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Mastering NT Greek 14. Second Aorist Verbs By Ted Hildebrandt © 2003 Baker Academic.

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1 Mastering NT Greek 14. Second Aorist Verbs By Ted Hildebrandt © 2003 Baker Academic

2 2-1-2 Noun Forms 2 1 2 2 1 2 lo<goj grafh< i[ero<n lo<gou grafh?j i[erou? lo<g& graf^? i[er&? lo<gon grafh<n i[ero<n lo<goi grafai< i[era< lo<gwn grafw?n i[erw?n lo<goij grafai?j i[eroi?j lo<gouj grafa<j i[era< lo<goj grafh< i[ero<n lo<gou grafh?j i[erou? lo<g& graf^? i[er&? lo<gon grafh<n i[ero<n lo<goi grafai< i[era< lo<gwn grafw?n i[erw?n lo<goij grafai?j i[eroi?j lo<gouj grafa<j i[era<

3 3 rd Declension Chantables xari<j o@noma, pi<stij xari<j o@noma, pi<stij xa<rij o@noma pi<stij xa<rij o@noma pi<stij xa<ritoj o]no<matoj pi<stewj xa<ritoj o]no<matoj pi<stewj xa<riti o]no<mati pi<stei xa<riti o]no<mati pi<stei xa<rita o@noma pi<stin xa<rita o@noma pi<stin xa<ritej o]no<mata pi<steij xa<ritej o]no<mata pi<steij xari<twn o]noma<twn pi<stewn xari<twn o]noma<twn pi<stewn xa<risi(n) o]no<masi(n) pi<stesi(n) xa<risi(n) o]no<masi(n) pi<stesi(n) xa<ritaj o]no<mata pi<steij xa<ritaj o]no<mata pi<steij

4 Present Active Indicative Verbs lu<w lu<omen lu<eij lu<ete lu<ei lu<ousi(n) lu<w lu<omen lu<eij lu<ete lu<ei lu<ousi(n)

5 Present Middle/Passive Indicative lu<omai, -o<meqa, -^, -esqe, -etai, -ontai lu<omai, -o<meqa, -^, -esqe, -etai, -ontai

6 Imperfect Active Paradigm of lu<w Learn : e@luon : -n -men -s -te -e -n Learn : e@luon : -n -men -s -te -e -n I was loosing,… I was loosing,…

7 Imperfect Middle/Passive of lu<w Learn : e]luo<mhn -omeqa -ou -esqe -eto -onto Learn : e]luo<mhn -omeqa -ou -esqe -eto -onto

8 The "is" verb PAI -- ei]mi< ei]mi< I am e]sme<n We are ei# you are e]ste< You are e]sti<(n) He/she/it is ei]si<(n) They are ei]mi< I am e]sme<n We are ei# you are e]ste< You are e]sti<(n) He/she/it is ei]si<(n) They are

9 The "was" verb IAI -- ei]mi< h@mhn I was h#men We were h#j You were h#te You were h#n He/she/it was h#san They were h@mhn I was h#men We were h#j You were h#te You were h#n He/she/it was h#san They were

10 Rapping the Lord’s Prayer Pa<ter h[mw?n o[ e]n toi?j ou]ranoi?j: father our the one in heaven Pa<ter h[mw?n o[ e]n toi?j ou]ranoi?j: father our the one in heaven a[giasqh o@noma o@noma< sou make holy name your e]lqe<tw h[ basilei<a sou: let come kingdom your e]lqe<tw h[ basilei<a sou: let come kingdom your genhqh qe qe<lhma< sou, let be will your

11 Rapping the Lord’s Prayer w[j e]n ou]ran&? kai> e]pi> gh?j: as in heaven also on earth w[j e]n ou]ran&? kai> e]pi> gh?j: as in heaven also on earth to>n a@rton h[mw?n to>n the bread our to>n a@rton h[mw?n to>n the bread our e]piou j h[mi?n sh j h[mi?n sh<meron: daily give us today

12 English Parallels 1) Past tense in English if often formed by adding "ed" 1) Past tense in English if often formed by adding "ed" –I talk to Zach about basketball. (present) –I talked to Zach about basketball. (past) 2) Change the stem form of the verb: 2) Change the stem form of the verb: –I swim in the pool. (present) –I swam in the pool. (past) Second aorist is a shift in the stem. Second aorist is a shift in the stem.

13 The Aorist - Past tense The aorist is the most frequently used tense in the NT The aorist is the most frequently used tense in the NT The first aorist is formed by adding an augment on front and a sa in the back. The first aorist is formed by adding an augment on front and a sa in the back. The second aorist involves a stem change. The second aorist involves a stem change. Aorist is complete/whole action (it happened) in the as opposed to the imperfect which is process action (He loosed. He was loosing). Aorist is complete/whole action (it happened) in the as opposed to the imperfect which is process action (He loosed. He was loosing).

14 Second Aorist Form Stem Change Aorist Stem Change Aorist The stem change just has to be learned The stem change just has to be learned Augment + Verb Stem + CV + Secondary endings Augment + Verb Stem + CV + Secondary endings e + lab + o + n e + lab + o + n Connecting vowels: Connecting vowels: –o before m and n –e elsewhere

15 Augment Review 1) Before consonant = e 1) Before consonant = e 2) Before a vowel 2) Before a vowel –1) a and e lengthen to h –2) o lengthens to w –3) i ending a diphthong subscripts –4) u ending a diphthong stays itself (eu) 3) Compound verbs augments after prep. 3) Compound verbs augments after prep. – e]kba<llw == e]ceba<lon

16 Second Aorist Active Paradigm Singular Plural Singular Plural 1 e@labon e]la<bomen 1 e@labon e]la<bomen –I took we took 2 e@labej e]la<bete 2 e@labej e]la<bete –You took You took 3 e@labe(n) e@labon 3 e@labe(n) e@labon –He/she/it took They took Know: e@labon n, s, e, men, te, n Know: e@labon n, s, e, men, te, n

17 Second Aorist Middle Singular Plural Singular Plural 1 e]geno<mhn e]geno<meqa 1 e]geno<mhn e]geno<meqa –I became we became 2 e]ge<nou e]ge<nesqe 2 e]ge<nou e]ge<nesqe –You became You became 3 e]ge<neto e]ge<nonto 3 e]ge<neto e]ge<nonto –He/she/it became They became Note: most "middles" are deponent Note: most "middles" are deponent Know: e]geno<mhn - ou, -eto, -o<meqa, -esqe, -onto Know: e]geno<mhn - ou, -eto, -o<meqa, -esqe, -onto

18 Aorist Stem Changes -- 10 to know e@rxomai == h#lqon (I came, went) e@rxomai == h#lqon (I came, went) ble<pw == ei#don (I saw) ble<pw == ei#don (I saw) le<gw == ei#pon (I said) le<gw == ei#pon (I said) gi<nomai == e]geno<mhn (I became) gi<nomai == e]geno<mhn (I became) ginw<skw == e@gnwn (I knew) ginw<skw == e@gnwn (I knew) e@xw == e@sxon ( I had) e@xw == e@sxon ( I had) lamba<nw == e@labon (I took) lamba<nw == e@labon (I took) eu[ri<skw == eu$ron (I found) eu[ri<skw == eu$ron (I found)

19 Aorist Stem Changes -- 10 to know a]pe<rxomai == a]ph?lqon (I departed) a]pe<rxomai == a]ph?lqon (I departed) ei]se<rxomai == ei]sh?lqon (I entered) ei]se<rxomai == ei]sh?lqon (I entered) e]ce<rxomai == e]ch?lqon (I went out) e]ce<rxomai == e]ch?lqon (I went out) a]poqn^<skw == a]pe<qanon (I died) a]poqn^<skw == a]pe<qanon (I died) ba<llw == e@balon (I threw) ba<llw == e@balon (I threw)

20 Chapter 14 Vocabulary ai$ma, -matoj, to< ai$ma, -matoj, to< blood blood

21 Chapter 14 Vocabulary ai@rw ai@rw I raise, take up I raise, take up

22 Chapter 14 Vocabulary dida<skw dida<skw I teach I teach

23 Chapter 14 Vocabulary i@dioj, -a, -on i@dioj, -a, -on one's own one's own

24 Chapter 14 Vocabulary kalo<j, -h<, -o<n kalo<j, -h<, -o<n good good

25 Chapter 14 Vocabulary me<llw me<llw I am about to, intend I am about to, intend

26 Chapter 14 Vocabulary o[do<j, -ou?, h[ o[do<j, -ou?, h[ way way

27 Chapter 14 Vocabulary polu<j, pollh<, polu< polu<j, pollh<, polu< much, many much, many

28 Chapter 14 Vocabulary sw?ma, -matoj, to< sw?ma, -matoj, to< body body

29 Chapter 14 Vocabulary yuxh<, -h?j, h[ yuxh<, -h?j, h[ soul, life soul, life

30 Quick Vocabulary Review

31 Chapter 10 Vocabulary zwh<, -h?j, h[ zwh<, -h?j, h[ »life qa<natoj, -ou, o[ qa<natoj, -ou, o[ »death kri<nw kri<nw » I judge me<nw me<nw » I remain mo<noj, -h, -on mo<noj, -h, -on »only, alone

32 Chapter 10 Vocabulary nu?n nu?n »now ou]de< ou]de< »and not, nor Pau?loj Pau?loj »Paul s&<zw s&<zw »I save to<te to<te »then

33 Chapter 11 Vocabulary Chapter 11 Vocabulary a]pe<rxomai a]pe<rxomai »I go away, leave e]kei?noj e]kei?noj »that ]Ioudai?oj, -a, -on ]Ioudai?oj, -a, -on »Jewish kaqw<j kaqw<j »as, just as o!j, h!, o! o!j, h!, o! »who, which

34 Chapter 11 Vocabulary o!tan o!tan »when ou$toj, au$th, tou?to ou$toj, au$th, tou?to »this pa<lin pa<lin »again Pe<troj, -ou, o[ Pe<troj, -ou, o[ »Peter u[pe<r u[pe<r »for, about (gen.) »above, beyond (acc.)

35 Chapter 12 Vocabulary a]poqn^<skw a]poqn^<skw »I die e]kei? e]kei? »there e!wj e!wj »until i]dou< i]dou< »behold i!na i!na »in order that, that

36 Chapter 12 Vocabulary ] Iwa<nnhj, -ou, o[ ] Iwa<nnhj, -ou, o[ »John me<n me<n »on the one hand, indeed o!loj, -h, -on o!loj, -h, -on »whole, entire o!te o!te »when su<n su<n »with

37 Chapter 13 Vocabulary a]nh<r, a]ndro<j, o[ a]nh<r, a]ndro<j, o[ »man, husband basileu<j, -e<wj, o[ basileu<j, -e<wj, o[ »king du<namij, -ewj, h[ du<namij, -ewj, h[ »power, miracle o@noma, -matoj, to< o@noma, -matoj, to< »name pa?j, pa?sa, pa?n pa?j, pa?sa, pa?n »each, every, all

38 Chapter 13 Vocabulary path<r, patro<j, o[ path<r, patro<j, o[ »father pi<stij, pi<stewj, h[ pi<stij, pi<stewj, h[ »faith, belief pneu?ma, -atoj, to< pneu?ma, -atoj, to< »spirit, wind sa<rc, sarko<j, h[ sa<rc, sarko<j, h[ »flesh, body xa<rij, -itoj, h[ xa<rij, -itoj, h[ »grace, kindness

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