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Introducing the Blogger Partner Program.

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Presentation on theme: "Introducing the Blogger Partner Program."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introducing the Blogger Partner Program

2 How Does the Blogger Partner Program Work? A travel blogger/writer will go on a complimentary Jaunt We ask bloggers to create an entry (approx 400 words) about their experiences, including details about their accommodations, inclusions, the location, food, attractions, restaurants, unique attributes etc. We ask for the entry to be timed to go live with the actual launch of the offer on, and part or all of the entry will be featured on on the offer page

3 You will receive a set payment as well as 20% of the net revenue from your referrals The Blogging Community and Jaunt Why is Jaunt interested in the blogging community? Why would you be interested as a blogger? You will gain exposure on, with over 2 million subscribers in Canada The copy will link to your blog You will receive a set payment as well as 20% of the net revenue from your referrals You will get to go on a complimentary Jaunt before it’s featured on the site We will also gain targeted exposure We will be able to feature personalized, first hand Jaunt experiences Increase exposure for our hotel partners

4 Where Can You Go?



7 Thank You Please feel free to contact me if you are interested in the program! Jeffrey Baynes Manager, Content and Community at e. p. 416.775.8109 c. 416.569.1559

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