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Managing Infectious Disease

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1 Managing Infectious Disease
Chapter Eleven Managing Infectious Disease

2 Causes of Disease Viruses Bacteria Fungi Parasites invading the body

3 How Disease is Spread Direct contact and droplet spread
Airborne transmission Fecal-Oral transmission Bloodborne transmission

4 Symptoms of Disease Fever Cough Rash Vomiting
Changes in child’s typical behavior

5 Acute Infectious Diarrhea
Caused by viruses and bacteria. Transmitted most often from fecal-oral route. Infectious diarrhea outbreaks are 2-3 times more common among children in early childhood group settings. Children who wear diapers are 17 times more likely to experience infectious diarrhea. Frequent hand washing is critical for prevention.

6 Respiratory Tract Illnesses
Caused by viruses, bacteria, or fungi. Symptoms include fever, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat, ear pain, cough, difficulty breathing, rash. Frequent hand washing and teaching children how to cover their coughs are preventative measures.

7 Skin Infections and Contagious Rashes
Caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi. Sometimes respiratory tract infections are associated with skin infections. Inclusion or exclusion policies for children with skin rashes are case-dependent. Frequent hand-washing helps minimize potential spread.

8 Important Immunizations
Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Tetanus Influenza Chicken pox and measles Pertussis or whooping cough

9 Controlling the Spread of Disease
Hand washing Conducting daily health checks Cleaning and sanitizing Sanitary diapering and toileting procedures Using standard precautions Teaching children preventive health practices

10 Hand-Washing Before eating or feeding a child, whenever handling food
Prior to giving medication to a child Before playing in the water table After using the toilet After diapering or helping a child use the toilet After assisting children to wipe or blow their noises After contacting body fluids of any kind

11 Hand-Washing continued
After providing first aid care After handling animals After playing in the sandbox After handling uncooked food, especially raw meat or poultry After cleaning or sanitizing After handling garbage

12 Proper Hand-Washing Use a child sized sink and warm running water.
Provide children with liquid soap. Show children to turn off faucet with paper towel. Use three steps for washing babies’ hands: Use first moist paper towel with a small amount of liquid soap to wipe child’s hands. Wet a second clean paper towel and use it to wash the child’s hands, wiping away any soap. Use a third clean paper towel to dry the child’s hands.

13 Preventative Messages to Teach
How and when to wash my hands How to blow my nose How my body gets sick How my body tells me I am sick How to cover my cough How to keep my sickness to myself How to take care of myself when I am sick

14 Vaccines for Preventable Diseases
Rare diseases, due to immunizations Highly contagious Serious or lethal Include Pertussis (whooping cough), haemophilus influenzae type b, chicken pox, measles, tetanus, influenza, hepatitis A, rotavirus

15 Common Communicable and Infectious Diseases
Common colds Conjunctivitis (Pink eye) Croup Group A strep infections Ear infections Fifth disease Pinworms Respiratory syncytial virus Tuberculosis

16 Common Colds Upper respiratory infections caused by more than 200 viruses. Spread by sneezing, direct contact through nose blowing, or contact with germs on surfaces. Viruses can survive on contaminated objects for up to several days. Hand washing and sanitizing procedures are best preventative methods.

17 Infections and Acute Illnesses Involving the Skin
Head lice Scabies Ringworm Coxsackie virus (Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease) Bite wounds Staph infections

18 What if… A child in your class bites another child, breaking the skin?
How would you respond?

19 Managing Lice Not associated with poor hygiene and poverty.
Ensure “head checks” at school. If head lice are discovered, children do not need to be sent home immediately. Parents should be notified so treatment can be implemented. Treatment for head lice can be over-the-counter shampoos. Children can return to school after completing treatment. Teachers should remove all play clothing that touches heads. All families should be notified so they can monitor their children for evidence of lice.

20 Bloodborne Infections
Hepatitis B Hepatitis C Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)

21 Common Diseases among Internationally Adopted Children
Viral hepatitis Intestinal infections Tuberculosis HIV infection Skin infections

22 What if… A parent provided you with a bag of supplements to give their child at lunch? How would you respond?

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