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Characteristic Features Similar Species Geographic Distribution Habits Vector & Pest Status By:Mustafa Mohammed.

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Presentation on theme: "Characteristic Features Similar Species Geographic Distribution Habits Vector & Pest Status By:Mustafa Mohammed."— Presentation transcript:

1 Characteristic Features Similar Species Geographic Distribution Habits Vector & Pest Status By:Mustafa Mohammed


3 Characteristic Features Female: A medium sized mosquito of dark and speckly grey appearance; sides of thorax with some darker coloured areas but only a few pale scales; Female With piercing (penetrating) sucking mouth. By :Mustafa Mohammed

4 wings with all veins having patches of dark and pale scales; hind legs with femur, Pair of antenna on the head and three pairs of legs. By :Mustafa Mohammed

5 Geographic Distribution NSW (throughout), Vic (throughout), SA (widespread), Tas (lowland areas), (also Qld, NT, WA). By :Mustafa Mohammed

6 Habits & Habitats Feed from humans and other animals (particularly cattle), and bite at night. By :Mustafa Mohammed

7 Vector & Pest Status The species is only rarely a pest even when relatively abundant as it does not preferentially attack humans; it is known to be a laboratory vector of malaria and almost certainly has been responsible for transmission of malaria in many areas of southern Australia, By :Mustafa Mohammed

8 can carry human filaria and dog heartworm (but is not an efficient vector), has yielded isolates of Ross River virus but overall is not thought to be an important vector of human heartworm Ross River virus By :Mustafa Mohammed

9 Life cycle Four stage 1- Eggs :- first stage occurs in water (anophiline and culex ),Aedez lays its eggs in tree holes or in the side of containers just above water levels.single on water which it should be –clean,partially shaded water,with some vegetation –eggs in white color change to dark after some time By :Mustafa Mohammed

10 - Females lay their eggs in batches of 70-100 on the surface of water at night. The type of water used for egg laying is indicative of the mosquito species and includes irrigation channels, a pool of water in a tree trunk, and sewage effluent. In tropical temperatures the eggs hatch after two to three days. By :Mustafa Mohammed

11 -Hatching of eggs happens in about 7-14 days depending ubon the tempreture and water movement.


13 larva 2- larva : in shape of letter (g) or comma in both anophiline and culex contains head with pair of antenna,thorax and abdomen ended by tail head contains 2 tubes for respiration. Larva is free swimming feed by plants or particlses dabris. By :Mustafa Mohammed

14 The larvae lie just below the surface of the water and feed on algae, and after 7-14 days turn into pupae during a five-minute process. The pupa is comma-shaped and is the least active stage of the Anopheles lifecycle. By :Mustafa Mohammed



17 Pupa 3- The pupa commonly called tumbiers – they are still aquatic and air brething after 4 molts but not feeding. By :Mustafa Mohammed

18 After two to four days the pupa metamorphoses into an adult mosquito. The adults emerge during late evening and are able to fly within minutes. By :Mustafa Mohammed



21 Adult Needs 2 days to inforum wings -only the female of the mosquito is able to bite human or animals –male lives depending on plants juice which also suport female in absence of blood sources.(flight level is limited one mile )

22 Life cycle By :Mustafa Mohammed

23 Culex molestus By :Mustafa Mohammed

24 Characteristic Features Similar Species Geographic Distribution Habits Vector & Pest Status


26 Characteristic Features Female: A medium-sized mosquito of light-brownish appearance; proboscis pale below from base but dark on apical third; scutum with narrow golden scales By :Mustafa Mohammed

27 ; wings all dark scaled; hind legs with femur pale almost to tip but with some dark scaling dorsally, remainder of leg all dark scaled; abdominal tergites with pale basal bands straight and unconstricted laterally merging into lateral patches; sternites usually all pale scaled.

28 Geographic Distribution NSW, Vic, Tas.

29 Culex life cycle Egg The developmental cycle takes two weeks and is by complete are laid in batches, Eggs will only hatch in the presence of water and suitable temperature. By :Mustafa Mohammed

30 Culex egg By :Mustafa Mohammed

31 larva stage the mosquito lives in water and feeds on organic matter and plants, then develops into a pupa.


33 Pupa The pupa is comma-shaped and also lives in water. It does not feed and becomes an adult after one or two days. By :Mustafa Mohammed


35 Life cycle of culex By :Mustafa Mohammed

36 Habits & Habitats Adults may be active year round in warmer areas, they attack humans (and also birds) readily at night.

37 Vector & Pest Status This can be a serious domestic pest indoors in certain areas; the species can carry Murray Valley encephalitis virus in laboratory studies but its potential as a vector of importance is unknown

38 Comparing between larva of anopheles and culex By :Mustafa Mohammed

39 The end & Thanks By :Mustafa Mohammed

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