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Towel: Towards an Intelligent ToDo List Ken Conley Jim Carpenter SRI International AAAI Spring Symposium 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Towel: Towards an Intelligent ToDo List Ken Conley Jim Carpenter SRI International AAAI Spring Symposium 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Towel: Towards an Intelligent ToDo List Ken Conley Jim Carpenter SRI International AAAI Spring Symposium 2007


3 Cognitive Assistant that Learns and Organizes CALO supports a busy knowledge worker Understands the “office world” and your role in it Organize info Manage time and commitments Perform tasks

4 Procedure Learners Execution Monitor & Predictor Task Manager SPARK Time Manager PTIME Process Models Task Explainer Team Coordinator Advice Preferences Execution Monitor & Predictor Task Manager Time Manager Process Models Task Explainer Effectors Sensors Advice Preferences Task Mmgt UI Activity Recognizer State Estimator Task Management Framework

5 Interaction needs Help with tracking commitments Provide user access to task execution technologies Communicate with user solicit parameters, inform user of status updates, etc… Integrate with rich platform of task management capabilities task explanation, activity recognition, time management, and other technologies

6 Towel: Todo List + Task Dialog Unified interface for task dispatch, delegation, viewing, organization, and explanation Supports user tasks, CALO tasks, and tasks delegated to other team members Combines ‘ to do ’ list view of tasks with task-specific dialog window

7 Instant Messaging (IM) analogy

8 Chat interactions I Soliciting input (automatically generated forms) Convey messages about task status:

9 Chat interactions II Standard task buttons, e.g. ‘Why’

10 Chat interactions III Rich input widgets for specific tasks (e.g. scheduling)

11 Building on previous work Bellotti, V.; Dalal, B.; Good, N.; Bobrow, D.; Ducheneaut, N. What a to-do: studies of task management towards the design of a personal task list manager, CHI 2004. Rich, C.; Sidner, C.; Lesh, N.; Garland, A.; Booth, S.; Chimani, M. DiamondHelp: A New Interaction Design for Networked Home Appliances, Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 10(2)., 2006.

12 Questions?

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