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Week #1 (1/7 – 1/10) Warm Up – Tues, 1/7 & Wed, 1/8: - Time is like Money Have out:  Living Proof paper Pick up:  Ch. 12 Tour  How Fear Works article.

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Presentation on theme: "Week #1 (1/7 – 1/10) Warm Up – Tues, 1/7 & Wed, 1/8: - Time is like Money Have out:  Living Proof paper Pick up:  Ch. 12 Tour  How Fear Works article."— Presentation transcript:

1 Week #1 (1/7 – 1/10) Warm Up – Tues, 1/7 & Wed, 1/8: - Time is like Money Have out:  Living Proof paper Pick up:  Ch. 12 Tour  How Fear Works article  Paper towel assignment rubric Reminder:  AT Still Field Trip payment DUE in Bookstore! Agenda: 1.Nervous System Song & review of Reflex Arc 2.Discuss How Fear Works poster paper towel project 3.Finish Living Proof movie & writing assignment Anatomy Fun Fact: 40 to 45% of American adult make one or more resolutions each year. This shows how many of these resolutions are maintained over time: - past the first week: 75% - past 2 weeks: 71% - after one month: 64% - after 6 months: 46% Homework: 1.Ch. 12 Tour – Thurs, 1/9 & Fri, 1/10 2.How Fear Works paper towel poster assignment – Tues, 1/14

2 Classroom Policy Reminders & Keys to Success! RESPECT…that’s it! Use Schoolwires to access notes (PPTs), due dates & assignments! If absent, you have 1 day for every day you are excused absent to make up work! ▫S▫See Schoolwires or Agendas notebook/handouts bin for make-up work. NO “late work” is accepted for credit! Be to class on time & with required materials! Be active in your own education…participate in class warm-ups, discussions & labs!!! Use Office Hours if you need to make up work or get extra help… M-F before school & M & W at lunch

3 New Year’s Resolution…perhaps? Time is like Money $$$ You can… ▫ Well, you tell me… ▫ Invest it… ▫ Spend it… ▫ Waste it… How did YOU spend your time last semester? High school? How can YOU choose to invest your time wisely so that you can be successful here & in your next step in life? What behaviors or habits can YOU change or improve on so that YOU can be proud of the grades YOU earn & the person YOU are?

4 Intro to the Nervous System Nervous System Song ▫ Fill in the lyrics as you listen to & watch the song video! ▫ I will play it only twice!

5 Reflex Arc animation

6 How Fear Works poster & paper towel project Introduction: Read the short article called “How Fear Works.” ▫ You will become re-familiarized with the common Reflex Arc that we have discussed already. ▫ You will also learn more about the innate “fight or flight” reflex & how it works in response to fear.

7 How Fear Works poster & paper towel project Homework: ▫ Think about your own worst fear & how you “react” to it. ▫ Using the terminologies & anatomical & physiological concepts from the article, create a Fight-or-Flight poster (8.5 x 11) using “your fear” as the “stimulus”. ▫ Needs to include:  Title – “_____(your name)’s Fight-or-Flight Reflex Arc” (3 pts)  Images of stimulus (identify your fear), sensory/afferent neuron, spinal cord, interneuron/association neuron, motor/efferent neuron, effector(s) (which muscles/reactions – skeletal/ smooth/cardiac) (6 pts)  Labels for all reflex arc parts listed above (6 pts)  Color (at least 4), creativity & originality (5 pts)  Poster attached to a paper towel roll (10 pts)

8 How Fear Works poster & paper towel project Spinal cord Mrs. Crozier’s Fight or Flight Reflex Arc My Fear - Wind Sensory/ Motor/ Autonomic NS Sympathetic response: -Heart rate (cardiac) & breathing (smooth) increase -Gasp for air (smooth) -Scream (skeletal) -Tense up (skeletal)

9 Living Proof Based on the true story of the development of the breast cancer drug, Herceptin. ▫What kind of hurdles & difficulties did Dr. Slamon have to overcome to see his drug make it to market? ▫Why do you think the FDA puts such strict measures on the drug- testing process? ▫Are these measures ethical or not? ▫How does the Nervous System & psychology play a role in battling cancer?

10 Week #1 (1/7 – 1/10) Warm Up – Thurs, 1/9 & Fri, 1/10: - Pushing the Limits: Brain Power Have out:  1 piece of paper Pick up:  Nervous System outline  Nervous System handouts Turn in:  Ch. 12 Tour Agenda: 1.Begin Nervous System Unit - Organization of the NS Anatomy Fun Fact: There are millions of nerve cells in the human body. This number even exceeds the number of stars in the Milky Way. Homework: 1.How Fear Works paper towel poster assignment – Tues, 1/14

11 How Fear Works poster & paper towel project Introduction: Read the short article called “How Fear Works.” ▫ You will become re-familiarized with the common Reflex Arc that we have discussed already. ▫ You will also learn more about the innate “fight or flight” reflex & how it works in response to fear.

12 How Fear Works poster & paper towel project Homework: ▫ Think about your own worst fear & how you “react” to it. ▫ Using the terminologies & anatomical & physiological concepts from the article, create a Fight-or-Flight poster (8.5 x 11) using “your fear” as the “stimulus”. ▫ Needs to include:  Title – “_____(your name)’s Fight-or-Flight Reflex Arc” (3 pts)  Images of stimulus (identify your fear), sensory/afferent neuron, spinal cord, interneuron/association neuron, motor/efferent neuron, effector(s) (which muscles/reactions – skeletal/ smooth/cardiac) (6 pts)  Labels for all reflex arc parts listed above (6 pts)  Color (at least 4), creativity & originality (5 pts)  Poster attached to a paper towel roll (10 pts)

13 Title your paper “Pushing the Limits: Brain Power Facts” paper & have out a pen/pencil. ▫ Identify & explain at least 5 new concepts/ideas/facts you learn about the human brain/mind from the video.  Add these to your paper! Pushing the Limits – Brain Power

14 Fundamentals of the Nervous System The Master Controlling & Communicating System

15 Nervous System (Organization) Latin Roots Neuri/a/o – related to the Nervous System Re – again Inter – between Soma – body Auto – self Peri – around Sym – together Para – beside, next to Path(o) – disease, suffering -lemma – covering, sheath, membrane Moto – movement Ax(o) – axis Pre – before Post – after

16 Central Nervous System (CNS) – ▫ Brain & spinal cord Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) – ▫ Made up of nerves that attach to CNS  Cranial nerves  Peripheral nerves  Autonomic nerves

17 Subdivisions of Motor Division (PNS) Somatic Nervous System (SNS) – ▫ Controls voluntary & involuntary skeletal muscle contractions ▫ Involuntary skeletal contraction – reflex ▫ Single neuron system

18 Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) – ▫ Controls activity of smooth & cardiac muscles ▫ 2 neuron system  1 st : from CNS to ganglion  2 nd : from ganglion to effector  Ganglion: collection of nerve cell bodies that act as a junction (“middleman”) between nerves originating from the CNS & nerves innervating target organs Subdivisions of Motor Division (PNS)

19 Subdivisions of ANS Sympathetic division – ▫ Fight or flight Parasympathetic division – ▫ Regulates resting functions  Ex., digesting food

20 Sympathetic NS “ Fight or flight” response Release adrenaline & noradrenaline Increases heart rate & blood pressure Increases blood flow to skeletal muscles Inhibits digestive functions CNS Brain Spinal cord SYMPATHETIC Dilates pupil Stimulates salivation Relaxes bronchi Accelerates heartbeat Inhibits activity Stimulates glucose Secretion of adrenaline, nonadrenaline Relaxes bladder Stimulates ejaculation in male Sympathetic ganglia Salivary glands Lungs Heart Stomach Pancreas Liver Adrenal gland Kidney

21 Parasympathetic NS “ Rest & digest” system Calms body to conserve & maintain energy Lowers heartbeat, breathing rate, blood pressure CNS Brain PARASYMPATHETIC Spinal cord Stimulates salivation Constricts bronchi Slows heartbeat Stimulates activity Contracts bladder Stimulates erection of sex organs Stimulates gallbladder Gallbladder Contracts pupil

22 Summary of ANS differences Autonomic nervous system controls physiological arousal Sympathetic division (arousing) Parasympathetic division (calming) Pupils dilate EYES Pupils contract Decreases SALIVATION Increases Perspires SKIN Dries Increases RESPIRATION Decreases Accelerates HEART Slows Inhibits DIGESTION Activates Secrete stress hormones ADRENAL GLANDS Decrease secretion of stress hormones

23 Checking for Understanding: Divisions of the NS 1-8: Fill in the blanks! What are the main regions and functions of the CNS & PNS? What is the main difference between the SNS & ANS? 1 4 2 3 5 8 6 7

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