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Family Communication Map. Boundaries Boundaries are rules for interaction. They help govern who is in and who is out of the family. It also helps determine.

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Presentation on theme: "Family Communication Map. Boundaries Boundaries are rules for interaction. They help govern who is in and who is out of the family. It also helps determine."— Presentation transcript:

1 Family Communication Map

2 Boundaries Boundaries are rules for interaction. They help govern who is in and who is out of the family. It also helps determine how we interact within the family.

3 Commonly Used People Symbols: Female Male Person, sex & age unknown

4 Family Communication Map: Boundaries A In this chart I used a darker hue as well as thicker boundary to indicate the boundary depth. For example Thick boundaries Thin boundaries

5 Family Communication Map There are boundaries around each individual also a boundary around each family unit. Child 2 Me Child 1 Husband

6 Child 2 Me Child 1 Husband Boundaries include the physical and psychological characteristics that foster the sense of family and individual identity. Family Communication Chart: Boundaries

7 Relationship Symbols: A stressful, conflict-++++++++ laden relationship A tenuous, uncertain- - - - - - - - - relationship A positive relationship _________ or resource The direction of the giving & receiving  exchange or a relationship or resource

8 Family Communication Map Child 2 Me Child 1 Sister Brother’s Family Parents Sis Husband

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