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(Floral Design). Shape color light texture Shape: inflorescence shapes.

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Presentation on theme: "(Floral Design). Shape color light texture Shape: inflorescence shapes."— Presentation transcript:

1 (Floral Design)

2 Shape color light texture

3 Shape: inflorescence shapes

4 Shape: line Arrangements Few flowers are used presence of many voids Flowers are presented in a line The lines may be: –Vertical –L-shaped –Crescent –Diagonal –S-shaped

5 Shape: Mass Arrangements Use many flowers few voids or spaces shapes include: –Circle –Mound or oval –Triangles –Diamond

6 Shape: Line-Mass Arrangements A combination of line and mass Represents a thickened line

7 Specialty Shapes Heart for Valentines day Egg for Easter

8 Element: Color The most important element colors are associated with objects and events Color terminology: hue, tint, shade, tone The color wheel and color schemes

9 Color Scheme: Monochromatic Only one hue is featured but the arrangement may include variations of the hue

10 Analogous colors lie next to each other on the color wheel


12 Direct Complementary Colors that lie directly across from each other on the color wheel


14 Split Complementary: one hue with two that lie on each side of its complement

15 Triadic : three colors equidistant on the color wheel PrimariesSecondaries

16 7 Color Guidelines Repeat colors in a design. Don’t use too many different colors. Let one color dominate. Use darker colored flowers deeper and lower in the arrangement. Use colors with high eye appeal sparingly. Use larger flowers of a certain color to emphasize that color. Select either bold color contrasts or soft subtle contrasts to suit the situation.

17 Element: Light You may need to consider in what sort of lighting your arrangement will be viewed Lighting effects color Light Quality Light intensity

18 Element: Texture Refers to the surface quality of an object Provide interesting contrasts or subtle compatibility between materials examples: –Fine or coarse –shiny or dull –downy or prickly Textures may suggest formality

19 Briar patch effect Soft

20 The Principles Balance Scale Rhythm Harmony Emphasis

21 Principle: Balance Comfortable to look at The materials selected, amount used and placement affect balance Visual weight and not real weight matters Symmetrical and asymmetrical balance

22 Symmetrical Balance Components correspond to each other on each side of an axis. Bilateral and radial symmetry

23 Balance: Asymmetrical Not the same on each side created by using placements of unequal visual weight at varying distances from the central axis

24 Principal: Scale Concerns the size relationship of an arrangement to its setting. Size relations between different components with in an arrangement such as: Container, bow, number of flowers and foliage

25 The height Rule The arrangement should be 1 1/2 to 2 times the height or width of the container whichever is greater

26 Principal: Rhythm Feeling of motion size, shape, color, texture as well as spacing between materials and the way they are angled create rhythm

27 Types of Rhythm Spacing Rhythm space flowers closer together at the focal point, and increase in spacing as the eye travels upward

28 Size Rhythm Larger flowers have more visual weight so are used closer to the focal point. Smaller flowers are placed further away

29 Shape Rhythm Changes in shape can be regular and predictable Narrow pointed buds are used farthest away from the focal point Rounded forms are best nearer the focal point

30 Facing Rhythm Tilting flowers forward increases eye appeal flowers should face forward at the focal point As the eye travels up the vertical line, there should be a gradual and predictable change until the tallest flower is facing upright

31 Depth and Color Rhythm Depth can be achieved by an “in and out” placement of flowers. Color can lead the eye in and out of the arrangement Colors with the greatest eye appeal are placed near the focal point. Colors that appear heavier are used low in the design.

32 Principal: Harmony Total compatibility of all parts of an arrangement appropriateness of the arrangement to its surroundings or occasion Formality and informality must be considered

33 Principle: Emphasis Also called focal point one material that dominates one area that has the strongest eye appeal color or unusual flowers gives emphasis can be represented by a single largest flower in an all around arrangement the focal point is an imaginary point deep in the arrangement

34 Emphasis Place brighter, darker,stronger materials at the heart. Place eye catching materials at the area of emphasis

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