; needs of young breast cancer survivors. Ways to survey: Doc styles; insurers; licensing groups; professional societies Potential use of CDC state grantees

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