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Confirming Eligibility for McKinney-Vento Services Christina Endres, IN State Coordinator Patricia Julianelle, NAEHCY Kathi Sheffel, Fairfax County VA.

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Presentation on theme: "Confirming Eligibility for McKinney-Vento Services Christina Endres, IN State Coordinator Patricia Julianelle, NAEHCY Kathi Sheffel, Fairfax County VA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Confirming Eligibility for McKinney-Vento Services Christina Endres, IN State Coordinator Patricia Julianelle, NAEHCY Kathi Sheffel, Fairfax County VA Liaison

2 The Issue Concern that families or youth may falsely claim to be homeless Need to proceed with sensitivity and respect Cannot create enrollment barriers, violate privacy, jeopardize the student’s safety or living situation Oh, yeah, the law…

3 Do’s and Don’ts What can we do to help soothe the concerns that families or youth may falsely claim to be homeless? What can we do to verify McKinney- Vento eligibility when there’s really a question?

4 DO! Talk with parents and youth Focus on basic questions: “Why did you leave your last residence?” or “Where did you sleep last night?” Avoid using the word “homeless” Brainstorm about any documents that could confirm their living situation (but remember, McKinney-Vento prohibits schools from requiring documents for school enrollment!)

5 DO! Conduct ongoing awareness activities in the district Train enrollment staff / attendance officers on McKinney-Vento, indicators of homelessness, positive communication strategies Collaborate with bus drivers Collaborate with local discount hotels, shelters and transitional housing

6 DO! Put good procedures in place Use enrollment forms with informative and sensitive questions Have parents, youth or caregivers sign enrollment forms indicating that school is providing services based on their representations Contact the student’s prior school, to see if the student was identified as homeless there

7 DO! Put good procedures in place Collaborate with liaisons from nearby school districts Install Caller ID on the liaison’s phone, to verify calls from motels/shelters Consult the State Department of Revenue to see if an address given as temporary was the family’s registered address the previous year

8 DO! Put good procedures in place When a home visit is necessary: only school staff who are trained on the McKinney-Vento Act and homelessness Talk to families and youth about why you are visiting, ensure them that information will be kept confidential, and conduct only the minimal investigation necessary

9 DON’T! Threaten, harass, violate privacy, or jeopardize housing Don’t contact landlords or housing agencies Don’t conduct invasive surveillance Don’t question neighbors or “case” the residence Don’t use police officers for home visits

10 DON’T! Pose barriers to enrollment Don’t require documents (like eviction notices, utility bills, occupancy permits, letters from host families) Don’t force caregivers to obtain legal custody or guardianship Don’t force people into shelters or onto the streets as a prerequisite for McKinney-Vento services

11 The Laws McKinney-Vento Act –Immediate enrollment –Eliminating barriers to immediate enrollment and retention –Enrollment in school selected during disputes (inc. transportation to school of origin)

12 The Laws (cont.) FERPA –Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act –Cannot release a student education record without consent –Many exceptions (like school transfers, staff of school with “legit. ed. interest”, court order, others)

13 The Laws (cont.) FERPA –Directory information: not considered harmful if disclosed (name, address, age, grade, activities…); NOT homelessness! –Parents must be informed that they can refuse the release of directory info –Difference between responding to info request and reaching out to share info

14 The Laws (cont.) FERPA –Opinion from IL Attorney General: –“There is no exception which would permit disclosing school record information about a student's housing to a landlord or housing authority…”

15 Let’s Give It a Try Real life case studies!

16 Resources National Center for Homeless Education: –Confirming Eligibility for McKinney-Vento Services: Do’s and Don’ts (for Liaisons and Schools) –Immediate Enrollment Under McKinney- Vento: Keeping Students Safe (for Liaisons and Schools) PowerPoints and Trainings

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