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eyStream Installation of eLine SIP Cameras – Quick Setup

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Presentation on theme: "eyStream Installation of eLine SIP Cameras – Quick Setup"— Presentation transcript:

1 eyStream Installation of eLine SIP Cameras – Quick Setup

2 First Step is to run the SIP camera utility
First Step is to run the SIP camera utility. This allows you to set up an IP address on each camera. eyStream software does not allow this function, and will not work with cameras that are not addressed within the local LAN Network ID scheme. On the eyStream server – open the Windows Start Menu > All Programs > eyStream > IP Utilities. (**Available only on eLine eyStream server) This will open a window – Open the SIP Series directory and run ‘IPSearch.exe’

3 1. Click ‘Start Search’ 2. Camera IP will appear in this box. 3. Click ‘Stop Search’ 4. Select the IP and modify it in the Address area on the right side. *Be sure to place a check in ‘Device Uses the following IP address’. 5. Click the ‘Modify’ button and wait for ‘Modify Success’ message from camera. 6. Click ‘OK’ on the message to close it. 7. Wait 30 seconds and ‘Start Search’ Again. When address returned shows The new address – the camera has rebooted and is ready. The cameras are now ready to install on the eyStream server.

4 There are three sections to the ‘Ribbon’
Open the eyStream server and look at the ‘Ribbon’ at the top of the screen. There are three sections to the ‘Ribbon’ Layouts Alarms Settings Click on the ‘Settings’ icon to install cameras.

5 The ribbon will change to ‘Settings’
The ribbon will change to ‘Settings’. Select ‘Devices’ to begin installing cameras. The Ribbon is designed to lead you through the steps required. We start with ‘Devices’ then move to the next step – ‘Archive’ – Then on to ‘Detection Tools’.

6 Click on the ‘Search’ icon on the top left side of the ‘List of Devices’ or click the [+] next to ‘Unallocated devices’ in the list to start the camera detection.

7 firmware have been definitely determined; it
When the eyStream server has finished detecting devices, the cameras detected will appear at the bottom of tree under one of these categories. Black – ‘Fully Supported devices’ - The device's manufacturer, model, and firmware have been definitely determined; it can be added to the list of devices on the server as is. Yellow- ‘Manually adjusted devices’ - When adding the device to the list of devices on the Server, check the manufacturer, model, and firmware version used. Red – ‘Devices with non guaranteed functioning’ - The device's manufacturer, model, and firmware have not been determined. Video cameras must be manually added to the Server's equipment list

8 Select the device on the left side – and on the dialog that appears on the right – Enable the camera – and select the default eyStream server. Add all cameras and click ‘Apply’ at bottom of page. After applying, select a camera from the list and the image should appear.

9 After assigning cameras to the server – the cameras will move up to the camera list and display features discovered on each camera, including Microphone, PTZ control (Telemetry), Relays, etc. The ‘Settings’ panel will appear to the right when a camera is selected. Set your target Frame Rate, Quality, and resolution for each camera. If your camera is not a PTZ, disable ‘Telemetry’.

10 After adding all cameras to the ‘Devices’ list, select ‘Archive’ from the Ribbon
Select a camera from the ‘Linked Archives’ and set it’s recording parameters in ‘Settings for recording to archive’

11 There are four choices under ‘Mode’
No recording – No archiving – view only. Constant recording – Camera will record 24/7 at the specified frame rate. Scheduled recording – Cameras will only record during scheduled times. Initiated recording – The video stream is recorded to archive when detection units are triggered or when an alarm is manually initiated. Camera icons in the Linked Archives list will change to show your settings choices.

12 Clear white – Camera is not set to record
Half white, half black – Camera is set to record with scaling. (Specified FPS) All black – Camera is set for Constant or Motion recording with no scaling. A small red dot will appear on the icon when a default Archive is chosen for the camera. Add all cameras to an archive and set their recording parameters. Then click ‘Apply’ at the bottom of the page.

13 Now that all cameras are installed and added to the archive – select ‘Detection Tools’ from the ribbon. Create a tool from the list on the left.

14 There are several types of ‘Detection Tools’ available for every camera.
These will appear as ‘child’ objects in the camera ‘tree’. Embedded Detectors – these are tools built in to the camera. Audio Detection – recording initiated by sound or loss of signal. Situation Analysis – Advanced motion/loitering/counting functions. Video Detection – basic motion detection functions. Click on ‘Motion’ under ‘Video Detection’ and ‘Enable’ it in the ‘Detection properties’ dialog

15 After enabling ‘Motion’ the camera image will appear with a green tint covering the image. This is your motion detection mask. To remove a section to exclude constantly moving objects, like trees blowing in wind or video display monitors that will create ‘false triggers’ simply left click on the image to draw an area. A left click will produce a ‘node’. A dotted line will appear between the nodes when you create a second and third node. Create as many nodes as needed to make the shape you want to mask. Click on the first node to ‘close the loop’.

16 After completing the area by clicking on the first node, the area becomes active. All nodes are now moveable to fine tune the area. Click the red X to delete the area at any time When the area becomes active, a four button icon will appear next to the first node. Deletes the detection zone inside the outlined area. Deletes the detection zone outside the outlined area.

17 In this example, I clicked the top right icon to remove detection zone outside my area.
The area outside my zone turns red – indicating no motion detection in that area. Now I can add another detection zone. Creates a detection zone inside the outlined area Creates a detection zone outside the outlined area

18 Create another zone to capture activity in the non – detection zone.
Draw the area you need. Fine tune the area by moving the nodes. Click the lower left icon to create a motion detection zone. You can create zones inside of zones to further fine tune your motion mask.

19 Now that you have the motion detection tool set up, the final step is to set how the event will be handled. Click on the grey arrow to select an action Record to archive Open layout Run program Switch relay Go to preset Send Send SMS Voice notification

20 Situation Analysis Tools
If your eyStream server is licensed for ‘Forensic Search’ the ‘Situation Analysis’ tools can be used. These analytic tools greatly enhance your ‘Search’ capabilities as well as allowing endless flexibility in deploying your Detection modes where simple ‘Motion Detection’ will not suffice. Included Analytic Modules: 1. Line Crossing 2. Object Appearance in the Area 3. Loitering 4. Stop in the Area 5. Motion 6. Object Disappearance in the Area 7. Abandoned Object Situation Analysis Tools

21 Situation Analysis - Motion
In this example, I have created a ‘Motion’ detector under Situation Analysis. The first difference you will see is that there is no automatic mask for detection. Create your motion zone the same way as in Video detection, by left clicking on the image to create nodes. Your detection zone will be inside the area drawn. To draw another area, create another ‘Motion’ detector. Then create your new zone the same way by left clicking to create the nodes. Right click on a line to create a new node if needed.

22 Situation Analysis – Line Crossing
In this example we see a ‘Line Crossing’ detector. Left click to create two nodes with a line between them. This line is the ‘trip wire’. The default is bi-directional counting. To set for one-way counting, click the node on the arrow you wish to disable. The disabled arrow will turn grey. You can not disable both arrows.

23 Situation Analysis - Analytics
Using situation analysis tools will cause analytic data to be displayed on screen. The analytic data icons provide information about the objects being tracked. Width of the object as percent of total screen width. Height of object as percent of total screen height. Color of the object as an overall average. These values will help you set parameters for Situation Analysis Tools

24 Situation Analysis Settings
All of the Situation Analysis tools settings are accessed by clicking on the ‘Situation Analysis’ object. (1) Enable recording of the tools metadata (2) Set Auto Sensitivity if your lighting will vary, as in an outdoor situation. (3) The other parameters (4) are the sensitivity and dwell times for the rest of the Situation Analysis tools.

25 Situation Analysis Settings
In the Max Object Idle Time field, enter the maximum rest time of an object in seconds, after which it is considered abandoned. This value should be in the range [3, 1200]. *This setting is relevant for an abandoned object detection tool - recommended start value = 10 In the Maximum height and Maximum width fields, enter the maximum height and width of a detectable object as a percent of the height of the video image frame. The values should be in the range [2, 100]. In the Minimum height and Minimum width fields, enter the minimum height and width of a detectable object as a percent of the height of the video image frame. The values should be in the range [2, 100]. In the Period field, enter the time in milliseconds. This is the period of time after which the next video frame will be analyzed. This value should be in the range [0, 65535]. If the value is 0, each frame of the video image is analyzed. In the Sensitivity: abandoned object field, set the sensitivity for situational analytic tools for abandoned objects, on a scale of 5 to 30 In the Sensitivity: motion field, set the sensitivity for motion detection tools, on a scale of 1 to 80. (higher is more sensitive)

26 Situation Analysis Settings
As with all other detection tools, the final step is to set each tool to record to an Archive. Click on the tool in the tree. Click on the grey arrow in the center dialog. Leave ‘Triggering Rule’ set to ‘Always’ unless you are using scheduling. Leave ‘Alarm’ set to ‘Do not initiate’ unless you are using Alarm I/O. The small darker section at the bottom with the + sign allows ‘Post Motion’ recording time.

27 Installation of all cameras is now complete.
Now that all cameras are installed, we need to check the ‘Layout’. Click on the ‘Layouts’ button on the left side of the Ribbon.

28 Configuring Layouts If you installed all of your cameras at the same time, they will all appear in the layout by default. If you added cameras afterwards, you may need to configure the layout or add a new layout. Click the ‘Edit’ button to open the context menu.

29 Configuring Layouts Clicking the ‘Edit’ button allows
Choosing a layout Duplicating an existing layout Deleting a layout Edit an existing layout Start a slide show of layouts Select ‘Edit Layout’ to edit the live view configuration.

30 Configuring Layouts Actions available in layout editing
1. Select a layout for editing. 2. Add new viewing tiles to a layout. 3. Change the sizes of viewing tiles. 4. Move viewing tiles. 5. Select a video camera in a viewing tile. 6. Select video stream quality in a viewing tile. 7. Selecting the default video mode for a camera. 8. Remove a video camera from a viewing tile. 9. Move sensor and relay icons in a viewing tile. 10. Edit the map.

31 Configuring Layouts You can add new viewing tiles to a layout in one of three ways: Click any border cell. Clicking a cell on the side will create a new column, clicking on top or bottom cells will create a new row. Left-click a grid square fragment and resize it. 3. Left-click a grid square fragment and select a video camera in it.

32 Configuring Layouts Resizing Viewing Tiles
Click the buttons around the edge of the viewing tile to resize the tile. A single click will expand the tile size by one row or one column. A corner button will expand the cell by one column and one row in the direction of the arrow To move a viewing tile, left click the frame of the cell and drag it to the new position.

33 Configuring Layouts To add a camera, left click on the camera icon in a cell for the menu. Select the camera from the drop down list. To remove a camera from a cell, select ‘Clear cell’.

34 Configuring Layouts Add and Edit Maps
Add maps blueprints and diagrams to create an interactive map. Click the ‘Edit’ button and select Add Map Left click the browse button to choose an image file. Supported file types include .bmp / .jpg / .jpeg / .jpe / .png / .gif Select the map file and enter the name, and click Apply. The selected map will appear.

35 Configuring Layouts Add Objects to the Map
To add a camera to the map click the camera icon and choose ‘Add to Map’. Or right click on the map and choose ‘Add Camera’. The camera icon will appear on the map.

36 Configuring Layouts Add Objects to the Map
Left click on the icon and drag it to the desired location on the map. Then use the Field of View nodes to aim the camera. On ceiling mounted Fisheye lens it is advised to set a full 360 degree view. This will show the related video on the map.

37 Configuring Layouts Add Objects to the Map
Right click a camera icon on the map to place sensors and relays. Sensor and relay icons can be detached from the camera icon and placed separately if needed. Add a transition to another map. If you have at least two maps you can use the transition icon to switch between them. When finished editing the layout, click the layout edit button and choose ‘Save layout / Exit’ or choose ‘Revert changes’ to exit without saving.

38 Working with the eyStream Software Setting up Multiple Monitors
When more than one monitor is attached to the eyStream server, the monitor configuration panel is shown on the Layouts tab. Click on the monitor configuration panel. Thumbnails of the connected monitors appear.

39 Working with the eyStream Software Setting up Multiple Monitors
The thumbnails may appear differently, depending on the status of the monitors in EyStream. Main monitor Inactive additional monitor Unassigned additional monitor Active additional monitor To activate an unassigned additional monitor in EyStream, click its thumbnail. The additional monitor becomes active and the layout of the main monitor is duplicated to it. Only an ‘active’ additional monitor can be edited.

40 Working with the eyStream Software
All common user functions are performed from the main view panel. Click on a camera to activate the cell. The cell will then display the ‘Mode Selection’ tabs. Live video mode Alarm Management mode Archive mode Archive search mode

41 Working with the eyStream Software
Switch to Alarm mode by clicking the Alarm tab. Alarm mode is meant to be used when there is a live operator at server. The operator can answer and classify events in real time. Alarm events appear in the Alarm Ribbon. Select an event from the ribbon to classify it as High / Medium / Low importance. Alarm events appear on the Timeline in alarm search mode.

42 Working with the eyStream Software
Click on the Archive mode tab to review archived footage. For reviewing a single camera, you can use the playback control at the bottom of the cell To export a section of video, use the ‘Set Range’ buttons. Left button sets the start of a clip. Right button sets the end of a clip and opens a backup prompt. Enter a comment about the clip and click ‘Export’.

43 Working with the eyStream Software
Archive search may also be controlled using the Timeline. Roll the mouse wheel to expand and contract the timeline. Left click and drag the indicator up or down to select time. Left click the indicator to enter a time. Left click and drag the timeline to scroll to a new time. Left click on the timeline to start playback. Use the playback button to control playback speed and direction. Synchronized Timeline Search

44 Working with the eyStream Software
Digital Zoom Click the camera icon and choose Digital Zoom or Select a cell and roll the mouse wheel to zoom in and out. Digital Zoom is available in Live View and Playback modes. When using a Fisheye lens, Panorama Dewarping can be used.

45 Working with the eyStream Software
Time Compressor When in Archive mode, click on the Time Compressor icon Time Compressor displays every event within the specified time simultaneously. Each event is highlighted and tracked across the image. Left click on a highlighted event to jump to that point in archive. Move the slider to change number of tracked objects.

46 Working with the eyStream Software
Forensic Search Tools Enter Archive Anaylsis mode using the tab on the selected cell. Archive Analysis mode allows the use of Forensic Search Tools Select Forensic Search from the panel You must use Situational Analysis detection tools to use

47 Working with the eyStream Software
Forensic Search Tools Forensic Search contains different types of search tools. Motion in an area Object Trajectory / Line crossing Loitering in an area Multiple simultaneous objects in an area Object moving from area to area

48 Working with the eyStream Software
Forensic Search Tools Forensic search allows use of specific values. Size Loitering Speed Color – Color pallet opens for limitless choice. Directional or trajectory

49 Working with the eyStream Software Forensic Search Tools
Search results in Archive Analysis mode appear as clips. Left click on a clip to playback. Export clips using the same methods as Archive mode.

50 Working with the eyStream Software
Remote View To start the web client:  Start a web browser. Chrome / Safari / Mozilla *Internet Explorer is not supported In the address bar, type the address of the EyStream server in the following format: <web server IP address>:<Port>/<Prefix> The IP address is your internal LAN address when viewing from onsite, and your external Address provided by your ISP when viewing from remote location. You may also use a Domain name ( The default port = 8000 The default Prefix = asip-api Example for eLine Demo Or

51 Working with the eyStream Software
Remote View Use the slider at the bottom of the screen to change the thumbnail size

52 Working with the eyStream Software
Remote View When you select a camera, all other cameras will shrink to smallest thumbnail size. Selected camera is enlarged and made active. When the camera is active, digital zoom is available. If the camera is a PTZ, the control will appear. Click the ‘Archive’ tab to playback archives.

53 Working with the eyStream Software
Remote View The Archive window will open to the current time. Click on the Timeline to set time for playback. Roll the mouse wheel to expand and contract the Timeline. Click on the Date at the top of the Timeline to choose Date and Time from a pop-up calendar. Events and alerts are shown below the image.

54 Working with the eyStream Software
Remote View Remote view is possible with eyStream smart phone apps. Available for Android and iPhone. Search for eLine eyStream VMS

55 Thank You. We hope this has helped to familiarize you with the eLine eyStream server. There are many more features and capabilities with the eyStream server that are not covered in this presentation. Feel free to discuss any questions with our staff at: or Demo software and full manuals are available on our FTP site

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