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Microsoft Word Chapter 6
Creating a Professional Newsletter
Objectives Create and format WordArt Insert a symbol in a document
Insert and format a floating graphic Format a document in multiple columns Format a character as a drop cap Insert a column break Modify a style Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Objectives Place a vertical rule between columns
Insert and format a text box Copy and paste using a split window Balance columns Modify and format a SmartArt graphic Add a page border Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Starting Word Start Microsoft Word 2007 as directed on page WD 389
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Setting Custom Margins
Display the Page Layout tab. Click the Margins button on the Page Layout tab to display the Margins gallery Click Custom Margins in the Margins gallery to display the Page Setup dialog box. If necessary, click the Margins tab in the dialog box Type .75 in the Top text box to change the top margin setting and then press the TAB key to position the insertion point in the Bottom text box Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Setting Custom Margins
Type .75 in the Bottom text box to change the bottom margin setting and then press the TAB key Type .75 in the Left text box to change the left margin setting and then press the TAB key. Type .75 in the Right box to change the right margin setting Click the OK button to set the custom margins for this document Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Setting Custom Margins
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Changing Theme Colors and Fonts
Display the Home tab. Click the Change Styles button on the Home tab, point to Colors on the Change Styles menu, and then click Metro in the Colors gallery to change the document theme colors to Metro Click the Change Styles button on the Home tab, point to Fonts on the Change Styles menu, and then click Aspect in the Fonts gallery to change the document theme fonts to Aspect Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Inserting WordArt Display the Insert tab
Click the WordArt button on the Insert tab to display the WordArt gallery Click WordArt style 1, the style in the upper-left corner of the WordArt gallery, to display the Edit WordArt Text dialog box Type Health Bits in the Text text box, as the WordArt text. Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Inserting WordArt Click the Font box arrow in the dialog box; scroll to and then click Brush Script MT, or a similar font, to change the font of the WordArt text Click the Size box arrow in the dialog box; scroll to and then click 72 to change the font size of the WordArt text Click the OK button to display the WordArt text in the document window Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Inserting WordArt Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Resizing WordArt Drag the bottom-right sizing handle to the right and slightly downward until the WordArt size is similar to Figure 6–7 If the values in the Shape Height and Shape Width text boxes are not approximately equal to 1.4" and 7", respectively, change their values so that the WordArt is similar in size to Figure 6–7 Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Resizing WordArt Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Changing the WordArt Fill Color
With the WordArt selected, click the Shape Fill button arrow on the WordArt Tools Format tab to display the Shape Fill gallery Point to Gradient in the Shape Fill gallery to display the Gradient gallery Click More Gradients in the Gradient gallery to display the Fill Effects dialog box. If necessary, click the Gradient tab in the dialog box In the Colors area, click Two colors, which causes two separate color text boxes to appear in the dialog box Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Changing the WordArt Fill Color
Click the Color 1 box arrow and then click Gold, Accent 3, Lighter 60% (third row, seventh column) in the color gallery Click the Color 2 box arrow and then click Green, Accent 1, Darker 25% (fifth row, fifth column) in the color gallery Click From center in the Shading styles area and then, if necessary, click the left variant in the Variants area Click the OK button to change the colors of the WordArt Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Changing the WordArt Fill Color
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Change the WordArt Shape
Click the Change WordArt Shape button on the Format tab to display the WordArt Shape gallery Click the Cascade Up shape in the WordArt Shape gallery to instruct Word to form itself into the Cascade Up shape Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Change the WordArt Shape
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Centering the Newsletter Title
Click the paragraph mark to the right of the WordArt text to deselect the WordArt and position the insertion point in the paragraph containing the WordArt If necessary, display the Home tab, and then click the Center button on the Home tab to center the paragraph containing the WordArt Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Bordering One Edge of a Paragraph
Click the Border button arrow on the Home tab and then click Borders and Shading in the Border gallery to display the Borders and Shading dialog box Click Custom in the Setting area because you are setting just a top border Scroll through the style list and click the style which has a thick middle line between two thin lines Click the Color button arrow and then click Pink, Accent 2, Darker 50% (sixth column in the last row of Theme Colors) in the Color gallery Click the Top Border button in the Preview area of the dialog box to show a preview of the selected border style Click the OK button to place the defined border above the newsletter title Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Bordering One Edge of a Paragraph
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Clearing Format With the insertion point positioned at the end of line 1 press the ENTER key Click the Clear Formatting button on the Home tab to remove any existing formatting Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Setting a Right-Aligned Tab Stop
Click the Bold button on the Home tab. Click the Font Color button arrow on the Home tab and change the font color to Pink, Accent 2, Darker 50%. Type Monthly Newsletter on line 2 of the newsletter Click the Paragraph Dialog Box Launcher to display the Paragraph dialog box and then click the Tabs button in the Paragraph dialog box to display the Tabs dialog box Type 7 in the Tab stop position text box, which is the location of the right margin Click Right in the Alignment area to specify alignment for text at the tab stop Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Setting a Right-Aligned Tab Stop
Click the Set button in the Tabs dialog box to set a right-aligned custom tab stop, which places the entered tab stop position, the number 7 in this case, in the Tab stop position list box Click the OK button to place a right tab marker at the 7" mark on the ruler Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Setting a Right-Aligned Tab Stop
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Inserting a Symbol Press the TAB key. Type Vol. 4 and then press the SPACEBAR Display the Insert tab Click the Symbol button on the Insert tab Click More Symbols in the Symbol gallery to display the Symbol dialog box. If Symbol is not the Font displayed in the Font box, click the Font box arrow in the dialog box and then scroll to Symbol and click it In the list of symbols, if necessary, scroll to and then click the dot symbol shown in Figure 6–18 Click the Insert button to place the dot symbol in the document to the left of the insertion point Click the Close button in the Symbol dialog box Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Inserting a Symbol Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Entering Text and Adding a Border
Press the SPACEBAR. Type Issue 9 at the end of the issue information line Display the Home tab. Click the Border button arrow on the Home tab and then click Bottom Border in the Border gallery to place a bottom border on the current paragraph using the same formats as the previously defined border Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Entering Text and Adding a Border
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Saving a Document With a USB flash drive connected to one of the computer’s USB ports, click the Save button on the Quick Access Toolbar to display the Save As dialog box Save the document on a USB flash drive with the file name, Health Bits Newsletter Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Inserting Clip Art from the Web
Display the Insert tab. Click the Clip Art button on the Insert tab to display the Clip Art task pane. In the Clip Art task pane, type caduceus in the Search for text box Click the Go button to display a list of clips that match the description, caduceus Scroll to and then click the clip art of the caduceus that matches the one in Figure 6–20. (If the clip art image does not appear in the task pane, click the Close button on the Clip Art task pane and then proceed to the shaded steps on the next page) Click the Close button on the Clip Art task pane title bar to close the task pane Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Inserting Clip Art from the Web
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Resizing the Clip Art Image
Drag the top-right sizing handle inward until the size of the clip art image is similar to Figure 6–21 If necessary, double-click the clip art image to display the Picture Tools Format tab. If the values in the Shape Height and Shape Width text boxes are not approximately equal to .67 each, change their values so that the clip art image size is similar to Figure 6–21 Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Resizing the Clip Art Image
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Formatting a Graphic as Floating
If necessary, double-click the clip art image to display the Picture Tools Format tab Click the Text Wrapping button on the Format tab to display the Text Wrapping menu In the Text Wrapping menu, click In Front of Text so that the image changes to a floating object that can be positioned in front of text on the page Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Formatting a Graphic as Floating
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Moving a Graphic Point to the middle of the graphic, and when the mouse pointer has a four-headed arrow attached to it, drag the graphic to the location Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Moving a Graphic Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Flipping a Graphic With the graphic still selected, click the Rotate button on the Format tab to display the Rotate gallery Click Flip Horizontal on the Rotate gallery, so that Word flips the graphic to display its mirror image Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Flipping a Graphic Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Adjusting the Brightness of a Graphic
Click the Brightness button on the Format tab to display the Brightness gallery Point to -10 % in the Brightness gallery to display a live preview of that decrease in brightness applied to the selected clip art image Click -10 % in the Brightness gallery to darken the clip art image Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Adjusting the Brightness of a Graphic
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Clearing Format Click at the end of line 2 (the issue information line) so that the insertion point is immediately after the 9 in Issue 9. Press the ENTER key Display the Home tab. Click the Clear Formatting button on the Home tab to apply the Normal style to the location of the insertion point Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Entering Text as a Heading Style
Click Heading 2 on the Home tab Type Health Concerns Related to Computer Use to enter the feature title in the Heading 2 style Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Modifying a Style Using the Modify Style Dialog Box
Right-click Heading 2 on the Home tab to display a shortcut menu Click Modify on the shortcut menu to display the Modify Style dialog box Click the Color box arrow and then click Green, Accent 1, Darker 25% to change the color to a darker shade of green Place a check mark in the Automatically update check box so that any additional changes you make to the Heading 2 style will automatically modify the style Click the OK button to update the Heading 2 style Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Modifying a Style Using the Modify Style Dialog Box
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Inserting a Continuous Section Break
With the insertion point at the end of the feature article press the ENTER key to position the insertion point below the article title Display the Page Layout tab Click the Insert Page and Section Breaks button on the Page Layout tab to display the Insert Page and Section Breaks gallery Click Continuous in the Insert Page and Section Breaks gallery to insert a continuous section break above the insertion point Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Inserting a Continuous Section Break
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Changing the Number of Columns
Click the Columns button on the Page Layout tab to display the Columns gallery Click Three in the Columns gallery to divide the section containing the insertion point in three evenly sized and spaced columns Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Changing the Number of Columns
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Justifying a Paragraph
Display the Home tab Click the Justify button on the Home tab so that Word aligns both the left and right margins of typed text Type the first paragraph of the feature article: The widespread use of computers has been causing health concerns. Computer users should be proactive and minimize their chance of health complications. This article discusses computer health risks and preventions Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Justifying a Paragraph
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Inserting a File in a Column of the Newsletter
Press the ENTER key Display the Insert tab Click the Insert Object button arrow on the Insert tab to display the Object menu Click Text from File on the Object menu to display the Insert File dialog box Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Inserting a File in a Column of the Newsletter
With your USB flash drive connected to one of the computer’s USB ports, locate and then click the file called Health Bits Main Article on the USB flash drive to select the file Click the Insert button to insert the file, Health Bits Main Article, in the file Health Bits Newsletter at the location of the insertion point Scroll so that the bottom of the first page appears in the document window so that you can see how the article fills the three columns on the first and second pages Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Inserting a File in a Column of the Newsletter
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Changing Space below a Paragraph
Scroll to the top of the document and then position the insertion point in the paragraph to be adjusted, in this case, the paragraph containing the article title. Display the Page Layout tab. Click the Spacing After box up arrow on the Page Layout tab as many times as necessary until 12 pt is displayed in the Spacing After text box Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Changing Space below a Paragraph
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Increasing Column Width
Position the insertion point somewhere in the feature article text Click the Columns button on the Page Layout tab to display the Columns gallery Click More Columns in the Columns gallery to display the Columns dialog box In the ‘Width and spacing’ area, click the Width box up arrow as many times as necessary until the Width box reads 2.1“ Click the OK button to make the columns slightly wider Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Increasing Column Width
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Formatting a Letter as a Drop Cap
Position the insertion point somewhere in the first paragraph of the feature article. Display the Insert tab. Click the Drop Cap button on the Insert tab to display the Drop Cap gallery Click Dropped in the Drop Cap gallery to format the T in the word, The, as a drop cap and wrap subsequent text in the paragraph around the drop cap Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Formatting a Letter as a Drop Cap
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Formatting the Drop Cap
Drag the right-middle sizing handle on the frame slightly rightward Triple-click inside the frame to select the drop cap Right-click the selected drop cap to display the Mini toolbar. Click the Font Color button arrow on the Mini toolbar to display the Font Color gallery Click Gold, Accent 3, Darker 50% (seventh color in the last row of Theme Colors) to change the color of the drop cap Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Formatting the Drop Cap
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Inserting a Next Page Section Break
Scroll to display the bottom of the second column of the first page of the newsletter in the document window. Position the insertion point to the left of the L in the paragraph beginning with the word, Long-term Display the Page Layout tab Click the Insert Page and Section Breaks button on the Page Layout tab to display the Insert Page and Section Breaks gallery In the Section Breaks area in the gallery, click Next Page to insert a section break and position the insertion point on the next page Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Inserting a Next Page Section Break
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Entering Text Scroll to display the bottom of the second column of the first page of the newsletter in the document window and then position the insertion point between the paragraph mark and the section break notation Press the ENTER key twice to insert a blank line for the jump-to text above the section break notation Press the UP ARROW key to position the insertion point on the blank line. Press CTRL+R to right align the paragraph mark. Press CTRL+I to turn on the italic format. Type (Continued on next page) as the jump-to text and then press CTRL+I again to turn off the italic format Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Inserting a Column Break
Position the insertion point to the left of the paragraph mark of the line containing the next page section break, which is the location where the column break should be inserted Click the Insert Page and Section Breaks button on the Page Layout tab to display the Insert Page and Section Breaks gallery Click Column in the Insert Page and Section Breaks gallery to insert a column break at the bottom of the second column on page 1 and move the insertion point to the top of the third column Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Inserting a Column Break
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Saving a Document Again
Save the newsletter again with the same fi le name, Health Bits Newsletter Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Inserting a File in a Column of the Newsletter
With the insertion point at the top of the third column, display the Insert tab Click the Insert Object button arrow on the Insert tab to display the Object menu and then click Text from File on the Object menu to display the Insert File dialog box With your USB flash drive connected to one of the computer’s USB ports, locate and then click the file called Health Bits Announcements on the USB flash drive to select the file Click the Insert button to insert the file, Health Bits Announcements, in the file Health Bits Newsletter in the third column of the newsletter Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Formatting Text as a Heading Style
Position the insertion point somewhere in the subhead, GROUP MEETING Display the Home tab Click the More button in the Styles gallery to expand the gallery. Click Heading 3 in the expanded Styles gallery to apply the Heading 3 style to the paragraph containing the insertion point Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Formatting Text as a Heading Style
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Formatting More Text as a Heading Style
Position the insertion point somewhere in the subhead, MEMBER DISCOUNTS Click Heading 3 in the Styles gallery to apply the Heading 3 style to the second subhead in the announcements column Position the insertion point somewhere in the subhead, NEXT ISSUE, and then apply the Heading 3 style to this third subhead in the announcements column If an extra blank paragraph mark along with the next page section break is on the second page of the newsletter instead of the first page, position the insertion point on the paragraph mark at the end of the paragraph below the NEXT ISSUE subhead and then press the DELETE key so that the second page of the newsletter contains the remainder of the feature article Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Formatting More Text as a Heading Style
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Updating a Style to Match a Selection
Scroll to and then select the line containing the subhead, GROUP MEETING Right-click the selected subhead text to display the Mini toolbar and shortcut menu. Click the Font Color button on the Mini toolbar to change the color of the selected subhead to Gold, Accent 3, Darker 50% Right-click the selected subhead text again and then point to Styles on the shortcut menu to display the Styles menu On the Styles menu, click Update Heading 3 to Match Selection, which modifies the Heading 3 style to match the formats of the selected text and changes all other Heading 3 text in the document to the updated style Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Updating a Style to Match a Selection
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Placing a Vertical Rule between Columns
Change the zoom level to 70% and then scroll through the document so that the entire third column is displayed in the document window Drag through all of the text in the third column of the newsletter to select it With the third column of page 1 in the newsletter still selected, click the Borders button arrow on the Home tab and then click Borders and Shading in the Borders gallery to display the Borders and Shading dialog box If necessary, click the Borders tab in the dialog box Click the Left Border button in the Preview area Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Placing a Vertical Rule between Columns
Click the Options button to display the Border and Shading Options dialog box In the dialog box, change the Left text box to 10 pt, which instructs Word to move the left border 10 points from the edge of the paragraph Click the OK button in each open dialog box to draw a left border that is positioned 10 points from the edge of the text Click in the document to remove the selection from the third column Change the zoom level to 100% so that the newsletter text is easier to read Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Placing a Vertical Rule between Columns
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Inserting a Text Box Scroll to display the top portion of the newsletter in the document window and position the insertion point at an approximate location for the pull-quote (you will position the pull-quote at the exact location in a later step) Display the Insert tab Click the Text Box button on the Insert tab to display the Text Box gallery Click Alphabet Quote in the Text Box gallery to insert that text box style in the document Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Inserting a Text Box Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Copying and Pasting If necessary, scroll to display the second paragraph in the newsletter and then select its second sentence, which is the text for the pull-quote: RSIs are the largest job-related injury and illness problem in the U.S. today If necessary, display the Home tab. With the sentence to be copied selected, click the Copy button on the Home tab If necessary, scroll to display the text box in the document window. Click the text in the text box to select it Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Copying and Pasting Click the Paste button on the Home tab to paste the contents of the Clipboard in the text box, which replaces the selected text Because you want the pasted text to use the formats that were in the text box (the destination) instead of the formats of the copied text (the source), click the Paste Options button to display the Paste Options menu Click Match Destination Formatting on the Paste Options menu to format the pasted text the same as the destination, which in this case, is the text box contents Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Copying and Pasting Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Formatting Text Triple-click the pull-quote text to select it
Use the Font Color button arrow to change the pull-quote’s font color to Pink, Accent 2, Darker 50% Click in the pull-quote text to remove the selection Click the Line spacing button and then click 1.15 in the Line spacing gallery to change the line spacing of the pull-quote Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Formatting Text Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Resizing a Text Box If necessary, click the edge of the text box to select it Drag the right-middle sizing handle inward about one inch to make the pull-quote narrower Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Resizing a Text Box Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Positioning a Text Box With the text box still selected, drag the text box to its new location. You may need to drag and/or resize the text box a couple of times so that it looks similar to this figure Click outside the text box to remove the selection Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Positioning a Text Box Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Saving a Document Again
Save the newsletter again with the same fi le name, Health Bits Newsletter Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Changing Column Formatting
Scroll through the document and then position the mouse pointer at the upper-left corner of the second page of the newsletter (to the left of L in Long-term) Display the Page Layout tab Click the Insert Page and Section Breaks button on the Page Layout tab to display the Insert Page and Section Breaks gallery Click Continuous in the Insert Page and Section Breaks gallery to insert a continuous section break above the insertion point Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Changing Column Formatting
Press the UP ARROW key to position the insertion point to the left of the continuous section break just inserted Click the Columns button on the Page Layout tab to display the Columns gallery Click the One in the Columns gallery to format the current section to one column, which now is ready for the second page nameplate Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Changing Column Formatting
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Formatting and Entering Text
With the insertion point to the left of the section break notation in the third section, press the ENTER key twice. Press the UP ARROW key to position the insertion point on the blank line above the continuous section break Display the Home tab. Click Heading 1 in the Styles gallery on the Home tab. Click the Center button on the Home tab to center the paragraph mark and insertion point. Type HEALTH BITS as the newsletter title and then press the ENTER key Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Splitting the Window Position the mouse pointer on the split box at the top of the vertical scroll bar, which changes the mouse pointer to a resize pointer Double-click the resize pointer to divide the document window in two separate panes - both the upper and lower panes display the current document Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Splitting the Window Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Copying and Pasting Using Split Windows
In the upper pane, scroll to display the nameplate on page 1 In the lower pane, scroll to display the nameplate on page 2 Select the issue information line and the feature article title on page 1 Click the Copy button on the Home tab to copy the selected text to the Clipboard Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Copying and Pasting Using Split Windows
Position the insertion point in the lower pane on the paragraph mark below the newsletter title. Click the Paste button on the Home tab to paste the issue information line and feature article title on the second page of the newsletter If an extra paragraph mark appears below the feature article title, remove it Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Copying and Pasting Using Split Windows
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Removing a Split Window
Double-click the split bar, or click the Remove Split button on the View tab, or press ALT+SHIFT+C, to remove the split window and return to a single Word window on the screen Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Entering Test With the insertion point on the line immediately below the pasted text, press CTRL+I to turn on the italic format. Type (Continued from first page) and then press CTRL+I to turn off the italic format If the continuous section break is on the line below the jump-from line, press the DELETE key to move it up to the same line as the jump-from line Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Entering Test Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Balancing Columns Scroll to the bottom of the text in the second column on the second page of the newsletter and then position the insertion point at the end of the text If an extra paragraph mark is below the last line of text, press the DELETE key to remove the extra paragraph mark Display the Page Layout tab Click the Insert Page and Section Breaks button on the Page Layout tab to display the Insert Page and Section Breaks gallery Click Continuous in the Insert Page and Section Breaks gallery to insert a continuous section break, which balances the columns on the second page of the newsletter Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Balancing Columns Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Saving a Document Again
Save the newsletter again with the same file name, Health Bits Newsletter Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Opening a Document from Word
With your USB flash drive connected to one of the computer’s USB ports, click the Office Button and then click Open on the Office Button menu to display the Open dialog box Locate and select the Hand and Eye Chart file on the USB flash drive. Click the Open button to open the selected file and display its contents in the Word window Click the graphic to select it and display the SmartArt Tools tab and its subordinate tabs on the Ribbon Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Opening a Document from Word
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Changing the Layout of a SmartArt Graphic
If necessary, display the SmartArt Tools Design tab With the SmartArt graphic selected, locate and click the Vertical Bullet List layout in the Layouts gallery to change the layout of the SmartArt graphic Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Changing the Layout of a SmartArt Graphic
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Adding a Shape to a SmartArt Graphic
With the diagram selected, click the Add Shape button on the Design tab to add a shape to the SmartArt graphic Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Adding a Shape to a SmartArt Graphic
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Adding Text to a SmartArt Graphic through the Text Pane
Click the Text Pane button on the Design tab to display the Text pane to the left of the SmartArt graphic Scroll to the bottom of the Text pane and then, if necessary, position the insertion point to the right of the bullet that has no text to its right Type Methods to Minimize Fatigue as the text for the shape Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Adding Text to a SmartArt Graphic through the Text Pane
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Entering More Text to a SmartArt Graphic
Press the ENTER key to add a new bullet and then press the TAB key to indent the bullet. Type Sit properly in an adjustable height chair with feet flat on floor Press the ENTER key to add a new bullet Type Take a break every 30 to 60 minutes, standing up and walking around or stretching Click the Close button on the Text Pane title bar to close the Text pane Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Entering More Text to a SmartArt Graphic
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Saving an Active Document with a New File Name
With the USB flash drive containing the Hand and Eye Chart file connected to one of the computer’s USB ports, click the Office Button and then click Save As on the Office Button menu to display the Save As dialog box Save the document on the USB flash drive with the file name, Hand and Eye Chart Modified Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Copying and Pasting a SmartArt Graphic
Display the Home tab Click the Clipboard Dialog Box Launcher on the Home tab to display the Clipboard task pane If the Office Clipboard in the Clipboard task pane is not empty, click the Clear All button in the Clipboard task pane If necessary, click the SmartArt graphic to select it Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Copying and Pasting a SmartArt Graphic
Click the Copy button on the Home tab to copy the selected SmartArt graphic to the Office Clipboard Click Health Bits Newsletter - Microsoft Word program button on the Windows Vista taskbar to display the newsletter document. Position the insertion point at the bottom of the second page of the newsletter and then click the Paste button on the Home tab to paste the SmartArt graphic in the newsletter Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Copying and Pasting a SmartArt Graphic
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Formatting a Graphic as Floating
If necessary, double-click the SmartArt graphic to select it Display the SmartArt Tools Format tab on the Ribbon With the SmartArt graphic selected, click the Arrange button on the Format tab and then click the Text Wrapping button on the Arrange menu to display the Text Wrapping menu Click Square on the Text Wrapping menu to change the graphic from inline to floating with square wrapping Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Formatting a Graphic as Floating
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Resizing and Positioning the SmartArt Graphic
Drag the upper-right corner sizing handle outward Point to the frame on the graphic and when the mouse has a four-headed arrow attached to it, drag the graphic to the location. You may have to drag the graphic a couple of times to position it similarly to the figure Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Resizing and Positioning the SmartArt Graphic
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Adding an Outline to a SmartArt Graphic
Click the Shape Outline button arrow on the Format tab to display the Shape Outline gallery Point to Green, Accent 1 in the Shape Outline gallery to display alive preview of that color outline applied to the SmartArt graphic in the document Click Green, Accent 1 in the Shape Outline gallery to apply the selected outline color to the SmartArt graphic Click outside the graphic so that it is no longer selected Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Adding an Outline to a SmartArt Graphic
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Zooming Two Pages Display the View tab
Click the Two Pages button on the View tab to display both entire pages of the newsletter in the document window Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Zooming Two Pages Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Adding a Page Border Display the Page Layout tab
Click the Page Borders button on the Page Layout tab to display the Borders and Shading dialog box. If necessary, click the Page Border tab Click Box in the Setting area to specify a border on all four sides Click the Color box arrow and then click Gold, Accent 3, Darker 50% in the Color gallery Click the Width box arrow and then click 4 ½ pt Click the OK button to place the defined border on each page of the newsletter Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Adding a Page Border Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
E-mailing a Document as a PDF
Click the Office Button and then point to Send on the Office Button menu Click as PDF Attachment on the Send submenu, which converts the current document to a PDF file, starts your default program, and attaches the PDF file to the message If necessary, maximize the window Fill in the To text box with the recipient’s address Fill in the message Click the Send button to send the message along with the PDF attachment to the recipient named in the To text box Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
E-mailing a Document as a PDF
Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Saving, Printing, and Quitting Word
Save the newsletter again with the same file name Print the newsletter (shown in Figure 6–1 on page WD 387) Quit Word, closing all open documents Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Summary Create and format WordArt Insert a symbol in a document
Insert and format a floating graphic Format a document in multiple columns Format a character as a drop cap Insert a column break Modify a style Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Summary Place a vertical rule between columns
Insert and format a text box Copy and paste using a split window Balance columns Modify and format a SmartArt graphic Add a page border Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Microsoft Word Chapter 6 Complete
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