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Bridport Housing Survey 2006 Ted Woodbury. The survey was carried out to see what types of housing people with learning disabilities who lived in Bridport.

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Presentation on theme: "Bridport Housing Survey 2006 Ted Woodbury. The survey was carried out to see what types of housing people with learning disabilities who lived in Bridport."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bridport Housing Survey 2006 Ted Woodbury

2 The survey was carried out to see what types of housing people with learning disabilities who lived in Bridport wanted.

3 Dorset County Council & West Dorset District council decided what questions they would ask people

4 97% of all people with learning disabilities who live in the Bridport Area responded to the survey. The survey did not include people who were not known to Adult Services.

5 Most of the surveys were carried out face to face with individuals both on their own and with their parents or carer. Only 2 people refused to be part of the survey.

6 The information collected will be used to help to make plans for better services

7 Housing 100% of people who responded to the survey were of White British origin

8 Housing 45% currently live at home with parents or family members 25% are currently living in their own home

9 Housing 7.6% live in Housing Association homes 6.8% live in warden assisted accommodation

10 Housing 1.2% of people owned their own home 20% of people are living in residential or nursing homes

11 Housing 11.7% of people thought they would need ground floor accommodation to enable them to live independently 16.5% of people would need assistive modifications to the property to enable them to live independently

12 Housing People said they wanted more information on the types of housing that is available. The information they wanted is as follows: Housing Complex/Group home 23.5% Supported Accommodation5.8% Warden Assisted3.5% Shared Ownership1.2% Renting from a private landlord0%

13 Housing 2.3% of people are on the housing register 7% disagreed with their parents views on where they should live

14 Money 24.7% receive housing benefit 20% receive Supporting People Grants 76.4% receive income support 89.4% receive Disability Living Allowance 0% receive direct payments

15 Work 23% of people are in voluntary work 9.4% of people are in paid work 55.2% of people attend the Bridport Social & Educational Centre

16 Care & Support 54% would need some help with personal care 89% would need support with housing related tasks such as paying bills. 15.2% have waking night staff 42.3% thought that they would need sleep in staff if they lived independently

17 Care & Support 62% said that they could understand an easy to read tenancy agreement 57.6% of people would need the use of video and pictures to help understand their tenancy responsibilities 61.1% of people had medical support needs 22% of parent/carers have a health condition that affects their ability care

18 Actions Distribute a Housing Options guide to everyone who asked for further information Encourage people who want to move to go on the housing register Lobby Housing associations to produce an easy read tenancy agreement & instructional tenancy video By Who? LDPB Project Officer Community Learning Disability Teams Dorset Learning Disability Partnership Board

19 All pictures courtesy of Google Images WIDGIT & through-the- This version produced by Chris Watson, May 2006 Thank you for watching

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