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Trainer Approval Program Information Session April 4, 2013.

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1 Trainer Approval Program Information Session April 4, 2013

2 Orientation Objectives To provide: overview of the structure and functions of OSSE protocols overview of the Trainer Approval Process 3.additional guidance on the application instructions and submission procedures

3 OSSE Mission The mission of the Office of the State Superintendent of Education is to provide leadership and coordination to ensure all District of Columbia children from birth to kindergarten entrance have access to high quality early childhood development programs. 3

4 Introduction The goal of the OSSE Trainer Approval Program is to serve as a quality assurance mechanism that provides the education workforce with access to high-quality training opportunities which in turn will have a positive impact on the quality of teaching and learning.

5 Quality Training Matters… “Those of us teaching the principles and practice of early childhood education to adult students who are already working with other people’s children should keep in mind that we are teaching experts.” Elizabeth Jones, Growing Teachers: Partnerships in Staff Development

6 Benefits of Becoming an Approved Trainer There will be many opportunities for Approved Trainers to enhance their skills and market their services: Approved trainers must advertise their trainings on the Professional Development Registry and in the OSSE Monthly Training Calendar (attendance information must be submitted monthly) ~ http://www.learndc.org The OSSE Approved Trainer Roster is published and distributed to providers on a monthly basis

7 January 2013 - Launched new/revised Trainer Approval system April 2013 – Conducted first mandatory information sessions to inform current and prospective trainers of changes and new application process Information session is conducted approximately 1 month before application submission date: May 30, 2013, September 30, 2013, January 30, 2014. September 1, 2011 – All previously approved trainers (under the old system) approval status expires Trainer Approval Program Timeline

8 Trainer Approval Program Timeline (continued) Communication is sent out one (1) month prior to Information Session, and then bi-weekly, leading up to the scheduled date. The Trainer Approval Roster (which includes complete trainer information) is distributed by the 5 th of every month

9 Trainer Approval Program The Trainer Approval Program ensures that trainers: Have higher-education credentials Have prior training experience Have experience in the field Are well-versed in the Core Knowledge Area(s) they are requesting to train Become registered users of the Professional Development Registry

10 Approval Categories *Individual *Organization *DC Government Partners and National Advocacy Organizations (Specialized)

11 Approval Categories Individual A person who provides early childhood/youth development training to the early childhood and after-school workforce independent of an organization.

12 Specialized Field - Individual A person who provides training to the early childhood and afterschool workforce on a specialized subject (i.e. Nurse, Nutritionist, Firefighter, Accountant, etc.) independent of an organization. **Can select no more than 2 Core Knowledge Areas**

13 What We Need From You: 1. Completed Initial Approval Application that is signed, dated and includes all required attachments (including checklist). 2. A current resume or curriculum vitae summarizing professional experience. 3. A copy of transcript(s) listing each successfully completed college course that is aligned with the Core Knowledge Area(s) selected 4. A copy of higher education degree diploma or pertinent certifications/licenses (for specialized fields at basic level only). 5. References from individuals who can attest to the ability of the applicant to design and deliver trainings in his/her selected Core Knowledge Area(s) and level. All applicants are required to submit two (2) professional references.

14 What We Need From You: 6. Completed “Sample Training Module” demonstrating the applicant’s ability to design at least a two-hour training for each Core Knowledge Area (for which applicant is applying) and at the highest level applicant is seeking approval. Each module must: include clear and concise objectives include an outline of content that is consistent with each Core Knowledge Area and the depth of training content/Bloom’s Taxonomy utilize training methodology, group process skills, and presentation techniques consistent with adult learning principles incorporate appropriate implementation strategies.

15 7.Sample Training Presentation All applicants must prepare a 45-minute sample presentation of a submitted module. Applicants with more than one submitted module only need to present for one of the modules. There will be a panel of professional reviewers to evaluate the sample training modules utilizing the Presentation Scoring Rubric (Appendix C). Please prepare to bring all needed training materials including all necessary AV equipment, visual aides, and materials (enough for 10). What We Need From You:

16 Approval Categories Organization A bona-fide organization that provides early childhood/youth development training to the early childhood and afterschool workforce.  All trainers must meet the OSSE training approval requirements.  Organizations must demonstrate that their policy for hiring trainers is aligned with the trainer approval requirements.

17 Specialized Field - Organization A bona-fide organization that provides training to the early childhood and afterschool workforce on a specialized subject (i.e. Nurse, Nutritionist, Firefighter, Accountant, etc.)  All trainers must meet the OSSE training approval requirements.  Organizations must demonstrate that their policy for hiring trainers is aligned with the trainer approval requirements. **Can select no more than 2 Core Knowledge Areas**

18 What We Need From You: 1. Completed Initial Approval Application that has been signed, dated and includes all required attachments. 2. A copy of the Business License or Tax Identification Number 3. References from individuals or organizations that can attest to the ability of the organization to provide training in the selected core knowledge area(s) and level. All applicants are required to submit two (2) professional references. 4. A copy of the organization’s trainer policy and procedures for hiring trainers that demonstrates alignment with the trainer approval requirement 5. A copy of the organization’s trainer application form (blank) 6. A copy of the organization’s trainer application form (a completed copy from a current trainer’s file)

19 What We Need From You: 7. A listing of current trainers that demonstrates your organization’s capacity to train at the level and within each Core Knowledge Area your organization is seeking approval in along with other documentation (i.e. transcript and resume). 8. “Sample Training Module” demonstrating the applicant’s ability to design at least a two-hour training for each Core Knowledge Area and at the highest level applicant is seeking approval. Each module must: include clear and concise objectives include an outline of content that is consistent with Core of Knowledge and the depth of training content/Bloom’s Taxonomy utilize training methodology, group process skills, presentation techniques consistent with adult learning principles incorporate appropriate implementation strategies.

20 9. Sample Training Presentation One trainer for the organization must prepare a 45-minute sample presentation of a submitted module. Applicants with more than one submitted module only need to present for one of the modules. There will be a panel of professional reviewers to evaluate the sample training modules utilizing the Presentation Scoring Rubric (Appendix C in TAP Policy & Procedure Manual). Please prepare to bring all needed training materials including all necessary AV equipment, visual aides, and materials (enough for 10). What We Need From You:

21 Organization Policy Alignment Organizations will provide OSSE with their policy for hiring trainers that is aligned with OSSE’s trainer approval requirements: A. Hiring policy similar to the Trainer Approval Program Initial Eligibility Requirements B.Hire trainers who are currently approved to train by OSSE

22 Government Agencies and National Advocacy Organizations This category may include specific OSSE staff, DC Government Agencies, Approved Partners, or National Advocacy Organizations.

23 Core Knowledge Areas: 1.Child Growth and Development 2. Observing, Documenting and Assessing to Support Young Children and Families 3. Health, Safety, and Nutrition 4. Curriculum 5. Inclusive Practices 6. Learning Environments 7. Building Family and Community Relationships 8. Diversity: Family, Language, Culture, and Society 9. Program Management, Operation and Evaluation 10. Professionalism and Advocacy 11. Social-Emotional Development and Mental Health

24 Trainer Eligibility Requirements * Education and training in early childhood * Experience in early childhood * Core Knowledge Area alignment * Knowledge of adult learning principles * Knowledge of sound training design

25 A Review of State Trainer Approval Systems Minimum Education requirements to become an approved trainer: Georgia – B.A./B.S. Degree New Mexico – A.A./A.S. Degree Maine – M.A./M.S. Degree Oklahoma – A.A./A.S Degree Maryland – A.A./A.S. Degree Oregon – B.A./B.S. Degree Missouri – B.A./B.S. Degree South Carolina – B.A./B.S. Degree Montana – A.A./A.S. Degree Washington – A.A./A.S. Degree

26 Training Content Level The Trainer Approval Program recognizes that the workforce requires training at varying levels: 1. Basic - the concept is somewhat new and the training participant needs to learn or relearn the basics. 2. Intermediate - the training participant understands the basics but needs to apply what is learned. 3. Advance - the training participant has applied the concepts and needs to understand how to evaluate and synthesize the effectiveness of implementation.

27 Basic Training Level Eligibility Requirements: Associate’s Degree in Early Childhood Education, or a closely related field, from a regionally accredited college 3 years experience in an Early Childhood/Youth Development Setting 9 college credits aligned with each Core Knowledge Area for which you are seeking approval 26 clock hours of prior training experience with adult learners

28 Basic Training Level – Specialized Field Eligibility Requirements: Associate’s Degree in the specialized field from a regionally accredited college OR equally valued credential recognized in the specific field 3 years of experience in specialized setting 9 college credits OR 90 training/clock hours 26 clock hours of prior training experience with adult learners

29 Intermediate Training Level Eligibility Requirements: Bachelor’s Degree in Early Childhood or a closely related field from a regionally accredited college 3 years of experience in an Early Childhood/ Youth Development Setting 12 college credits aligned with each Core Knowledge Area for which you are seeking approval 36 clock hours of prior training experience with adult learners

30 Intermediate Training Level – Specialized Field Eligibility Requirements: Bachelor’s Degree in a specialized field from a regionally accredited college 3 years in specialized setting 12 college credits aligned with each Core Knowledge Area for which you are seeking approval 36 clock hours of prior training experience with adult learners

31 Advanced Training Level Eligibility Requirements: Master’s Degree, or higher, in Early Childhood or a closely related field from a regionally accredited college 3 years of experience in an Early Childhood/Youth Development Setting 15 college credits aligned with each Core Knowledge Area for which you are seeking approval 60 clock hours of prior training experience with adult learners

32 Advanced Training Level – Specialized Field Eligibility Requirements: Master’s Degree, or higher, in a specialized field from a regionally accredited college 3 years of experience in a specialized setting 15 college credits aligned with each Core Knowledge Area for which you are seeking approval 60 clock hours of prior training experience with adult learners

33 Application Process (continued) Applicant’s Responsibilities *You Are Here* Obtain application packet Complete application & required documents Attend mandatory OSSE Trainer Approval Process Information Session

34 Application Process Trainer Approval Program Application Trainer Approval Program Policies & Procedures Manual Sample Training Presentation Rubric

35 Application Process (continued) Applicant’s OSSE’s Responsibilities Responsibilities Review application & required documentation Submit application & required documentation to OSSE OSSE receives application & documentation by the pre-identified due date

36 Application Process (continued) OSSE’s Responsibilities Application packet is reviewed by OSSE for completion OSSE staff will verify transcripts, credentials, experience, and references The Sample Training Module will be reviewed and scored to determine that all criteria have been met

37 Application Process (continued) If application is complete & Sample Training Module receives a satisfactory score, applicant will present a sample training If applicant satisfactorily completes the Sample Presentation, a training approval number is assigned An approval letter is mailed to the Applicant; will be required to attend a mandatory PDR Trainer session. If the applicant is not approved, OSSE will provide rationale for the decision Applicant has the right to appeal decision of non-approval (see page 14 in TAP Policy & Procedure Manual)

38 Application Due Review Period (45 days) Applicant Notified about Application Status January 30 th (Winter Cycle) February 1-March 15March 20 th May 30 th (Spring Cycle) June 1-July 15July 20 th September 30 th (Fall Cycle) October 1-November 15 November 20 th Application Schedule

39 Submitting Your Application Please scan application and all attachments as one (1) document and e-mail to Subject Line: Application - Trainer Approval Program

40 Maintaining Your Trainer Approval/Renewal Conduct two (2) complimentary training for OSSE’s Monthly Training Calendar Participate in one (1) Train the Trainer session Complete thirty (30) continuing education clock hours of approved training related to adult learning principles, early care and education, or other related information Submit Annual Reports as scheduled Submit a completed Renewal Application during the cycle before the expiration date to prevent a gap in approval status Adhere to the OSSE trainer approval policies Consistent use of the Professional Development Registry (PDR) Failure to adhere to these requirements will result in your certification being revoked.

41 Renewal Application: All training approvals remain active for a period of two (2) years, provided that the individual/organization continues to demonstrate competence and adheres to the OSSE trainer approval policies. The individual/organization must submit a completed Renewal Application during the cycle before the expiration date to prevent a gap in approval status. To simplify this process, all reports and application deadlines are on the same cycle. For example: If an Initial Approval Application is submitted May 30, 2010 then the Renewal Application will be due on May 30, 2012 to prevent a gap in approval status (see chart on page 11 of TAP Policy Manual).

42 Renewal Application: As part of the renewal process, the trainer provides evidence that two (2) complimentary trainings were conducted for OSSE’s Monthly Training Calendar, the trainer participated in one (1) Train the Trainer Session and has accrued thirty (30) continuing education clock hours. All Annual Reports must be current at the time of renewal. Late submissions or failure to submit a Renewal Application will require resubmission of the Initial Approval Application.

43 High Quality Training Maintain an appropriate level of competence in the field including a broad knowledge of current trends, theory and practice in areas of expertise and seeks growth in areas of limited knowledge. Base training delivery on accurate, current and job-related information consistent with sound theories and principles of adult learning (e.g., adults’ desire practical application; adults learn best if they have control over the learning environment.)

44 High Quality Training Assess and meet the professional development level and characteristics of the target audience. Choose instructional methods and materials that are appropriate for the learning objectives detailed in the outline (e.g., self-reflection, group discussions, demonstrations, multi-media presentations, visual aids).

45 Frequently Asked Questions… How many Core Knowledge Areas can I apply for? What is the meaning of ‘Specialized Field’? How many Core Knowledge Areas can I apply for in a ‘Specialized Field’? How many college credit hours can I use per Core Knowledge Area? Do I have to submit a Sample Training Module for each Core Knowledge Area? Can I be approved before I do my sample training presentation? What will happen if I turn in an incomplete application?

46 Questions & Answers

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